Мы – путники. Вне всякого сомненья.
Нам неизвестна точка назначенья.
На суше, в небесах и на воде,
мы непрерывно движемся везде.
В рождение загадка, жизнь земная –
весь путь, иль только веха? Я не знаю.
Дитя, как свет звезды издалека,
иль, на закате, вспышка светляка.
Судьба – лошадка дикая, над нами
смеётся, на седло со стременами,
плюя, ей уговоры – звук пустой.
Но мы полны идей, шепча, – Постой!
Riders - Poem by Robert Frost
The surest thing there is is we are riders,
And though none too successful at it, guiders,
Through everything presented, land and tide
And now the very air, of what we ride.
What is this talked-of mystery of birth
But being mounted bareback on the earth?
We can just see the infant up astride,
His small fist buried in the bushy hide.
There is our wildest mount- a headless horse.
But though it runs unbridled off its course,
And all our blandishments would seem defied,
We have ideas yet that we haven't tried.
Robert Frost
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