Мy only one! Мой Единственный!

My only one!
 (Yana Lorano).

My one and only beloved...;
My only,dear..;
Whom,I love,surely unfailingly;
Without betrayal,
with all my heart;
To whom I gave my heart,
His,pulled out,
of his chest forever!
My favorite,the only;
My dear...dear;
always caring such;
Hot and passionate;
Jealous,dangerous ...
Strong and brave
I'm not scared with you;
My dear,you are,
kind and generous;
In help,no one can refuse;
You,forever,now mine;
I will not give you,
nor to whom...
And I share with you,
I do not want with anyone;
My beloved,the only one,my dear!...

February 5, 2012
