The Destination is The Death, No Food Referral For
to British Charity, British Christians.
I came.
I had the special official referral letter.
4 adults here as staff of this place said me their thoughts
this letter to them might be a FALSE
that MAY BE I could wrote this referrer letter on paper myself
as this is
NOT VALID referrer letter
1. no sign Private Confidential Information which must be by Data Protection
2. no sign = the empty graph
3. no date - the empty graph
4. no initials on a place
5. while words said TO CHECK each details for them
6. they provided email but by rules JCP each member staff JCP HAD NOT RIGHTS
to answer to any email to them
(the staff man said he tried to check already plenty referral letters and NOBODY NEVER ANSWERED to him from JCP Officials - they must not to answer by own rules)
7. they provided phone to call to check. But this man called on Friday 18-1-2019 during arranged time for Food Bank meetings and NOBODY answered
and this man said he see this phone MAY BE FALSE
as nobody picked his call.
What is mean
no food
no food
the hungry death in UK
the death in UK
the death
death penalty
no food
a depression
a suicide
the death
the death penalty
no food
a social emotional feelings
violence as the expression of angry feelings
possible deaths
Russian Revolution 1917
started as NO FOOD
Russian Impair state collapsed
with plenty killed,
a bloody mess
a loss of each property items was
British State used a budget money
to keep
British Officials
busy to create revolutions
or busy
the death penalty
the death
in UK
British Laws said no permit for the death penalty in UK land to no one!
(including to these killers of British children too here or pedophiles)
Job Center Plus British Officials
to create to organize
social response
of angry people
British Laws said
there are a social minimum as a surviving minimum in UK<
each British Citizen MUST had this minimum of surviving or more.
But this mean
1. They send me to a
The Magdalene Centre,
NG17 2EB , UK
England, UK,
Great Britain
British Charity NO 1134798
under the full control of British Officials JCP (Job Centre Plus), UK
1. nobody gave you any food on your ask, on their British "Christian" Charity
2. they say you need
to travel
to nearest town Kirkby-in-Ashfield,
to Ashfield JCP Official in Kirkby-in-Ashfield
to ask the referral form, issue 8A, May 2018 for a food parcel
for MARYSFOOD BANK@SUTTON in Sutton-in-Ashfield
3. nobody will replaced any travel bus tickets as this always from Ashfield Council not to do what Nottingham did for unemployed as a free bus tickets.
4. there is
not any free bus service
between Sutton-in-Ashfield and Kirkby-in-Ashfield,
so, if you a pregnant woman, a disable, weak, in age, ill, with a temperature,
you may just not able to walk on own
from Sutton-in-Ashfield town to Ashfield Council in Kirkby-in-Ashfield,
3. They gave a food parcel each Friday 13.30-15.00 just, so, when their staff will refused to you to provide a food parcel (as this was me as Elaine Malby gave me her letter with no her sign here and a dater her, and so, a refuse in a food parcel on such her "referral form letter straight"as for me was,
as "not enough signatures, or something,
- you will be not able to walk to Ashfield Council Office , JCP Official to ask to put the missing signature. While you will walk, sit in a que, waiting, returned walking back, - all will be closed down already: NO FOOD
You may say this is impossible.
You may ask eldery pensions, and they will say you what for me and from me:
If our British Government will give you somethings a little near to a surviving living minimum by one hand, their next hand, they worried this would be much to many, will take a lot, living you on some near minimum or less de-fact.
If you a private pensioner, Housing Benefit element will be always low a rent, making you to borrow money from your Living Element benefit, so, from money to buy a food supply, an electricity, a gas supply, a heating, a juice (no juices) , a meat (no meat), no fish, not veg, no fruits
If you will have this, you never believe in any bla-bla-bla in double-faced words !We are ONE BRITISH NATIONS!" when one had a good food, and another happy to eat a food from a Dust-bins as their luck.
You tried to find a job, - no jobs locally and no your fault if employers prefer to pick youngest not people in age 55+, just no jobs, no working places.
I worked as a Care Assistant, but I damaged badly my back, moving fast to safe my client, i saved, he just sat down safe on his chair, not feld down on a floor.
I was a great, i saved my client from worse too, but i damaged my back, had a sign from a work and not able not to sit not to walk not to lie down, all was painful.
Straight after this I had cases as i started to had a loss of a control of my muscles and i feld down suddenly couple times, was really painful all.
I could not return back to a job, so. This would be not safe not for me not for clients.
But hard to find a job when you 55 and as i am now 57. Nobody wants you,
and more no wants you as you another Ethnic as me is Russian Ethnic.
British PM did a fashion to blame Russia and Russian in each their own personnel fantasies since May 1945 as The Cold War from the own partner during WWII.
I imagine someone came each morning and during a night to come to a windows to stay to look to check:
- Have these terrible aggressive Soviet Russians Army came in Great Britain in this morning? putting all their red color flags on each building in UK?
- No, nobody came today at morning and during this night, ... - The Guards replied calmly softly politely.
- Have these terrible aggressive Soviet Russians Army came in Great Britain in this morning? putting all their red color flags on each building in UK? , - someone looked though windows at morning and during a night, again, and each morning since May 1945 as this.
- No, nobody came today at morning and during this night, ... - The Guards replied calmly softly politely, and this was such each morning, each day.
Do you think someone would saw clearly what was was just a fantasy?
One day, another day, one year, another years.
No change and always:
- No, nobody came today at morning and during this night, ... - The Guards replied calmly softly politely, and this was such each morning, each day.
But to see this as nobody came so your worries and blames was on a base of worries and fantasies this all was just impossible for British Lords, British Citizen UK.
1991 - May 1945 = 46 years of The Cold War with worries each days:
during 46 long years worries:
- Have these terrible aggressive Soviet Russians Army came in Great Britain in this morning? putting all their red color flags on each building in UK? , - someone looked though windows at morning and during a night, again, and each morning since May 1945 as this.
- No, nobody came today at morning and during this night, ... - The Guards replied calmly softly politely, and this was such each morning, each day.
Just 1991 passed, USSR collapsed, USSR dropped in 15 parts. Each part on a private property ownership base similar to UK economics as some twins, just missing raisins and double cream luxury of British Monarchy presence.
And all started again.
- Have these terrible aggressive Russians Army came in Great Britain in this morning? putting all their red color flags on each building in UK? ,
- someone looked though windows at morning and during a night, again, and each morning since May 1945 till 1991, and again, some.
No, i would not say this time NO WORRIES! Nobody have came or come and will come,
as people in Russia changed to start to think on this way:
- Look, our grandfathers came to Berlin in May 1945 to stop WWII, - they had put their red flags in Berlin - but we saw as this had not finished WWII for as as The Cold War started straight for from side of our closed allies Great Britain and USA still from EU! So, this was a greatest mistake to stop our Army in Berlin not to go to London to take England and to free British people! to join to be with us as Soviet people and Soviet Citizen USSR and co-owners of all properties of USSR some as we all are here!
So, I wish to congratulate our British Politicians with their huge job to move people whom had not wanted any war with Great Britain and whom were been fully satisfied with the size of USSR land
not to be involved in any thoughts of taking Great Britain land
to plenty people, changed their mind as they said this
just impossible to live in own country peacefully
while we see all British Top Politicians always busy to create wars and The cold Wars and ruins of our economics, our country.
So, people whom were being loyal to British people, Great Britain, enjoying English culture, English and Scottish heritage, - our British Politicians did all possible and impossible over to turn loyal to UK people as Russian people to people started to talk we look we need to take UK land to be our land or this never finished, these people will be blame us to ruin our economics and country over and over.
The Highest British Social Classes never look other people would be people equal to them.
just their servants to be used as their servants
We saw the collapse of British Impair as via the attitude of humiliation people of other Ethnic Groups, languages, cultures, religion, etc.
This lesson had not worked, all the some.
You live in UK and plenty British Officials liked to ask British Citizens from which country they from? - to point you are a strange not as we are as true-local British!
Yes, I am not a true-local British Ethnic, making their official state
The British Questionnaire:
- What is your religion?
- Why do you ask this? You read this, - so this point will making your choice?
- Are you Protestant or Catholic?
- Why do you ask this? You read this, - so this point will making your choice?
- What is your Ethnic Group?
- Why do you ask this? You read this, - so this point will making your choice?
- What is your sex? female? male? undefined?
- Why do you ask this? You read this, - so this point will making your choice?
- What is your sexual orientation?
- I afraid, already nothing, no sex from 2006 as i am living in UK and sick from this all and so sort question taking to force to open a human inner life to open public Zoo cell life -where I may put this? no lines?
- What is your sexual orientation? Are your Lesbian? Gay? Heterosexual?
- Why do you ask this? You read this, - so this point will making your choice?
- Had you changed your sex once or more during your life start from your birth?
- I am a sick from all these true-born-in UK stupid forced aggressive sexual mind ill questionnaire!
- Had you changed your sex once or more during your life start from your birth?
- Why do you ask this? You read this, - so this point will making your choice?
- Had you changed your sex once or more during your life start from your birth?
- Why do you ask this? Are you a sexual mental ill British Officials Clubs UK?
- Had you changed your sex once or more during your life start from your birth?
- Why do you ask this? as this a personnel issues and a bad manners to force to open other people life and mind to you?
- Had you changed your sex once or more during your life start from your birth?
What is your sexual orientation? Are your Lesbian? Gay? Heterosexual?
- I just wish to leave UK land and I am sick and hate all typical true-born in UK English-languages true-British.
I mean
you go to courses to lean English or any subjects.
British Government obligated each British student to fill Their True-born in UK British Questionnaire or if you refused, they refused to you to be a student.
you try to find a job, and this mean you need to fill your answers for this British Questionnaire. If you will refuse to do this, - they refuse to take your application for a work, which is a discrimination you, be honest, but they do this easily, making to low you to show their power.
Nobody filled this in USSR.
This means, the life in USSR is more mental health normal.
You came to any work and if they had a free places, they obligate to pick you on this place. Jobs done!
UK rules, 1 jobs to collect over 100 applications to pick 25 or 10 for Interview for other tests, assessments, and you may never was 1st as not quick enough to run as 15-16-17 yo boys and girls with rules to pay less to them.
I fed up to fill repeatedly some British Questionnaire as the play of mind British Top Politicians in power in UK, - and not receive a work.
Nobody looked for the honest employee as for a good double faces cream gel employer whom able to say this our good which so rubbish is the excellent quality you dream to have.
Plenty picked theirs from their own social circles and if you are not theirs you will be outside of them.
I red as some Russian spy girl had a warm play in British Parliament.
I am living in UK over 21 years, University Diploma as a Mathematician, - nobody gave me any working place as BRITISH CITIZEN LIVING IN UK, MOTHER OF TWO BRITISH CITIZENS, GRANDMOTHER OF TWO BRITISH CITIZENS, - no work for as my Ethnic Group is Russian Ethnic, - each had a fear to employ me to have possible trouble of spying for the, their clients, their colleges, each prefer to avoid troubles so me too.
What do I feel as a British Citizen Russian Ethnic not having a work, reading
as our British Lords employed some young pretty Russian Spy Student (or not, better to say such: nobody proved that young Russian lady Zaduyveter or something was a Russian Spy, - but OTHERS THOUGHT SUCH WAY ON HER but they employed any way.
Plenty British Citizens UK had not a work?
I would like to have this sweet place near British Lord, to have a good earnings to spend, too.
What was worse with me? I am 55-57 yo and not 20+ as this Russian young Lady spy or not spy?
So, our British Politicians picked foreigners from abroad not from lists of British unemployed people, whom wanted to have a work here in UK too?
I read to understand this all and i saw what was a huge difference as not just the age group: money, Lady Zaduyveter was from a rich or richest Russian family with a good links.
So, people try to British people and employers tried to pick people from the "rights" social class groups.
I mean, if we will NOT do some revolution in UK< we will NOT have plenty work here for us as British Citizens UK never: always our British rich people will be pick just someone from abroad as better choices for them.
I would agree with any other people choices to do in their life as better to them,
but this left no chances for me and for other British Citizens UK, especially in age 55 yo + to be employed and this mean the unemployed status of a low poorest life with no enough food, heating.
and when you fed up,
they referrer YOU for their FOOD BANK
not giving a food parcel to you,
so, probably, YOU as just a FOOD in their FOOD BANK ?
See, -- British Official on duty had not signed a letter: invalid letter without a sign, = no food by such "referrer letter".
YOUR destination - THE DEATH!
Say me, why do British Officials JCP and British Government UK so HATE all us, British Citizens UK?
Plenty British pensioners in age sold their houses to move to stay to die abroad, - in France, Spain, any place, as just not in Great Britain with a true-born in UK British Ethnic Politicians in power, making a life of British Citizens UK are so uncomfortable torture and a humiliation.
- Are you seeing these Russian Soviet Army though windows at morning? Are they came to take English British land to them this morning? Are you seeing them all here coming a lot since May 1945 each day and hour, all in UK?
- Are you seeing plenty Soviet Russian tanks this morning on streets UK? Not ? all the some as since May 1945?
- Do you know the weight of a heavy Soviet Russian tanks? and how easy they may cross The Atlantic sea British Channels just as small ferry boats all?
- Or a;; Soviet Russian tanks may flight as UFO on sky? So, all worried to wake up to see plenty Soviet Russians tanks flighting in British SKY? some way flights as British witches on their broomsticks during 300 years of Middle Age, isn't?
Why do British people so hate local woman?
British man tortured killed English women during 300 years, blamed they might be witches on broomsticks! (vibrators? to flight during nights?)
See. British man, looked as a military sport forms man he refused to provide a food parcel to me, saying his personnel thoughts that THE OFFICIAL LETTER JCP ARE REFERRAL LETTER FROM ELAINE MAYBE WORK COACH MAY BE A FALSE LETTER which I AM AS Miss EANNA INNA BALZINA-BALZIN wrote to me on my own TO TAKE A FOOD PARCEL from FOOD BANK from THE Christians of Sutton-in-Ashfield and all! as from
The Magdalene Centre,
NG17 2EB , UK
England, UK,
Great Britain
British Charity NO 1134798
under the full control of British Officials JCP (Job Center Plus), UK
Look, their boxes FOOD BANK stay in each superstore and plenty customers of British superstores put their free gift donation food.
So, while people donated to British Charity, British Charity prefer to keep all not spread.
I saw he stopped me, but he stopped someone else too, coming after me.
This military shaped man said me he tried to check these referral form letters, he wrote to emails of JCP Officials to check their letters but NOBODY REPLIED TO HIM NEVER AS NOT PERMITTED TO REPLY.
I said: - I know, some or me was when i tried, they said me they had rules not reply, they could not.
I mean if no sign - no food, any check by email - a silence,
this man called to their numbers - nobody picked a call to reply.
I mean i do not know, this looks no me one some.
I had a fear now to go to JCP or to FOOD Bank as this look they send people as British Citizen UK to FOOD BANK not to GIVE food, so, for WHAT?
I was in Mansfield Bus Station on days prior Christmas 2018. This was a busiest times always, always with plenty customers to do shopping.
I had been shocked: no one was in a daily time. just me and 2-3 and empty public buses and empty Bus Station in Mansfield.
Were are all humans? people? all as disspaired?
May be someone as FOOD BANK ate them all?
I sure British Government may arrange payments as a minimal surviving elements straight to bank account of each British Citizen UK to avoid visits JCP to humiliate people here, and the tax system will know this fact, so, if a person will work, will have more money always and if ill or something broken or a loss of a work, or his-her financial supporters, it will be on a financial minimal living support payment so not died from a hungry death.
Each British Bank may easy read the location as inside UK or outside UK
Each British Bank may provide the identification of own client by bank card and a pin number.
So, the new arrangement payment straight to Bank accounts of each British Citizens would be the stop of their fears and the humiliations them.
British Officials JCP are people liked to put others in fears, the fears and the stress.
This worked and after a while you start to feel as you do not want to work to fed British Officials if they play their dirty tricks to put you in fears or keeping you with NO FOOD FOR YOU rules and REFUSES.
Look, to make taxes - to feed British Officials whom do not pity you in a troubles.
I had my own property, 3 bedroomed house
on 36 Bentinсk Close, Boughton, NG22 9HR UK ,
my ex-husband had the loss of his health mobility and his job and his income
so, your shared property had been sold.
I had ;70,000 pounds , 70 k per years till 2010 and i started to have ;0 since September 2010. Our house had been sold but all gone to pay back a mortgage debt.
The good financial life collapsed and i never was able to up again, still i damaged my back and a high pressure issues and a anemia started.
I saw as this easy to have a loss of everything plenty times.
I worked since 13 and my Soviet pension would from my 55 yo age.
But USSR collapsed in 1991. I was 30 yo age. Latvia wrote me as Alien, a person without any Citizenship.
Latvia and Russia put all my old pension fond till 0 zero. so, years of work to nothing, all stollen from me.
UK would not accept my work as a mother for a time i lived outside UK, so, when British mothers had money from UK and pensions stamps, i had a loss.
I fed up to work and to have ruins and losses.
My 1st marriage for 17 years was. I left with nothings for taking my kids with me.
My 2nd marriage was for 12 tears. I was a victim of domestic violence and left to save us two from more worse, i divorced.
I tried survive on my own, and not find a working place as 55, 56, 57, always more younger more quick. and as My Russian Ethnic Group had worked against me to be employed too.
But native language of your mother as a love of your mother, - you can not refuse from your mother, in a poor or in a rich, any days.
Knowns said me to lie to British employers somethings, but i am in age - ia may be just me as I am. This is all.
Regards to readers, i hope you well. Have a nice day,
PS I cut my long hairs on 21-1-2019 complitly, I am a bold now.
I have not money to pay for my haircut and do always on own as I could.
I started older and not able to make my self-haircut as i was able,
always as a bold head. just tidy.
I always cut to a bold head if some British man humiliated me here in UK.
This time i cut my eyebrows too.
Women of Middle Age time did this with their eyebrows, hairs, probably,
they felt the some what I felt and feel as a women here, living in UK.
If you are Russians from Russia will put these "true-born in UK British English-speaking British Officials JCP of British Government in your land, - all your pretty Russian girls and women look will be some as my now after a humiliation, blames, all.
We are not able to protect ourselves, we are much too soft, polite, friendly, kind, open, emotional.
We can not protect ourselves from a cruelty, aggressions, evil, all, especially with our attitude to forgive and help to others.
so, if you do a huge mistake to open doors of Russian for foreigners, - you just not able understand not going through all what this
I realize just living in England that The Closed Doors of USSR clubs protected all us, women and kids here.
I would never opened doors of my country USSR for anymore.
We and our country helped to others to be in ruins after and beaten, blamed, killed. They killed our ex-Soviet Citizen and their descendants in Ukraine in Donbass, our Soviet houses, schools, kindergartens, churches, houses in towns and villages, i doubt they will stop their behavior not to spread bit by bit, part by part.
We do a huge mistake as USSR and Soviet Army not came to take London, England to be inside USSR.
We might live just having our country USSR, they could not live having just their own countries as they hated and hate us. The USSR collapsed in 1991, ruined, all, finished, - they started to bomb Donbass Ukraine to kill our ex-Soviet Citizens USSR and their decedents, - houses of our Soviet Soldiers whom helped to end WWII to save British asses and British properties.
We were being allies during WWII. Great Britain and British people betrayed their own allies during a hard war time, ruining the country and economics.
USSR had a loss of 50 billions Soviet people during WWII time.
English-speaking Top Politicians are thinking "THIS IS NOT ENOUGH!
I think they had somethings as a mental illness.
- Have Soviet Russian Army came this morning or during this night to Great Britain to stay, John?
- No, Mum! Some as from May 1945 year till now 2019 year
- Look better, dear John! They may attack us during this day? or evening or the next night or at morning!
- Yes, Mum! All as you said me, Mum!
Each day from May 1945 till 1991
- Have Soviet Russian Army came this morning or during this night to Great Britain to stay, John?
- No, Mum! Some as from May 1945 year till now 2019 year
I mean you never may do here really.
They saw enemies. Each American President worried some ENEMIES MAY CAME TO USA LAND.
- Dear John, what are your news? Russians attacked us during this night or at this morning?
- No, Sir! No Your Highest! All some as during OVER 300 YEARS! THEY HAD NOT ATTACK US!
- Look better, John! They may attack us before the dinner time or during our dinner time! Say to hef-Cook to bring my Dinner to my Oval Cabinet for me to be near phones straight when they attack us today!
- Yes, Sir!
- And please, call to bring me this... pizza with Monica!
- Monica was a fact of American history, the Cold War was a fact of American and British history, - this evil Soviet Russian Army had not came to UK and USA! So evil people, these Russians, these Soviets, see!
But one day they will come. See, John.
Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin
"British UK The Hungry Death No Food Referral Form"
"The Destination is The Death, No Food Referral Form"
"My new British self-haircut from 21-01-2019 in UK"С
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