Beyond the visible
with all its fascination and its strife
unfolding in front of me and leading
to the unknown - glimpses of the space
of future times, on the walls I’m reading
the awesome eternal love and grace
that stream through pores of our earthly time
and make me search for realms beyond this place,
beyond the visible, beyond what I can touch -
the realms eternal, beautiful, sublime.
This present world – with all its seeming order
is only a waiting room, a hoarder
of our experience of crime
perpetuated on a daily basis
in a variety of texture, forms and phases
destroying us eventually. As such,
the world we see is only a crutch
enabling poor human souls to grope
through mazes of emotions – sorrows, joys,
or fear of the future with its ploys.
This world is just an instrument to cope
with overwhelming powers beyond
the physicality. God has a megaphone.
His voice is breaking through the comfort zone
to reach us finally. The mystery of bond
with the eternal penetrates through pain,
through tears that we’d like to abscond.
Attempts to flee a hurting tend to drain
a searching soul from its inner call.
This ultimately brings the ways of Cain.
We silence our aches with superficial –
with instant recipes of telly, sex or drink,
and killing the ability to think,
ignoring awe-inspiring, sacrificial
and never ending love of the Creator.
A human heart remains the greatest traitor
of very Self, of happiness within
by seeking an allurement of the sin.
We run from flames into blazing fires,
asphyxiating our true desires,
and losing focus on the real hope.
We disregard the aim of the existence
and keep the Life Giver at a distance,
we cannot see beyond this life’s scope,
and for the loss of sight we pay the toll.
Designed for a flight, reduced to crawl.
Instead of freedom – walls of limitation.
How slippery is this perception’s slope
in cosmic passages, when we betray the Word,
when we betray the Spirit of Creation
that was before the matter of this world!
How foolish! How crazy! Aren’t we mad
to treat this life like the latest fad?
Wake up, wake up, wake up, oh human soul,
by treasures of this wicked world enticed!
Celestial bells are ringing, calling all
to give our allegiance to the Christ.
Endeavour for your name in the scroll
of Life be included, for the dome
of Heaven to become your sure roof,
to be your everlasting greatest home
forever safe, and death-and-pain proof.
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