Ode to Death

How nice
that our leaders can not live forever.
Just imagine
what would happen with the world
if our immortal comrades
might be elected
hundredth and hundredth times
for the presidency.

Only think, dear,
what will happened around,
if our national leader
open way for unnumerous frauds,
for rewriting constitutions and rules
and fix own eternal presidency,
all this trash will be engraving deeply
into the memory of generations and generations,
as our supermen and dictators ride
on the horses,
guide planes and jets,
tanks, submarines,
how they catch  big fishes on Siberian rivers
with naked torse

and do other intriguing things
at the limitless time-spatial distance
while you president forever.

So play and play
on spaceships and warships,
on a far corner of space,
with a sombrero on head
on the ancient town of Mexico
and without it
on the wing of Saturn,

as a golden giant statue
in the deserts of Asia,
and so on, so on.

And this stupid show will be lasting
till the end of heaven and universe

Thank you, my Lord,
for firm limitation
all these maddening plays
and replications
from our authoritarian rulers.
