Sea of lies

If illiterate, then useless,
The industrial world has come,
Digital, high-tech, wonderful.
Cursors screens, like machines in the fields,
Plow and sow, binary codes,
Smooth lines, clear lines,
Ciphers to open and close,
Different types of locks.
The robot keeps a huge secret for man
Artificial intelligence has hidden from man
Great terrible truth.
People lead people
People are driving people
People will show each other
People tell each other
How wonderful to live
When the sea of lies is so near,
Swim every day,
Swim and splash in a sea of lies.
The truth is only part of the truth
Harsh and terrible truth,
The truth is that everything grows and develops,
Progress and evolution,
There are movements, actions,
But then everything slows down,
And eventually everything will die.
To be born again
After all, death is only a pause
Before the new coil,
New stage of development,
The processes, the movements,
The curtain drops to rise again.
Short pause in person
Between death and rebirth,
A short meeting with a man with God
God knows everything
Speak quickly, briefly and a little,
The soul goes to a new body,
The body goes into a new business,
Paradise is a waiting room
For lovers of new missions.
There, at the depths of this truth,
Hidden from people under the mass of lies.
The man after work connects to the media,
It connects to robots,
Who will not give him the truth
So that he did not get to the truth,
So as not to realize all the senselessness,
To continue to live.
And the man himself, to be pleasant and joyful,
To not think about the truth,
Prefers to swim in a sea of lies.
