Do not look at me, you are proud!

Do not look at me, you are proud!
I can feel your so-blinding glance.
You are hiding in shadows of clouds,
Still are watching me and discuss.
Your beauty is perfect and light,
I’m enjoying your heavenly flight.
Among the stars, that shine so bright,
You are the queen of the night!
Do not look at me, you are proud!
I can feel your so-blinding glance.
Now you are the brightest, no doubt!
All the clouds disappeared at once.
You are blaming me and accusing ...
Oh, my darling, you are so right!
All my feelings are strangely confusing.
Oh, Allah, forgive me!
I want to love with all my heart!
We are changing with you, lovely Moon.
We are similar, me and you.
And we don’t know exactly how soon
Both of us will be fully true!
