It was a routine day for young Doctor Peter Small at the Civic Hospital. He met with the patients of the mental ward one by one to see the progress of the treatment. As he examined the patients he could not miss the extreme sadness in their eyes confirmed by the verbal testimony about their well-being. The treatment was not working as well as it was promised by the drug manufacturer. He was thinking about changing the treatment for another one. But then he thought there is no gaurantee that this one will work. All these treatments were patching the problem, without really addressing the root cause, what actually caused deviation of the mental state of a person from the normal. So to fix the problem, each individual had to mentally go back to that critical event in their life and resolve it, make peace with it, become content and choose a different emotional path. For the people who found this event and resolved it, the chances of positive outcomes were much greater. They could be healed and they could lead normal and productive lives in the society. But for the others life remained miserable. For the people whose lives were filled with negative events since birth it seemed there was no hope. How can I help these people ? - Doctor Small asked himself. Then his phone rang. It was from his wife. He picked up the call:

- Hi honey,
- When are you coming home ?
- I'll be done at 5.
- Can you pick up groceries on the way home.
- Sure.
- Don't forget we have obstetrician appointment tomorrow.
- Yes, I will arrange for time off work

His wife, Laura, was due in 5 days. He was very excited about it. He had to prepare for his new role as the father. He instinctively tried to guard his pregnant wife from any danger and make her as comfortable as possible. During evenings at home they played classical music to the baby and listened to his movements inside the womb. Obstetrician examined Laura and advised to check in the birthing unit in two days. Doctor Peter was present at the birth. It was an unforgettable experience. The baby cried a lot as all babies cry when they are born. The baby needed to be soothed to become calm again. And then it suddenly occured to him. Since the second we are born we are subjected to great stresses, may become agitated and need to be soothed to be calm again. People who learn to be stressed without being agitated and stay calm under stress achieve great success, those who don't suffer in life. We can not eliminate stresses in our lives but we can change how we respond to them. The only place where we were safe from stresses is mother's womb before we were born. What if we could create environment similar to mother's womb for adult people, so that they experience safety from stress again ? This could be very relaxing and beneficial to the person's mental health. The Doctor imagined an oval-shaped container made of soft material inside and filled with liquid. The walls of the containers would be stretchable to take the shape of the person inside it similar to skin of the womb walls. The artifical womb would have sound insulation similar to real mother's womb and can be gently rocked in all directions. A patient would spend 30 to 60 min in the womb to achieve maximum relaxation results. The effect is to quickly remove all stress from the person and come back physically and mentally to the original state where they were safe and happy. The doctor Peter Small designed artifical womb also known as Mother Womb Simulator (MWS), put it in his hospital and observed amazing results. More than 90% of his patients reported improved mood and well-being after only two sessions in MWS. 


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