Колодец Well
Лариса Изергина
Брезгливо кривя
змеевидные губы
в колодец плюёшь?
не тобою он копан –
с живою водой Руси.
20 декабря 2018 г.
Abstract: Pol. Educ.: To slanderers casting aspersions on Russia – don’t foul somebody else’s well, do dig one for yourself – out there, in your historical homeland. (An invective. A tanka. From the “Time crystals”, “Dogberry“, “Chronicles of the troubled times” cycles. The author’s translation from Russian.)
by Larissa Izergina
With a serpentine curl
of your lip writhen in disgust
you’re fouling our well.
It wasn’t you who had dug it –
there’s Rus’s water of life in it.
Dec 20, 2018
Свидетельство о публикации №118122006164