1. ingl. some reasons, as that stated on a differe
As that in winter вечерку_morning, is not understandable why, but this story began, and the retelling is possible,, all that that можа_ bee_ was or, мож_bee_, occured!
On куфне,__ Kitchen at early o'clock neither сягодни_tomorrow, nor вчерась_ tomorrow- tomorrow- were going дружбаны_friends_. To you известныя_see_ they! All! Well, up to uniform. Have sat, the lips have moved, and on IT looking, began then the story: " Is not present! That not могет_must to be " - here conversation began to get(start) Корнев, that call Илья_name_, I have presented it(him) to you... Though in guitars it(he) мастак_ the big foreman, but loves to do(make) as! All what it(he) will touch, will break, is beaten! Well, such it(he) вертопрах_not the big foreman, yes at кривеньких__Not skilful hands!
And second on куфне__ Kitchen_ was, what on часик_one hour заскочил_go too, what побалваться чайком drinking tie? Have guessed, whom! Was, certainly, as Вовка, not качан, али марковка vegetables- Вовка Смелостев, малец, разудалый молодец_wery plesant gay. On a guitar it(he) played, and as could all entertained!
..... Так как, __So__Вовка Смелостев descended(went) in a wood with a guitar, where вопил on wood all to a district. Even Леший __The wild forest man__with перепугу_ to be frightened, in a wood has left in rich цащу_forest tree_, where was betraid to laughter, I pay. On a guitar all played, леших__ The wild forest man_ local entertained, but концертик__little show_, believe, will not estimate even draw!! But, how it(he) блажил_laugh_, that there sang, аль spoke - that further to be to the story! Well, not nevertheless лопать_eating math food_ at once? You see - many едения_eat harm пищеворению_health_! Means, группка_ collective_ was going: the poet, carver, guitar player - sight in a wall were rested! And, has told then Илья: ' a Pier! On скоку_he is the grown-up I, in this institution, also went here of words current, almost that опупение:
- A pier, this shelf on a wall has attracted, means to me! It is possible groats there to store(keep), аль a floor to ; litre схоронить__ to hide! From the wife! Though from whom! - Pour, for one! It(he) has told, has got a bottle, and has opened well, as a parcel(sending)! The vodka was cold, and a salty cucumber have estimated at last. But as Вовка Смелостев, малец_ a boy_has not continued speech встречь_to speach, a word has taken Илья that has thought up it. Зря__ useless? ' Is not present, not зря! It(he) also has given clearings to work свово of creation.
- P/s. The shelf has Боковины_ the lateral parties of a shelf, that has bends and having flown as circles approximately by diameter in 50 mm. From above is covered дощечкой, appropriate length and width approximately in 150 mm, that undertakes proceeding from the size of the jars for is abrupt or sugar sand. At the rate of on 5, 6 grades of groats, манки_ the lateral parties of a shelf_ there, or dry milk what to have always under a hand for Смелостева Владимира, to it(him) we have sweetened in that! The coffee иль какаву_quake_, is stored(kept) by(with) we as an entertainment.
- I always liked shelfs in the house at the grandmother, and it by me the made shelf, that I her(it) did(made) not hurrying up of year two, three, and this time has decided(solved) her(it) so to close...
- I am lower ladies not artful advice(councils), but which need to be known to the woodcarver. The same advice(council) - page for the foremen, that has no деревообрабатывающих_ on a tree of machine tools. That is can not прифуговать__ Equally to plane on length a board on length so, that its(her) width would not vary, and had accuracy in 1, 2 millimeters. Otherwise, when the preparations will be not parallel lateral walls, the doors will go for a walk as drunk. On this I wanted originally door to cut out as boards, and handle upwards it is natural upwards at them will be. At such design of a locker it is necessary to provide a place, that it is possible to move doors what to get bee................Sers, Smelostev, Kornev and not, fon Wings
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