5. inglish. is brief about the guitar self-teacher

.. It is a lot of such картинок in this book, that that is given in the beginning. I have confronted(met) with such system of recording for the first time. Such recording is given in figure on page 1 BRIEFLY About the GUITAR SELF-TEACHERS for songs I THERE WAS БАТАЛЬОННЫЙ a SCOUT. I had variant by this songs, that I heard of years 30 back. I apply accompaniment for this песни_song_Dm_Am_E, and with what there in the application, transfer(translate). I was told by(with) the guitar player, that has executed this song for me, that it is a parody on The house of raising San, that is known песня_ the House of the ascending sun. And the motive that was, of what I was convinced, when has looked a video урок_ lesson” Game on a guitar for Teapots! Conducted it(him) Джон Чаппел, and at the end of a rate film at one o'clock accompaniment and song and were right at the end. Well, about Тональностях_ Type of a melody, such as in Ля Мажор __Am_ it is possible to change Ре минор__Dm, that - below, that that I can tell.

The majority of chords I can name, that undertake by reception Барэ. In figures it is a line that passes on All top ладу, it is usual ! 1 ладу__fret. Why I do not want to make comments - for the simple reason. All business in Bass strings! In some chords, that have Identical figure, for example as an example возьму_Ам in it(him) the Sixth string do not play. In some chords Derivative from аккорда_chord_Ам the sixth string Fifth Is played, and usually bass string in a chord __ Ам, instead of Sixth string. Then these chords also will go, not everything, certainly, and pieces 5 on a song Я THERE WAS БАТАЛЬОННЫЙ__ A Army soldier _a SCOUT.
But the way of such recording is distributed, as is informed in the summary to the self-teacher. And like is applicable in musical schools. At the end of the book there is a link to other sources of collective of these authors.
P/s. Тональность_Type of a melody._, if I correctly have understood, it about a party(set) a rhythm - guitar, that is Game by one chords, such as Ам_Dm_G7 and so on, the name goes from the First chord. If with аккорда_chord_Ам the melody, it тональность_Type of a melody_Ля минор _La Minor__ begins. Note_A = to the note Ля=La. And Тональности it is possible to change in difference that will offer you any self-teacher. My Opinion - song ON SOUNDING not strongly differs if her(it) to begin from a chord not Ам, and _Dm. The song on / Ам_Dm_E/ not strongly differs, if her(it) to play and so /  Dm_Am_E /, but the Sequence CANNOT BE CHANGED UP TO the END songs! It is possible to unpack(print out) картинку_pictures_, Beginning on page 1.-4_ IS BRIEF About the GUITAR SELF-TEACHERS
