17. ingl. some reasons stated as fon, крыловичothe
..... I shall list codes either words, or reduction of words, that you will meet at programming in this language. / Basice/. On Two Top numbers(lines) of keys.
1. Letter, figure, and other__marks препинания. Sometimes part of marks are not displayed, for example there are no Russian letters, but only the English letters, as in initial Синклер Спектруме. That is: A, and, B, b, C. with, D, d or And,, In and and,, in,. Figures: 1, 2, 3. 4. Marks препинания: are applied;: " " and Point. And point! In decimal calculation there is a Difference! In Russia the Point is applied: 3, 14 -
3, 62- 100, 09886.
In England put a Point: - 3.15 - 3. 45656. The computer understands number Equally both from a Point, and with a Point. But at programming it is important. For example in a typical line: an EXAMPLE 1. 10_PRINT_AT_1,0; " the First program " Here in "xxxxx" in brackets the Text Anyone, that wish to see on the screen, as on Russian, and in English. _ the mark means a BLANK. If up to " " what NOT SO TO WRITE, the computer WILL SPECIFY what Word or point not SO ARE WRITTEN. Also there is one more function.
Pair of lines gives a typical line, and it is possible to admit(allow) Mistakes, that!!
After Numbers of a line, here - 10, the BLANK is necessary! So 10 PRINT, 10PRINT the computer or WILL NOT UNDERSTAND, or signs as VARIABLE, that is value that Varies! Above I wrote, that Russian any word on - английски precisely will write with MISTAKES and simply having pressed on a key "P" плучите –you have-/ PRINT/ - word COMPLETELY, and AT, as receive, having pressed a key "I". Other codes as ARE NOT WRITTEN ON БУКВЕННО- symbol _letters-, in each line there will be TENS MISTAKES.
On that any mark, the command such as PRINT has DIGITAL GIVEN.
For example = 123, and № - 100. As the letters, both Small, and Header, And the COMPUTER, having received a CHAIN of FIGURES, does(makes) that that, that is reacts,say, on: 1, 2, 123, 0. 45667667, 12, 234, and if you admit(allow) a mistake, as ОШЕБКу write, receive двойку_bad _Rating for knowledge, and the computer will be specified BY(WITH) WHAT variable, or letter that that with it(her) not so.
- A pier, I to not understand you!
- NOW codes and words on first two Top numbers(lines) of keys. 1, 3...... 9, 0 either Figure, or Colour of Ink, Letters - Paper 2, ОШИБКА_ PAPER_2, Ink3 - mistake _ INK 3 Then you will meet < > or <=>. It is necessary for example AT CALCULATIONS, example: A < > 100. LINE- a line, or НАПИСОВАТЬ a LINE as a rule of CERTAIN length. OPEN, CLOSE, that that To open To close. MOVE - accordingly TO MOVE, last three Verbs. ERAZE - TO ERASE, for example that was on the screen, and is команда_CLS. Reduction from words Clear Screen - to clear the screen, for example that remained. And here it is necessary slightly to tell about STRUCTURE.
Prompt. In the book I shall repeat " author Капульцевич - HOW TO WRITE GAME FOR ZX SPECTRUM – Капульцевич КАК НАПИСАТЬ ИГРУ ДЛЯ ZX SPECTRUM" in the beginning you will make prompt, for example will nominate keys - Upwards, Downwards, To the right, To the left, Джойстик_joy stick , or To load a Level. Спектрум kept on the Cartridge of the tape recorder and game like ACADEMY – Стрелялка_shutter in space, it was possible to play though month, подгружая_loading_ пройденные Levels. Now IBM levels keep on a hard Disk, it in Спектруме was not, as well as disk drive! All is connected to memory.
First had ALL ГО THAT 64 KILOBYTES of MEMORY. At what about THIRD had already at manufacturing and programming the LOADED CODES, and approximately 30 kilobytes was used for loading games, Programs. And is farther САМММ! To ПРОГРАМММ_you and you doing!!!
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