Beauty in the eyes of the beholder

             “Beauty will save the world”.
                F. Dostoyevsky
Deprive the world of beauty,
and morals go bust.
To keep it is the duty.
What good is in disgust?

Art galleries and critics
promote filth and sleaze,
but this, alas, not cricket!
Who’s paying their fees?

Sin aims at younger minds,
destroying at the core,
it’s spiralling. It finds
the way to harm us more.

Who subsidised flirtation
with Satanists’ design?
But beauty is creation
of God. It is divine.

It is, perhaps, connection
that keeps our hearts in flame:
it indicates perfection
for human souls to aim.

Like nectar, it’s enriching.
It brings to hearts a light.
Enchanting, goodness teaching,
it makes the life bright.

It’s harmony, a choice
of good above the bad.
Oh, beauty! Heaven’s voice!
To stifle it, it’s mad.

It is restoring souls,
rejuvenating sight.
Art critics seek loopholes
to make all wrong as right.

It makes the soul grateful,
it cultivates grace.
Why value what is hateful?
Why cherish what is base?

“The eyes of beholder”,
they say. Oh, yes, indeed!
With burning filth you smoulder
or lit by godly seed?

Your eyes are clean or dirty,
your soul is dull or pure?
Or have you been converted
to filth with all its lure?

What is in you makes clear
what do you like in art,
if social engineers
were altering your heart.

Does goodness there reside
or love for vile and rude?
It’s all come from inside –
the evil and the good.


На фото "Вампир в одеянии, изображающем Люцифера"
Церковь Св. Андрея в Лондоне устроила «чёрную мессу» - показ одежды с сатанинским уклоном на фоне масонской символики на алтаре. Всё было задействовано - пентаграммы, черепа и кости, магические предметы, изображения вампиров и прочие символы Падшего Ангела Люцифера. Масонская элита, которая очень сильна в высших эшалонах британской жизни, продвигает свои оккультные ценности повсюду. Одурманенный народ всё «проглатывает».
