Some verses for children


The summer has gone,
It`s rainy and cool.
The bell rings: “Ding-Dong,
You`re welcome to school!”


A clock has face,
A clock has hands.
Sometimes it goes,
Sometimes it stands.


One, two, three, four,
I`m standing at the door.

Five, six, seven, eight,
I`ve got candies on the plate.

Nine, ten, eleven, twelve,
They`re yummy. Help yourself!


One, two, three, four,
I`m knocking at the door.

Four, three, two, one,
Come on, guys,
Let`s play and run!


Remember, Pussy,
It`s a vice –
The defenseless mice!


Here is
A little house
Where lives
A little mouse.


The sun is shining high above
Presenting tenderness and love.
Come on and dance along the way,
Enjoy a happy summer day!

Now it`s raining cats and dogs,
Horses, cows, mice and frogs…
Go home, hide away
On a rainy autumn day.

It`s snowstorming now and cold.
Don`t forget your hat and coat.
You can sledge and ski today
On a frosty winter day.

Snow`s melting along the lane.
Spring has come. It`s warm again.
Soon we`ll see green leaves and grass,
And the birds will sing for us.


I like my little Teddy-Bear,
There cannot be a better friend.
We walk together everywhere
Although he`s so corpulent.

He`s fond of eating sweets and honey
And grumbling like a bumble-bee.
My little Teddy`s so funny.
He`s always glad to play with me.

И Вас - с прошедшими праздниками! Мои наилучшие пожелания в наступившем году!

Надежда Радченко   14.01.2019 08:13   Заявить о нарушении
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