Maybe somewhere in September...  (Russian version)

I'm in a rush, just want to meet you,
Because you are so heartily waiting.
I cannot even disagree to
This day is fine - no overrating.

You're dressed in white, observing snail,
Your thoughts are far away from here.
I kept the smile, didn't fail
And toched you shoulder, coming near.

You flushed, like birds do in surprise,
Back down to Earth, daydreaming loss
But hardly could you critisize,
You laughed with me, stopped being cross.

A pleasant walk down shady alleys
awaits for us among the trees.
Red-ruby strawberries are berries

Unhurriedly and gently taken
by waves we're washed up on a beach.
The river sings its song awaken
And willows try to sort this speech.

Among entangled roots we're talking
Inhaling slowly river waves,
Absorbing wind and shades that crawling,
The shore, the skyline, hills and caves.

We know our fortune is elusive
The sunset's coming far too fast
We feel its smile is delusive
We are attracted, glances cast.

The farewell night is soon proceeding
Ash grey midnight and dawn of amber.
They promise someday there'll meeting -
Maybe somewhere in September...

