7 ingl. some reasons, as that stated on a differen
..... But she(it) can WAIT the ticket, open a purse, put there ticket, and all operations with кошелкой a big bug_and bag to repeat!
P/s. Having read, as the VARIANT of the program is written, you understand, that is very difficult to write the program NOT HAVING PASSED(MISSED) WHAT THAT OPERATION, and TO RENAME LINES, IT IS TIRESOME. And in the beginning allocate lines, approximately having estimated, how many them are necessary! That is write NUMBERS of lines, as a rule, through 10, that is: 10, 20, 30. What to not confuse you further by all by these " отлывает - заклывает _open- close" to me it is necessary to look in library for a pair of the books on programming in Basice.
While I shall tell on memory, and ladies the basic concepts of programming. Naturally, precise order in a narration will not be. And so by 1980 the personal computers, массово and, approximately with same on the size by the system block have appeared. Then began to be issued массово of clause and program for computers. Having read the book about programming by language a BASIC Basice, I that that can inform. Then two were popular such as computers. Those, as now exist, but years 10 computers in parallel were issued, that did(made) the same operations, but from the complete set was distinct from,say, IBM of machines.
Компьютерщики__ computer man, programmist_have thought, whether instead of to use as carriers tape recorders? Even more more preferably that work with cartridges. You see кассетники __compact magnitofon_were in each second family, at what though in USSR, though in anyone загранстране _ other country_? The loading from the tape recorder of games, for example rather reliably went, as well as programs. And the variant of a Photo Шопа – Photo Shop_ was and for this type of computers.
ON what TO LOOK?
The computers from a series Синклер - Спектрум _Sinclair__had on an output(exit) the block, that allowed to submit a signal, both on антенное TY a jack, and on 5 wires on the block of the TV set, that the videoamplifier refers to as. As well as the videorecorder was connected in this case computer to the TV set. If the signal was transferred on антенное TV_a jack, one wire in кабеле + оплетка _Electrical cord and it(him) оплетка, grounding_ sufficed also, that is in everyone кабеле__ Electrical cord. But then картинка _ The image on the screen __was only is black - white. For reception of the colour image used 5 штырьковый _5 lines a socket and accordingly cord as at the tape recorder, that was used at rewriting music from the tape recorder on the tape recorder! As were in used in кабеле __ The image on the screen three wires for Red, Yellow and Dark blue colours. R, G, B- red- green - blue, accordingly. The sound map was not, and was used __speaker_, without the amplifier, that stood in the computer.
COMPLETE SET СПЕКТРУМОВ_ Sinclair Spectrum computer.
Russian models were for example Робик, Анбелло, and about ten names. It as a matter of fact was the KEYBOARD, but second floor, the payment of length in all case was exacter at the bottom. I have model made on Лениградской to the circuit, that had up to 100 microcircuits of a series 555 or 1555 series. They питалиcь__ From a power unit inside cases have _ from 5 volts, as well as in IBM are the same pressure(voltage), and 16 volts use for example all motors from the fan, up to those that in a drive of hard disks or in the device, that read diskettes. The game or program went, as well as in the present computer or ноутбуке! But played, as a rule, джойстиком_joystick_, that is convenient in all симуляторах simulator_of planes, is those, machines! But it was possible, and TO NOMINATE keys for game. And we included such Miracle and below there was a Cursor and it was possible To write the program, though about вора_ the thief Кирпича a Brick - nickname!
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