Перевод на английский песни Листья Черный Кофе


In the chilly Autumn mist

Golden leaves are dancing twist

They are spinning in the air

And enjoy the chilly mist.

Golden leaves are dancing twist…


Not too fast and not to slow –

They are moving with a flow.

They are getting high on freedom,

They are shining with a glow…

Not too fast and not to slow…


If the leaves could ever know –

How abrupt would be the fall

To be trampled down and wither

On the ground weak and small?

If the leaves could ever know…

If the leaves could ever know…


But it’s true for all of us -

Freedom takes us to the stars,

And we sacrifice our living

To inhale it even once.

This is true for all of us…

This is true for all of us…


If the leaves could ever know…

If the leaves could ever know…

хороший перевод!

Наталия Баева   07.02.2019 12:22     Заявить о нарушении
Спасибо Вам!

Дмитрий Чеманков   07.02.2019 19:06   Заявить о нарушении
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