Dyke, Duke, Duncan, Drake

Dyke, Duke, Duncan, Drake

I saw surnames Dyke and Duke as my genetic cousins, still Duncan and Drake (via my genetic cousin)

Van Dyke , Duke это фамилии части моих генетических кузенов по тестам.

Olga Van Dyke
моя 4-оя генетическая кузена -
 my 4th Genetic cousin on 23andMe.

Van Dyke ,
4 генетическая кузена -это пересечение
по прапрапрапредкам (3-пра- дедушке или  3 пра-бабушке_
я делю с Olga Van Dyke.

И ещё с
+ still more in FTDNA,
my 5st genetic Cousin - Remote Cousin
her ancestors are

Dyke (Orkney Isles),
we shared
35 cM, longest 8 cM
5st genetic Cousin - Remote Cousin

И ещё нашла,

3 разныз челоека в Family Finder,

+ 3 Genetic FF cousins in FTDNA as
or having Duke
25cM-8 cM

5th Cousin-Remote cousin,
4th cousin-Remote Cousin,
5th Cousin - Remote cousin

I have sill my genetic cousins
in Gedmatch

as my   4.8 genetic cousin,
17.8 cM - 11.1 cM  - 4.8 generations

my 4.8 genetic cousin Duncan's
-  4.6 genetic cousin (..)    Drake 
- 4.7 genetic cousin  Wayne King II  (Surnames)
- 4.7 genetic cousin  is () Baldwin,
-------- his 3rd cousin KIng (surname King)

Wayne King II  is 4.7 genetic cousin of my 4.8 genetic cousin Duncan
- (...) Drake is 4.3 genetic cousin  of Wayne King II whom  is 4.7 genetic cousin of my 4.8 genetic cousin Duncan
- Kennery is is 4.3 genetic cousin  of Wayne King II whom  is 4.7 genetic cousin of my 4.8 genetic cousin Duncan

Drake is 4.3 genetic cousin  of Wayne King II whom  is 4.7 genetic cousin of my 4.8 genetic cousin Duncan

... Drake ancestor was
... Drake потомок :

Sheriff of Devon John Dr ASHE
(1500-1588)  и
Anne (Amy) Granville
их сын
Robert Drake of Wiscome Park
(1528-1608), ...
John Drake of Ottoman, Devon, England
John Drake of Exmuth
(1350m Ashe, Dorset, England).   
Sir Bernand Drake of Ashe,
Sir Roger Granville,
Geraldine De Drakes.   

 В плане, тоже на  Д.  пересекается с Duncan . 

my 4.2 genetic cousin.      

Drake   sounds near to Dracule, Drakule.   

Копнула лист

Sheriffs of Devon, in England, 

-  1068-1098   -
Baldwin de Moeles (or de Brienne),
Baldwin FitzGillbert   (Norman magnat),
whom is
youngest son of
 (House of Normany,
(Baldiwn, Count of Flanders)
...,, de Clare,
bastard of Richard I ,
Richard Sans-Peur, 

Richard I ,
Richard Sans-Peur
(28.08.933/934 - 20.11.996)
Герцог Нормандии с 942 годаб
сын Вильгельма I и Спроты.

Был женат дважды.

Первая жена Ричарда IБесстрашного
была Эмма Парижская, дочь Гуго Великого.

Вторая жена была Гуннор де Крепон (умерла в 1031)

У Ричарда I было 9 законнорождённых детей и 3 неофиальных потомком.

Richard I ,
Richard Sans-Peur

Эмма Нормандская
Emma Normandy
(982- 06 Mar 1052)

-  a wife of English King
 Ethelred The Unready
during 1002-1016,

- a wife of
King Cnut The Grand,

- her nephew was English King too,
- some as two sons.

From Wikipedia

The High Sheriff of Devon is the Queen's representative for the County of Devon, a territory known as his/her bailiwick. Selected from three nominated people, they hold his office over the duration of a year. They have judicial, ceremonial and administrative functions and executes High Court Writs. The office historically was "Sheriff of Devon", changed in 1974 to "High Sheriff of Devon".

From Wikipedia

Baldwin FitzGilbert
(died 1086-1091)
Baldwin the Sheriff, Baldwin of Exeter, Baldwin de Meulles/Moels and Baldwin du Sap) was a Norman magnate
one of the 52 Devon Domesday Book tenants-in-chief of
King William the Conqueror.

Surviving motte and ruins of keep of Okehampton Castle,
built by Baldwin FitzGilbert and caput of his feudal barony of Okehampton

He was originally from Meulles or nearby Le Sap, in Calvados, Normandy. He was a younger son of Gilbert, Count of Brionne and Count of Eu, in Normandy.

Together with his eldest brother Richard FitzGilbert, in 1066 Baldwin accompanied William Duke of Normandy in the Norman Conquest of England.

Following William the Conqueror's successful siege of the Saxon city of Exeter,
that king appointed Baldwin castellan of the newly built
Rougemont Castle in Exeter, a royal castle,
and appointed him hereditary
Sheriff of Devon,
which position he held until his death.

Exeter Castle was thenceforth the official seat of the Sheriff of Devon. King William I also granted him the very large feudal barony of Okehampton in Devon, at the caput of which he built Okehampton Castle.


Looking foor his father
from Wikipedia

Gilbert, Count of Brionne

Gilbert (or Giselbert) de Brionne, Counts of Eu and of Brionne
 (c.;1000 – c.;1040),
 was an influential nobleman in the Duchy of Normandy in Northern France. He was one of the early guardians of Duke William II in his minority.

Gilbert de Brionne was son of Geoffrey, Count of Eu, who was an illegitimate child of Richard I of Normandy.

 He inherited Brionne, becoming one of the most powerful landowners in Normandy.

Gilbert was a generous benefactor to Bec Abbey founded by his former knight Herluin in 1031.

When Robert I died in 1035,
his illegitimate son William
inherited his father's title and several powerful nobles, including
Gilbert of Brionne,

Osbern the Seneschal and Alan of Brittany,
became William's guardians


-  Sir Richard Fitz Gilbert
(Richard de Clare)
 (bef. 1035–c.;1090),
m. Rohese Giffard
(1034-aft. 1113), daughter of Walter Giffard, Lord of Longueville
-  Baldwin FitzGilbert (d. 1090)
- William (-after 29 Aug 1060)
- Adela (-Aug 1092), m. Neel II, viscount of Cotentin

Through his eldest son,

Gilbert was ancestor of the English house of de Clare,
of the Barons FitzWalter,
and the Earls of Gloucester (see Earl of Gloucester) and Hertford (see Earl of Hertford).

After Gilbert's death, his uncle William I became Count of Eu whereas Brionne reverted to the duke.


On Russian

Гилберт (Жильбер) де Брионн
 (фр. Gilbert de Brionne; ок. 979/1000 — около марта 1040)
— граф де Брионн с ок. 1015 года, граф д’Э,
сын Жоффруа де Брионна, незаконнорождённого сына герцога Нормандии Ричарда I Бесстрашного.

Гилберт был одним из опекунов малолетнего нормандского герцога Вильгельма, а с 1039 года был фактическим правителем Нормандии, но был убит одним из своих соперников. Гилберт был родоначальником англо-нормандского рода Фиц-Гилбертов (позже — Клеров), игравшего заметную роль в истории Англии.


Гуннора д’Ону (ок. 1084 — ?),
дочь Балдерика Тевтонца, сеньора Баквиль-ан-Ко,
по другой версии — Гуннора де Крепон (ок. 933—1031), дочь Херфаста де Крепона, вдова герцога Нормандии Ричарда I.


- Ричард Фиц-Гилберт
 (до 1035 — ок. апреля 1090),  1-й лорд Клер и Тонбридж, родоначальник английского дворянского дома Клеров

- Гильом де Брионн (ум. после 29 августа 1060)

- Болдуин Фиц-Гилберт (ум. ок. февраля 1090), шериф Девоншира   

-  Адела де Брион; муж: Нигель II де Сен-Совер (ум. август 1092), виконт Котантена


Вынесу отдельно

- Болдуин Фиц-Гилберт (ум. ок. февраля 1090), шериф Девоншира   

 * вот тут я и пересеклась по генетическим тестам с  шерифом Девоншире
Sheriff of Devon  John Dr Ashe (b. 1500, of Ashne Dorsershire, England, d. 04 Oct 1588 Musbury, Devonshire, England, buried in Parish C.  with his wife Anne (or Amy) Granville (birth1513, Stow, Cornwall, England, d.18 Feb 1577, Musbury, Devonshire,  a daugther of Sir Roger Granville and Margaret Whitleigh)

* Sheriff of Devon  John Dr Ashe (1500 - 1588)was the ancestor of John Drake of Exmuth (b. 1350, Ashe, Dorset, England and Christian Billet (b.1354, a daugther of John Billet of Ashne, a mother of John Drake of Ottorton (b.1388),  a grand mother of John Drake of Ottorton (b.1478, Ottorton, Devon, England),  a great grandmother of John Drake of Ottorton (b.1448), a 2nd great-grandmother of John Drake of Ashe (1474 - 1554), whom was a father of Sheriff of Devon John Dr Ashe (b. AT 1500, Dorsershire, England, d. 04 Oct 1588, Musbury, Devonshire,  buried with his wife Anne (Amy) Granville in Parish C.   *One of their some was Sir Bernand Drake of Ashne (1528-1586), another Richard Drake (1535-1607), and another sone was Robert Drake of Wisambe Park (1528-Mar 1600).

***  So, I am a genetic cousin with no any my knowledge of resource of the connection, i remember words of my mother's mother while we lived in USSR land and time, that we had some our closed family relatives abroad before Russian Revolution came with steel barriers and a loss of memory for a better surviving.

**  Drake   is not  Baldwin,
but my father Balzin and my genetic cousins in genetic tests, sime, looking as  Baldwin, Ball, Ballam, Balsham, Balzin, Blair, Brown, etc.
So, i picked sounds closed to my family to read the articles about this history.

*  Нет  Drake фамилия Шерифа Девона в Англии была в 16 веке, я же там просто пользуясь случаем, попутно привела куски информации,  это слышалась часть моей фамилии по звукам как фамилии моегоотца Бальзин.

*  Я не являюсь родственницей и не могу объяснить, как это получилось, что мои генетические кузены есть те, о ком я никогда не знала. Кромеодного:  Ну, бывает.

* Я пользуюсь моментом, просто почитать статьи по Английской истории.

* Но сам факт генетического (не прямого, перекрёстного через других) генетического родства остаётся. И намного интереснее истори в итоге изучать.


From Wikipedia

William the Conqueror

William I
 (c. 1028 – 9 September 1087), usually known as
William the Conqueror
and sometimes
William the Bastard,
the first Norman King of England,
reigning from 1066 until his death in 1087.

A descendant of Rollo, he was Duke of Normandy from 1035 onward.

William was the son of the unmarried Robert I, Duke of Normandy, by Robert's mistress Herleva

Family and children

William and his wife Matilda of Flanders
had at least

nine children:

- Robert was born between 1051 and 1054, died 10 February 1134.
 Duke of Normandy,
married Sybilla of Conversano, daughter of Geoffrey, Count of Conversano.

- Richard was born before 1056, died around 1075.

- William was born between 1056 and 1060, died 2 August 1100.
King of England, killed in the New Forest.

- Henry was born in late 1068, died 1 December 1135.
King of England,
Edith of Scotland,
daughter of Malcolm III of Scotland.
His second wife was Adeliza of Louvain.

- Adeliza (or Adelida, Adelaide) died before 1113, reportedly betrothed to Harold Godwinson, probably a nun of Saint Leger at Preaux.

- Cecilia (or Cecily) was born before 1066, died 1127,
Abbess of Holy Trinity, Caen.

- Matilda was born around 1061, died perhaps about 1086.
Mentioned in Domesday Book as a daughter of William.

- Constance
died 1090,
married Alan IV Fergent, Duke of Brittany.

-  Adela
died 1137,
married Stephen, Count of Blois.

-  (Possibly) Agatha,
the betrothed of Alfonso VI of Leon and Castile.

There is no evidence of any illegitimate children born to William.


From  Wikipedia

William the Conqueror and sometimes William the Bastard,
 was the first Norman King of England,
 reigning from 1066 until his death in 1087.
 A descendant of Rollo, -

Rollo or Gaange Rolf
 (Norman: Rou; Old Norse: Hrolfr; French: Rollon; c. 860 – c. 930 AD)
was a Viking who became the first ruler of Normandy, a region of France.
He is sometimes called
the first Duke of Normandy.


William was the son of the unmarried
Robert I, Duke of Normandy,
by Robert's mistress

Robert the Magnificent (French: le Magnifique,
 22 June 1000 – 1–3 July 1035),
was the Duke of Normandy from 1027 until his death in 1035.

He was the son of
Richard II and brother of Richard III, who preceded him as the Duke.

Robert was the son of
Richard II of Normandy
and Judith, daughter of Conan I, Duke of Brittany.

He was also grandson of Richard I of Normandy, great-grandson of William I of Normandy and great-great grandson of Rollo, the Viking who founded Normandy.

According to the medieval Irish text An Banshenchas and Icelandic sources, another daughter, Cadlinar (Kathleen) was born in Scotland (probably to a Scots mother)
 and married an Irish prince named Beollan mac Ciarmaic,
 later King of South Brega (Lagore).

 A daughter of Cadlinar and Beollan named Nithbeorg was abducted by an Icelandic Viking named Helgi Ottarsson, and became the mother of the poet Einarr .

A genetic investigation
 into the remains of Rollo's grandson,
Richard the Fearless, and his great-grandson,
Richard the Good,
was announced in 2011
with the intention of discerning the origins of the historic Viking leader.

On 29 February 2016 Norwegian researchers opened Richard the Good's tomb and found his lower jaw with eight teeth in it.

 Unfortunately, the skeletal remains in both graves turned out to significantly predate Rollo and therefore are not related to him.

On Russian


Роллон (Ролло; лат. Rollo; ок. 860 — ок. 932) — первый герцог Нормандии (под именем Роберт I), основоположник Нормандской династии, к которой принадлежал английский король Вильгельм I Завоеватель. Также считается основателем шотландского клана Ролло.


*   Имя  Rollon   Роллон напоминает имя Руслан. В "Сказках" А.С.Пушкина.

Из Википедии

Согласно Дудону Сен-Кантенскому и Гийому Жюмьежскому,

Роллон происходил из знатной датской семьи и был вынужден бежать из Дании после смерти своего отца. Скандинавские саги, прежде всего «Сага об оркнейцах», свидетельствуют о норвежских корнях первого правителя Нормандии.

Один из сыновей Рёгнвальда, Турф-Эйнар Рёгнвальдссон стал основателем линии ярлов Оркнейских островов, доминировавших на крайнем севере Британских островов до XII века.

Другой сын, Хрольф (или Рольф) «Пешеход», возглавил крупный отряд викингов.
Он прибыл в 886 году в Западно-Франкское королевство (современную Францию), которую опустошал в течение многих лет.

В 889 году Хрольф, имя которого франки произносили как Роллон, поселился в области нижнего течения реки Сены, совершая набеги на остальные части Франции, включая и окрестности Парижа.

Сен-Клер-сюр-Эптский договор

В 911 году
король Карл III Простоватый,
 не имея сил для борьбы с викингами,
заключил с Роллоном
Сен-Клер-сюр-Эптский договор.

По нему монарх
вождю викингов в лен побережье в районе Сены
с центром в Руане (современная Верхняя Нормандия), Бретань, Кан, Эр
и отдавал в жёны
 свою дочь
а тот взамен признавал своим сеньором
короля Франции
и переходил в христианство.


Роллон был женат дважды.

 Первая жена (возможно, конкубина) —
Поппа (или Попа) из Байё.

Её детьми были:

- Вильгельм Длинный Меч (ум. 942), герцог Нормандии
- Герлок (Адела) (ум. до 962), жена Гильома III Аквитанского
- возможно, Кадлин, жена шотландского короля по имени Бьолан

Второй женой Роллона была
Гизела, дочь короля Карла Простоватого.


Шотландский клан Ролло

Вот собрала так, чуть чуть почитать чтото.

Я простой человек,  родилась и жила в  СССР.  Мы много читали.

"Dyke, Duke, Duncan, Drake"
