The russian folk song - Oy, the frost, the frost

The Russian folk song "Oy, The  Frost, the Frost..."

The authors words: unknown popular the author (verses 1 and 2), until 1940; Maria Pavlovna Morozova (verses 2 and 3), until 1956; Valery Zolotukhin verse 5)
Music: Voronezh orchestra conducted by P. I. Shmatko, 1956


Oy, the frost, the frost,
Don't frost you me,
Don't frost you me,
So my horsy!

Don't frost you me,
So my horsy.
So my horsy,
White mane horsy.

So my horsy,
White mane horsy.
I‘ve a jealous wife
Oy, is jealous she!

I’ve the butty wife, 
Oy, is butty she!
Waiting me at home,
All the day alone.

I'll be back at home
When the day has gone,
Hug my wife in hall,
Fill up the horse bowl.

Oy, the frost, the frost,
Don't frost you me ,
Don't frost you me,
So my horsy!

---------------------------------  17 Nov. 2018 ---------------------------------

  The first variant of the translation:

Oy, the frost, the frost
Don't frost you me,
Don't frost you me,
don't frost my horse!

Don't frost you me,
don't frost my horse!
don't frost my horse,
My good white mane horse!

Don't frost my horse
My good white mane horse!
I‘ve a pleasant wife
Oy, the jealous one!

I’ve a pleasant wife, 
Oy, the butty one!
Waiting me at home,
All the day alone 

I'll be back at home
When the day has gone,
Hug my wife in hall,
Fill up the horse bowl.

Oy, the frost, the frost
Don't frost you me,
Don't frost you me,
don't frost my horse!

Русская народная песня «ОЙ, МОРОЗ, МОРОЗ»

Авторы слов:   неизвестный народный автор (куплеты 1 и 2),  до 1940 г.;  Мария Павловна Морозова  (куплеты 2 и 3), до 1956 г.; Валерий Золотухин  (куплет 5)
Музыка: Воронежский оркестр под управлением П. И. Шматько, 1956 г.

Ой, мороз, мороз,
Не морозь меня,
Не морозь меня,
моего коня.

Не морозь меня,
моего коня,
Моего коня

Моего коня
У меня жена,
ох, ревнивая.

У меня жена,
ох, красавица,
Ждёт меня домой,
ждёт печалится.

Как вернусь домой
на закате дня.
Обниму жену,
напою коня.

Ой, мороз, мороз,
Не морозь меня,
Не морозь меня,
моего коня.
