14 ingl. some reasons stated as that not, крылович
....... P/s. The links to the book And will be farther. Капулцевич, And. Капульцевич, And. Евдокимов " HOW TO WRITE GAME ЖДЯ_ДЛЯ_for ZX- SPECTRUM - 1995 ". Publishing house "ПИТЕР", Санкт Петербурхс, became to be Санкт Leningrad таперь_ in this times! –
Чо, you have opened a mouth, how a door? Not слыхал_see about the book this? So, sit покучней around! I also shall begin ка__so, the story in this - inopportune hour! That is - early, on morning, well wake up! Чо, прикорнул_ you sleeping! In those of year, rich, криминалом_crime taken! Roofing felts in captivity? Ан! Can as, only true fool - did not rave with wild
силою, about the telephone with мобилою! Who could - those bought, and in мобилы telephone those, болтали! In same древни__old_old_ times, развеселая_an joke_ the country has learned(found out) that: Mill Pardon! - / can not be! / there is a computer! It(he) from the countries - rather distant, and народец there - китайцы is delivered,! All of them there – хуныейбины_ВЛКСМ CHINA, on буржуев_oligarch_ bent a back, but, кормпутеры клепали_ computers doin. And Россею New CCCR delivered them, огоромная орда_ many, many mens_ , that almost, as a locust on open spaces расплодилась _ be to be!! From Caucasus up to Siberia! Well, and these Shuttles, fish soups and шустренько they have delivered to us on a fun, though from панды иху bear fur_it was possible for fur at once купити_to buy! If in forces – заплатити_ to change! Also paid! As for the house: for компутер__computer, telephone! Those who was олигархи_ Puissant rich mans! Here робяты_ big boy_, as запарке_ working hardly__, local Кулибины, кой чо надыбили_ do! And here Спектрум появилси_He doing computer Spectrum!!!! And, certainly, пригодилси! Both for schools, and for cinema, and - underground Casinos! Fish soups, as money littered, on базараз__sity hool! As if in Chile, ours местно дурачье_ clowns ! Not about it, and about that, shall tell ка_ tell_ you now about
to the PROGRAM At EARLY o'clock!! - the programs see a sheet! Also there is a command, as _List, that is List, Зачисленье yes +++, иль - Кой _ or_that Перечисленье Yes +++++! Иль_Or_: names, or money, иль a banana ной of a peel! As there will pass the command - List, the computer at once хлобысть CPU_broken hart! THE LIST emission! We consider(count)! Коль If__in the programs sense we know.
Эх! Ours where did not vanish! And, now I shall tell, раскумекаю to it(him), well, who about the programs heard even: Пете, Даше, Маше and, Крылову even Саше __names! That of the programs it(he) does not write - it(him) it not колышит_ bit in barbarian in head! Below than explanatory: to YOU for mastering.
Слово_ Word__List-, certainly Code! Подчеркну_ i say, not значит_КОТ__a Cat! A CODE the computer all will understand! That that in дебрях _ fool taiga in brain will turn, and it will turn out - хуть чо_ All_ and all!!! Though the program or, чо?Let you that NOT КОЛЫШИТ! Not вВОЛНУЕТ us, you! In, such х *** ня! A word сиречь, that is Бранное_yes not spiking word for pretty company! At all - not desired! РАСКУМЕКАТЬ - to tell, головою – помотать – heat turn to turn many times! - Has grown! You, look with what, and почто _ Why! such STUPID(BLUNT)! With a head склокоченной __The not brushed head you, idea – развороченной_ destroyed_! Though there idea, also did not go! Be you with us Крестна Force – O! Main Good! ! As орудье from дебила _ an stupid man!!! Wanted all TO CLEAR, it has turned out - TO STIR UP! And to confuse and соврать – speak not true!! I continue - to continue!
- Border, Ink and to them СLS! Not understandable. Absolutely! As I am able, I shall tell also by example - I shall confirm!
- BORDER - EDGE(TERRITORY), ОКРАЕК, on the screen it(he) WAS BRIGHT! Коль __If_of a STRIP ТАМА RAN, the program LOADED! And коль __if_the strips are not present! Not ма_have it!~! That х ** in ** ва*я* the program! Frank х ** н ** I! And PROGRAM NOT ГРУЗИТСЯ_ not Load – it is Code for computer!
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