41 ingl. the application 15. simple guitar accompa

 Марина Tatar_ская.  Song “ LAST STEP Also WILL BE NIGHT............”
1. Last step... Also there will be a night........................... Am_Dm_E on сторочк_ on the lines.
Also will be gone - to not grasp. 2. Sound is lost words,
Love be unable to us to help,                empty the steps seem,
Any more in forces us to lift...                also overtakes us молва
Also accuses: Вс ё. Enemies.
3. Last step. Also what then?.5.The world размололи жерноваPressingTo grind... On a part.......,
By candle to burn down, not having given back light, the pain has scattered on corners:
To cross out the way and house what terrible words
And to not see in it(him) dawn?...                are knocked by a black bird to us.
6. Шагну Go back. Взгляну _See in eyes...
What, Боже_Good, in them a blizzard...
I want one to you to tell:
Already I do not love.../ You /  Believe. For a rhythm I sang last line so:
I do not love you, I do not love you, believe!
....................................... Марина Tatarская. I THUMB THROUGH “ the YELLOWED LETTERS”.
         1. I read the yellowed letters, Here Соло..... 10 and 8 лад_frets, upwards up to 2 лада_frets__6,5,4 of a string.
Манускрипты Old bocks_of left epoch                2. These letters addressed to me,
 Шелестят, Rustle....._as fallen листья these people with me spoke
 On a deserted autumn road. and then on corners have run up,
                and about the letters absolutely позабыли_Did not remember
3. That поделаешь, became not fashionable 4. To us do not write, and we shall not answer.
To inform a trouble or happiness. such настала epoch!
 The postmen, as before, pass,                and you see wrote earlier: " With приветом! -
 And we look at them is indifferent.            Саша, Галя, Hope_Надежда, Серёга... Russian Names"
What is completely clear, ь HOW to play it is necessary to repeat one more Соло _play a only notes   " the INTRODUCTION To МОРОЗКО ".
P/s. < page 60, 62 -1,2,3,4,5-62,6, 66 - TO PLAY ON a GUITAR ON СЛУХ_2 > that is in the same magazine, as this is given all poem completely, and is in detail told on ten pages How to play and main Why in it фрагмение of time ten, or the reception Слейд – Сколжение_To slide.._ on 6+5 strings with _ is more applied!! 2 that is лада__fret, up to 10 лада! Ё I shall tell briefly about this fragment.
I shall continue, немедля this times- about сем! Вернемси _Go_to "Морозке" - виселенькой __joke_to a fairy tale, which in childhood глядемши seeing_I to you чичас _this times_shall tell! Without all, however, help! And I shall write ка _too_that there was, аль _Yes_ was not, but occured - verse not simple, and стишком _poem_that In PROSE is called! To them write always, when it is simple by verses to write to us неймется_ to hurry up! What for, in гуторять_to tell_: - a head with morning to break! To divide сии Вирши This poem into lines, and посля by time- them in куплеты _songs_сбирать_wright_! Well, difficult share, when you - the poet on неволе_do not it, also would be desirable, well - in a temper, as at autor Лебедева, бишь-is- Кумача, стишец_ poem_to turn, that would beat out tear, and лесенкой__threshold in hous
Братцы_a Men’s
And so! Задачка __The task_was to me ME - SELF is given! I spoke you, that writes all this  Name_Владимир, well – Family_Смелостев, certainly I. Second mine not кажу_ say"Житие_a Live Mines", well that expression as is known мене_I! In кине_cinema_loke word_, instead of in CINEMA on a habit now I write, and the case amusing is known, you my reader, I look! Has told " Житие_ a Live_, became to be - погано mine " in cinema_ a name Char Russian john 4 – cruel_ ИВАН ВАСИЛЬЕВИЧ WORK HAS REPLACED! A famous Russian comic_ Пуговкин - комик - in known кине_ a cinema!
But, if on PROSE you read these verses that there them present  _it is may name_Корнев Ильюха, поди_is! I spoke - we write on a pair! And, накропали_Wright this song_ it is a lot of such to the goods! By verses, аль by prose want, write, well, and людев_ a Men’s_ do not make laugh for pennies! Will be as присказка_  a start tale , the line, вестимо последня, сия_ Yes! Is do it! , and here is how slowly poem "Морозко" has gone! Well, lived - there was a people in деревеньке village_small, there ten избушек _ a some oldest houses_ сгрудились гурьбой_closely stood_! Where that in a taiga, in more often wood, домик _ an little house stood, and there was it(he) with a PIPE! Значитцы is do_business then not the PIPE, when in the house on a roof is, вестимо Yes! a pipe! As that " on black " баню _a rural sauna_heated, In Udmurt ССр those businesses, became to be, were! I shall continue апосля the story - retelling, you see in баньке we were soared set of time... As that "завшивев" we amicably asked, that in that селенье to us баньку _ a rural sauna  стопили_ to heat the furnace!


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