61 ingl translate61. rus приложение a addition 1

61_ingl_Translate61.rus_ПРИЛОЖЕНИЕ_a Addition 1. SIMPLE GUITAR ACCOMPANIMENT.
The author. Эфиръ. A POEM,
1. Before shall become / I / дряхлой_very oldest_ and old,
But I hope такою _ I this_to not become,
I / all /dream to be let in Sugar,
Having taken manual with itself only luggage...................................... 4 lines
2. To me to master North Pole,
There "зависнуть" of week on two...
Can be, though then I shall calm down
Idea in a head ....................................... also will appear.......... 4 lines
3. As it would be desirable to become космонавтом,
Despite of fear of height,
And to leave in кругосветку _ travel over the World_ фрегатом - a ship__,
To fill in travelling sheets,
Pencil -ом /here т there leaving /simple / posts /....5 lines.  Here and there leaving posts - mark.
4. Обуздать the temporary machine -
There is such желанье __ Desire or dream _at times,
What events correct аршином_0.7 meters lines.
To measure, instead of history - мглой...a Smog_a fog_
Can, it will return to me rest. ................................................. 5 lines
5. To subdue though any mountain,
Having exchanged on not ё the waste ground, -
And to cover е ё ликом canvases.
It is possible even not poorly to catch cold,
Slowly to recover soon...
Despite of fear of height ........................................................ 6 lines
6. Before my diary will not interrupt / tear /
Also does not become блаженным / deserted /, as a beach
And / иль/as дряхлый were old__/ -м as / and /senile age,  ... Is final. // or дряхлым, as senile age
And to write for me – всё_all_ is equal that... Is final. // I Shall write in him(it) many times... //
To make main in life вояж.. Travel--__/// corrected autors Корнев and Смелостев. //!!......... 5 lines
Now Корнев, it(he) Смелостев, it is time to open сию this"secret" will show as it(he) selected accompaniment. It is easier to play by chords, as them goes../....... Enter the answer /   
More in detail answer is given in the book: " Манилов _” ИГРАТЬ And TO ACCOMPANY ON a GUITAR "
There is informed, that the accord sequence can be from: 2, 3, 4 and up to 12 chords. I use sequences up to 8 chords. With 12 chords of a sequence I simply DO NOT REMEMBER. Rearrangements of fingers too different.
                BUT AS I PLAY ON HEARING,
That I write, WHERE, on what strings and лады__frets_ to put fingers, but ................
The answer - then when play теппингом __note by note on one of strings__, that is Rhythmically lift and lower(omit) a pair of fingers put on Any string, but on Next ладах__frets_, here сыграно_playing_ so while for куплетов_block of lines in poem_where till Four lines, and for other chords with 5 and 6 lines has not picked up.
In куплете__ block of lines in poem_ can be, as well as in a poem from 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 lines, but on songs go as a rule FOUR lines - so easier to not get confused in chords, as they Repeat and enough to write chords for One, or Two куплетoв__ block of lines in poem.
- first variant. Pay attention - аккорд_chord__Dm/not is simply аккорд_chord_Dm, but is taken on a string Above! How I selected a melody? Simply - has taken a chord, that is externally similar on аккорд_chord_Dm, a string Is higher also ambassador has played the notes Above - has left on аккорд_ chord_С. simply they NOT ARE AT ENMITY, and ambassador is ripe under this accompaniment first 4 куплета - in them 4 lines. P/s Figure so Low Is not desirable. Can at Обрезе partially be cut off...
