8 ingl. some reasons about programming in basice в
THE ORDER In the PROGRAM: CODES, OFFER of Page 4, 5, 6.
.. Approximately at the same time, when массово_many the literature both about work on the computer, and about programming has appeared. Some words in the beginning.
For contact to the computer. Then there were programs, that tried more or less successfully to advance a way of Language dialogue with the computer. Casually I saw such program of the Snakes Горыныч_Змей Горыныч. She(it) was adjusted in the beginning to feature of your vote, Learned(found out) you, through a microphone, and then executed what that of the command. Can not on this subject tell, but now like would go works with the language interface, that is management of a vote in more detail.
And so right at the beginning, as you just include the computer, at installation of system up to Windows 2000 already it was necessary to know Bases of programming.
INSTALLATION of the PROGRAMS WINDOWS 95, 98, 2000, Millenium.
There are Two ways of installation:
1.ItisPossibletoEstablishИНСТАЛЛИЦИОННЫЙ_The(installed) not copy a product.
2. It is possible to establish from the SECOND HARD DISK. More in detail..
As Windows, and programs and games occurs so: you put a disk CD or DVD, and the disk STARTS ITSELF. But simply TO COPY a folder or directory it is impossible, as well as simply to establish for example game, simple copying. I shall begin to not be immersed, but as Windows, and the games ADJUST the system block under system or game, program. Put for example, weight of Drivers, that are necessary that a video the map would process flows of a video. But what to establish particularly Windows 95, 98, 2000, Меллениум_Millennium it is necessary at first or, To erase the Previous version Windows, which is not started from behind viruses, or other reasons. Thus there is a Formatting, that is the disk is broken into Sectors, as for example дольки_ sector in an orange, and in this case hard disk finds everything, that is necessary for work. In the versions Windows is higher НР the Loading diskette is not necessary, that has the minimal set of the programs what to start the system block and such Loading diskette took at familiar, or she(it) turned out at Installation.
Having typed С: // + having pressed on Еnter you passed to a disk With, on which are as a rule Windows, and having typed(collected) - DIR see(overlook) that there is. As it is possible to read that is on other hard disks, if is: D. E. F and so on. D://DIR-for example
Having typed(collected) C: // format c - you Will format, that is will erase the Previous system, that is not started, and ambassador establish Windows again.
Having established through the command DIR, where there is a folder with the version Windows on the hard disk previously Which has been written down there.
We admit(allow): Windows 98, that you decide(solve) to establish is on a disk D: in a folder: Win98. There there is a file setup.exe, as will start installation. = D:// Win98
Sets D: // Win98/setup.exe + Enter and, there will be an Installation, and if I, or you that will confuse that in a Line, there will be a message such as " the wrong command ". D::/ wiN 89 // suttup, exe will give precisely, what that message. It = D://Win98/setup.exe
That the BASIC is very similar to programming in language, and on an example of number, that went on ТВ of years 10 to that, and WE SHALL WRITE the PROGRAM.
Creation of the NAME. Let's choose the name " Dialogue, Interrogation or Dialogue - Dialogue on English. " But in the beginning it is possible To number Lines. So...
20., 30 and so on, and after in a Line Enter Комманды_command_ for the computer.
10. Priint, or Preent or, Preant, or Preint “ Моя первая программа” – в Чем тут ошибки, и когда пишут Английскими, а когда Русскими буквами – этот пример
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