Reflections about Creation

I am a tiny piece of God’s creation,
a particle in myriads of grains
of sand, lost like in Great Plains
or in Sahara desert… Who am I?
A poet with a spark of inspiration?
I’m seeking nectar of eternal words
in Bible verses, like a butterfly.
And words elate me like wings of birds.
What for am I, if once I have to die?
What for am I?

For everything God has a final goal.
Without purpose nothing does exist:
all God's created things fulfill their role -
be it an elephant, be it a fishes shoal,
and so on…. you carry on the list.

The splendour of my Father is so great!
Some people have in their eyes plaster,
promoting some Darwinist’ debate.
For atheists creation is checkmate.
Indeed, creation glorifies its Master.
Alas, the  Earth was cursed because of sin.
On cosmic level this was a disaster.
and so many things since then ablate.

Eroded trust in God, eroded love..
The science knows more, but soul – less.
We aim to improve, but what a mess!
Diseases, famine, conflicts, and distress…
Each other or the nature, we oppress,
and what is the solution thereof?

To Adam and to Eve we are akin:
we all inherit their deadly virus,
transgression is attractive and desirous.
Fig leaves, alas, can’t cover human sin,
How many souls are desperate and bruised?
The Earth is too, by humankind abused.

Despite of this, divine purpose shines:
the seeds are still producing crops and harvests,
and gorgeous are trees and mountain lines.
In everything the thought of God confines
the magnitude of colours and designs,
inspiring the poets, singers, artists.

God generously lavishes His grace.
Oh, generation prone to forget,
who made the light of dawn and of sunset!
They after worldly goals prefer to chase,
and blindly, they cannot see their debt,
ingratitude in hearts so firmly set.
Oh let them, let!

It’s not for me to judge
why they have against God begrudge.
For everything there is a place and time.
For each of us a purpose does exist.
How often it’s disguised in a mist.
For me – sometimes to leap, sometimes to trudge
to glorify my God with rhythm and rhyme.

For me - to fill my heart with gratitude
for every blessing, even solitude,
for nothing ends, when I am no more.
My Saviour Christ, I trust, can once restore
my life in all its best and give me rest.
This world will vanish soon. It’s a prelude
to what is waiting patiently in store.

For me – to be the singer of new era,
where God’s creation will be grand again,
magnificent, without wars and pain,
where death and evil are forever slain
and where this life is nothing but chimera.


Great Plains:
a vast prairie region extending from Alberta and Saskatchewan and Manitoba in Canada south through the west central United States into Texas; formerly inhabited by Native Americans

1.(in Greek mythology) a fire-breathing female monster with a lion's head, a goat's body, and a serpent's tail.
2. a thing which is hoped for but is illusory or impossible to achieve.
"the economic sovereignty you claim to defend is a chimera"
