All this,just like that,
can not be forgotten;
And the riot of colors,
the joy of the soul!
About these,mountains,
slopes, boulders,
Their power and strength,
oh this spirit,
They stand all antiquity,
not leaning;
The greatness of the ancient,
huge rocks,
It delights,and you can,
praise all your life!
Lakes, rivers,
waterfalls, oh yeah,
Oh, how beautiful it all is;
Cold seas,and the ocean,
whose color is in the eyes of men,
and the cloudiness of the sky;
And the sky is clear,
in the eyes of children,
Riddles, secrets, moss,
swamps, yes swamps, bogs,
The forests of emerald,
wise and dark,
What, in the female eyes, cast;
Sparkles lights,
and that brilliance in the eyes,
Magical,bright,shines all!
This changeability,
of weather and rain,
That,the sun is bright,
warm rays warm us;
That, suddenly,gusts,
a sharp wind,
It is refreshing,
quick, fresh;
Come, understand what,
nature wants, is it here ?!
But,I like it very much,I'm here!
How much,and how many,
antiquities are there,
castles and palaces,
It's all here,a real,
treasure of hearts;
Wealth of souls,
in these people there,
And something in common,kinship,
maybe similarities,
were found in them;
I can not believe,
but having been,already,
only once,
You will leave there,
part of the soul,
and heart forever!
Oh these thoughts,
they boil,around,
just inspiration,
You are impressed,
deep down;
And my dreams,
they are full,
one full of Scotland,
In dreams,she always,
comes as if waking;
And you will forget,
again,all that was before;
And it will become,
so free and easy,
And she will take and conquer again,
Making again love her alone!
24 November 2018.
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