4. ingl. владимиром not. крыловичем concerning and

.... We shall dream up slightly: - accept detained! The militiaman speaks, and leaves to struggle with criminality, but the inspector, nevertheless, has time to ask the militiaman:
С. Inspector, that is: - And, what it(he) has done?
М. Militiaman_ a policeman_. - Itself has not understood! When I have detained it(him), it(he) muttered: " I open коCолку =коШелка_ a Bag for products_, I close косолку___ a Bag for products_,, открыаю коCелек=коШелек__a purse for fine money_, I close коСелек_a purse for fine money, pay пЛоезд = пРоезд= money to pay travel , you билетик гЛазданка = гРажданка_ a women_!! " / on the previous page I have explained, that in this number пародируется Шепелявость_ to laugh at a bad pronunciation of  Костя! Detained spoke, certainly: коШелка, purse, travel! Take into account it, reading the further dialogue of the inspector and Киприча = nickname_a Brick!! /. I shall repeat, that I retell on memory comic number, that frequently went on ТВ of years twenty back! Let's name it(him):
THE INTERROGATION КОСТИ СОПРЫКИНА  ON MOTIVES " a Place of meeting cannot be changed
The inspector: - " Sit! A surname, Name? "
Brick / nickname /: - Сапрыкин Константин, 192х of year.
С = следователь= The inspector. - what has taken place in the bus?
К. -Сизу / I sit /  in тЛоллейбусе – tRolley bas / that is trolley bus / .
С -  the inspector. - well?
К -ирпич = a Brick / nickname. - comes Зенсина = Женщина= а women. Sits opposite(on the contrary), and here drove speaks on all тллоллейбус = тРоллейбус_trolleybas_: ' глаздане пассазылы = гРаждане пассаЖиры_ a mans in this avto! Pay пазалуйста = паЖалуйста – please -you плоезд= пРоезд_ a payment for travel in transport = 5 copecks in 1990хх ! On a line контлоллелы = контРоллеРы _ Checking payment on transport! '
С. _ well?
К. – зенсина = Женщина, that is "woman", and is farther the story-teller тараторит_ to speak quickly and is not legible- the ORDER of FUSSY ACTIONS the WOMAN. I shall try all this to describe through POINTS МЕЖ by WORDS. That is the Brick by the rapid speech Confuses the inspector.
К1. A brick = block in programm_, that is. -... зенсина отклывает = отРывает_open_ коселку = коШелку_a bag for food_... Gets a bag... заклывает= закРывает_ to close косолку._ a bag... Opens a bag... Gets коCелек = коШелек_ a bag. For money_.... заклывает=закРывает_ a bag... отклывает косолку= a bag for food... Puts there bag.. заклывает косолку = закРывает коШелку_ To close a bag... отклывает коселек =откРывает коШелек – open bag for money... Gets therefrom 10 copecks and говолит- говоРит _ speaking words:
Ж1. That is the Woman speaks: - товариссы = товаРиЩи_ a mans, пеледайте = пеРедайте_ To transfer 5 copecks for travel 10 copecks on the ticket! And here стор!!
I specially Have allocated a part from К1 - Ж1. I shall explain - in the program there is such concept as VARIABLE and BLOCKS of the PROGRAM. THE BLOCK, that, that during the program not менется _ do not change- figure of the machine, for example, or figure of a line
 In auto race such as Need for Speed - певодится = translate_as " Жажда или Ожидание _ NEED, the THIRST of SPEED " in it(her) varies, certainly, speed from zero of kilometers up to a maximum, and the type of the machine can vary, and the quantity(amount) them is how many you them расколошматишь = to break to destroy.
Still explanatory that I have written between К1- Ж1, IT IS the BLOCK, that is that repeats further MANY TIMES. Here it that WILL SPEAK FURTHER КОСТЯ СОПРЫКИН = name_ in it imagined interrogation further.
About a Structure of the program hardly later, for now itself THINK, in what here ПРИКОЛ = joke_ ? All cunning in the NOT CLOSED PURSE!!! Look! If you in the bus WILL NOT CLOSE СУМОЧКу= a little bag, КОШЕЛКУ = a big bag_And PURSE, in narrowness at you it is easy to extend ALL that there is: money, telephone, any purchase! On this all needs to be held CLOSED! I shall explain: on the following Page 5.
P/s/ The woman HAS NOT CLOSED a purse, transferring for travel! At it(her) extend money at this time! And it ОСТАНОВ _ stop in programm? His distroyd_in the PROGRAM - 1 OPERATION IS MISSED!
