I am a tear

I’m a tear in eyes
only you are around me now
in the midst of the clear sky
moments fade like cut flowers
and burn as the letters of love
as the last breath of dawn or mine

on the canvas of life
I’ll add tints to the gray –
colored dreams of the kids I met
let the wind take the ashes
of heart and dismay
I’m a ray in your chest to pet

let be lulled by the blood
in warm rivers of veins
gain the power – a word with soul sails
there are many like you
have a slice of your pain
for the tooth of the day – sharp as hell

for a moment of haste
is pulsating in spring
every drop bears the motion and sun
and God lives in this world
among people and dreams
travels into forgotten as down

I’m a tear in eyes
only you are around me now…

19 December, 2018
