5 ingl. some reasons, as that stated on a differen
.. As though you on memory we shall reproduce number, that I began to retell on the previous page. Let's dream up. In film " the Place of meeting cannot be changed " is каманник_the thief_ Костя Сапрыкин on a nickname "Киприч__ a Brick". Предтавьте,__So_ that it(he) goes by a trolley bus or bus.. The day was not set, nothing has stolen, and here comes and the woman sits напрoтив_opposite(on the contrary), and were afraid, that will rob her(it) constantly opens - closes that: кошелку_a big bag, a little bag, the purse, that accordingly lays in the closed bag, and that, bag is in closed кошелке__a big bag! Under the story the following will be farther: a part I remember, and part there is some зафантазирую_must is doing.
.... The woman on a course of a narration should open - to close all listed of time five, and to transfer for travel 5 copecks! As there was what that crime on a course of transport, the inspector should very precisely write down all these " откЛывае - закЛывает __open- close a bag, коСолку, Коселек __bil – little bug_", as it is accepted at investigation
The inspector: - All?!! It(he) asks of a Brick?
- To. A brick. It(her), and! The Brick responds and continues. The pier, it(her) COMES the ticket from cash department and she(it) makes all on the contrary all that I have described already on Page 4.
Brick, шепелявя: __speaks illegibly_" -ЗенСине speak: " ЗенСина - женЩина_a women!! You билетик _a ticket" I shall repeat _Brick, шепелявя_ speaks illegibly_: " to the Woman speak. - Woman! Yours билетик__a ticket! Further, a Brick Частит_ __" ЗенСина - женЩина_a women _speaks illegibly, I shall allocate again by Points as on Page 4, dividing(sharing) words:
- Блок1. Зенсина__- женЩина_a women.. белет... The ticket and... отклывает_open_ косолку__a big bug.. Gets therefrom bag... заклывает косолку__close big bug.. отклывает __open_a bag... Gets коселек_коШелек_ Purse for money... заклывает __close_a bag... отклывает косолку._коШелку_open big bug.. Puts there CLOSED bag.. заклывает... косолку... отклывает коселек__open - close big bug.. Puts there ticket... CLOSES коселек __And ALL REPEATS In OPPOSITE ПОРЯДКУЕ so, that in CLOSED the Block 2. косолке Purse for money should appear ЗаАКРЫТЫЙ коселек __ Purse for money _in the CLOSED bag.
- In what ПРИКОЛ __a joke
- You, can very much frequently тараторя__ speaks illegibly_" __all this repeat from the Block the 1-block 2, that is the BLOCK of the program, and take into account in the block the woman holds while коселек_коШелек_a big bug_ CLOSED with the ticket inside, but what the ticket and коселек, and bag have appeared in косолке _ Purse for money _IT IS NECESSARY ALL TO REPEAT. It, as a matter of fact - ACTOR'S skill what TO NOT BE MISTAKEN listing(transferring) operations! And if it to present it as game, and as on the basis of this number to write программку _ programmhardly later.
In what ПРИКОЛ__ a joke?
1. Collect all specified, and inside for reliability put в: кошелку - well though пяток =5 of apples, or sweets and, playing tell, that it already was bought by(with) the woman before as has come in this злосчастный __ Awful_the bus or trolley bus.
2. In a bag - put a few paper money! Now roubles 200 will suffice, paper, and in 1970хх it is the sum from 10 up to 25 roubles.
3. To a purse at the women then was up to 2-3 roubles paper and triviality at the rate of, that one trip in a city boundaries cost on public transport from 3 up to 5 copecks!
Brick_a nickname. - then enters контлоллер _контРоллеР_ Checking the tickets_ and говолит__He speack_: " Товалиссы_товаРиЩЩи_ a friends!! Пледъявите пРедъяВите_ Васы__ваШи_ билетики! _ show(present) your ticket __Устите, уЧтите So! that стлаф_штРаф_ The penalty_ пли absence of the ticket тли тРи three- 3 лубля_roubles_! " Approaches to зенсине__ЖеНЩине_a women_: - зенсина пледъявите you билетик "_ Товалиссы_товаРиЩЩи_ a friends!! Пледъявите пРедъяВите_ Васы__ваШи_ билетики! Товалиссы_товаРиЩЩи_ a friends!! Пледъявите, _пРедъвите_show(present) your ticket
Further woman преъявила_ has given_ not that ticket, and from the previous transport, for example of bus also should put NOT CORRECT and to show(present) the correct ticket...
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