Ария - От Заката До Рассвета

Fate is a boomerang
Then we robbed the bank,
That's the hitch.
Need place for the night.
Blackjack, drinks and cash inside,
But we are rich.

We run out of gas,
There's a pub for us –
Smoke and drink!
Time to twiddle our thumbs,
Moon will change things when it comes.
Look and think...

Ravening barman's gaze falls,
Sobers up a bit.
There aren't shades on sidewalls,
That's the real pit.

From the sunset till the morning
What all men want, they will get.
It's a vengeance, payback's coming.
There is opened Hellish gate.
From the sunset 'till the dawning
Ghouls are really having fun.
Who will help us? We don't know it.
In unfair fight you need to hold on till the Sun.

Our sins had a weight,
It's shackles and restraint,
The dead thing.
All these chains were forged
For the Day of Judgement scourge.
It's just one sting.

One chance to survive.
God, keep us alive
From your side.
Now we are repent,
Through the darkness can you send
The sunlight.

Frights will disappear.
So, we really dare
To get out of here?
Leave this devil's snare!

From the sunset till the morning
What all men want, they will get.
It's a vengeance, payback's coming.
There is opened Hellish gate.
From the sunset 'till the dawning
Ghouls are really having fun.
Who will help us? We don't know it.
In unfair fight you need to hold on till the Sun.


The song inspired by Robert Rodriguez movie “From Dusk Till Dawn”
