63 ingl. на русском на стр63 русapplication 3. sim
P/s. From the not written play – the opera " ROYAL СВИНЯТНИК - A PIG HOUSE.. "
1. Yes there will be no I dinner to the queen!
There is no need me to stuff!
Do not pull a hand - I you see is terrible in anger!
It only Queen / only / to all of you the mother!
2.. I has arrived(flied) on call - to a celebration have called,
Could not вс ё at once explain?
I was broke, I flied to such have given,
Not behind what запечённым _to cooked_ to be!
3. Spoke - visitor I shall be, most important,
Without me there will be no celebration!
The visitor // that // I миражный_a Mirage__/ I on тарелках – the plates_/ is found out, that,
Also meet обормоты - stooped two. / in brackets small editing of the text /
The review of this poem__ _ Is interesting, cheerfully, is witty with small горчинкой _the chilly. By one word, Классно Vary .Good!!!!!
The note. Under a poem a photo of two English policemen, that catch, or expel гусака from royal park, in England. Like there is there even a Royal goose farm. And that the Son the queen, Чарльз, for offence has sent of the son Гарри on свиноферму –svin__ a pig house_, as was written! Сууровое an terrible_, but correct education.
THE GOOSE SECOND. Дописано by me. As continuation..
4. You, робята a boys - are exact оборзели! __ave become angry
Where yours Guards пиитет.... a pleasant kind army
You even of prince Гарри осрамили__ave substituted
Ладно - would not give it(him) конхвет!__ Have deprived of a dessert
5. Well, will think! Has sufficed парнишка лишку!_ has had a drink a lot of vodka and.....
And from is valiant even заикал... __Became temporarily badly speak Well, орал_ badly speak _thus:
- Well, " Haily Litru " Найль, Ура, мол, пол – литру, бутылке вина, виски!, /
........ And, another a folder- an papa Charles_ has heard!
/ Хайли to 1/2 Litre, fault! Ура, пол – литру, бутылке вина, виски, ошибочно, не подумав!, /
7. So ужо for it - not понявши_don’t understand_,
On навоз___ a product of ability to live of pigs__! At свиньев_a pigs_ подгребать__ to throw out
Эх! Чужбина_not your coyntry_ you, English чужбина,_ not your coyntry
Эх! You in the queen, mean, mother!
8. Well, покеда_good bay!!! Идиотов поищитя!__ To search for the almost clever man
As хотитя _Well!, and in back has gone!
You on венигреты the salad_ перейдитя_go to,
Вегеторианский __ Vegetarian dinner_that ль_if_, насерверуйте__ collect_ a table!
9. Also will not be in королевстве _a Inland Kingdom_церюлита!
There will be a democracy – вооще_ be to be_
Up to свиданья_good bay!! On прощанье __on Good bay= Хайли лайкли- / Haley likely/ - "as though", translation. Гаркнул__ Speak loudly_the goose in English height.
10. And morals of morals do not search!
- When you колом _ easy but trunk of a tree _on a head
On faster the legs carry away, Иль run in the house, to the family!
P/s. Advice(council) from Корнева and Смелостева. That love, however, жаренные окорочка_ to cocking the hen_! Here I a head did not break - that that has reminded songs Высоцкого, that go on: _ Am_A_Dm_E_Am_ Dialogue in цирке_a circus house_, Heat you to me баньку_a sauna_, хозяюшка_ a pretty women, or Fight for honour of a chess crown.
1. Heat you to me баньку_an sauna_, хозяюшка __ a pretty women _I have weaned from white light or, I shall get poisoned by charcoal fumes, and me угорелому __ nothing understanding _of pairs hot will untie language..
2. Ой, Вань - look - what кловуны._a the clowns A mouth - though завяз__ a tape from a matter_ glasses пришей! Ой, up to what размалеваны__have grim , and - vote, as at алкашей_ men’s drinking a lot of vodka_!Перевод в программе Maggic Goody
3. I you shout -, шо __ he is there! Оборзели!__ have lost conscience_ Have dropped chess prestige! And me have told in ours sports a department: " it is perfect, you - and will protect!
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