36 ingl. the application 17. simple guitar accompa

1. Валентина Шемякина. ХРУСТНУЛА ВЕТКА...
Хрустнула ветка,__ The branch of a tree has broken  under weight of snow..On строчку __line_D_D7, is played by fig Hard fibres also were naked, as nerves. 2. Ветер крепчал__The wind has strongest_, and the frost made the way behind a gate. In мёрзлой _in frost __of calm the stiffened echo has responded, In the sky cold shivered озябшее __Cold _the sun. Crow метнулся_threw out_, and again districts has stopped.. After me the crow was coordinated непрошено_not to bee. To not disassemble - whether каркает__shouts_, whether смеётся _laugh  3. As I am afraid, is exact ветка _The branch _under snow, to break And to nake, is not present, not nerves, and heart and soul. Black bird - sign bad, братцы_mens_boys_, If she(it) behind you is persistent besides. 4. Me spoke: - " Madam, It вс ё __all__of a fairy tale! How many I to a crow of cheese and bread have fed!To crow the cheese has attracted, чтовВашей авоське_a bag_. Вс ё _all_it(he) has not enough! Such insatiable пройдоха_The artful man, bird!
Look, скосилсвоичёрные, хитрыеглазки, Мнебыподсунутьемуграммпятнадцать тротила, __Look, has cut black, artful глазки_ of an eye, me to palm off on it(him) gramme fifteen тротила_ТНТ, You to it(him) of cheese a slice, though махонький__a little_, throw! That this чёртова bitch a bird, eventually, сдохла_is deed!
P/s. These Two chords all I applied once again - in for a long time written песенке_ a song – частушке_jock song_.
ЧАСТУШКА_ jock song_. . Эй, Маруська! _Hi Marry. HAVING BEGUN TO SING.
The guitar player: " Эй, Маруська! Hi Marry _Yes, at you of an eye... "
The girl, not having sustained: " Зеленыя? ". __ dCgreen
The guitar player - is not present! As are green a herb! And, чо __what_you all встревашь_ to do?
The girl: " – ладно_Well_, I shall not be! "The guitar player, передразнивая: " Ладнаа! _ладно _ deformed _ I do it_Ня __ deformed_нет_not_ I shall be. Дурында! "__ colloquial - not the clever, silly girl_
The girl: " ой, гармонист - I тятьке  a daddy_ all кажу_deformed скажу_say_! "
The guitar player: " Гывари!__ deformed - скажу_say_!, I also would be time to remember - Guitar player, instead of Гырманист__ deformed а tool with extensible fur there is no equivalent to баян, аккордеон_! "The girl: " Ой, guitar player, I щас shall run away! "The guitar player - and, also will not run away!- And, why?- And - on кочану_joke _ cabbage a fruit
_ ! You though time a song that up to the end дослушай___ listen up to the end_, and not встревай_not do it!!  - Girl: " Лаадна__ладно_ deformed – yes it is! "
ЧАСТУШКА. ОЙ, МАРУСЬКА!_ЧАСТУШКА jock song_Эй, Маруська! Hi Marry.
1. Ой, Маруска_ Hi Marry.! Yes at you of an eye..
Ой, Маруска_ Hi Marry., yes as are green a herb..
Ой, Маруська, _ Hi Marry. yes at you коса.._women long hair
....... Girl, again not having sustained: " Рыжжая __ deformed – рыжая_ girl with red hair? " The guitar player, передразнивая: _ He joke hi " Is not present - long, and up to a floor! " The guitar player again calls her(it) " дурындой _ colloquial - not the clever, silly girl_ ", and the girl having become angry decides(solves) all таки not донимать not joke of the guitar player под.. е.. ка.. ми_dirty world! The guitar player continues...
2. Ой, Маруська- Mari_! Yes at you a leg.. The girl: " Чо_ deformed- что? Whay?, and only one? " Guitar player: " And you, чо - deformed- что? Whay?, again legs, whether what since morning considered(counted)? " – Дурында_ colloquial - not the clever, silly girl!The girl - again конючит:: " Ой_ Whay! The guitar player - I тятьке_ a daddy_ all кажу_deformed – скажу _say! "The guitar player: " Гы - ва – ри , deformed word - Го – во – ри__say! "The girl:" Ой, guitar player - I щас _ deformed - сейчас_in this times_shall run away! "The guitar player: " And also will not escape, yes on One leg! " I гыварил_ говорил – deformed_ to say!The girl: " I - have taken offence! "The guitar player - Has taken offence! Has taken offence! - so, not встревай_ do not it!!Пропеваются _singe block poem__again First two куплета, also sing final:3. Ой! Маруска_Mari , yes at you, leg? Is not present! TWO legs, and both Стройныя_pleasant legs !Girl, vote  name - Марфушки – Марфа= Mari_from film "Морозко_ Russian the Santa, Klaus "- That that жа_deformed  -то то же!= Well!!WORDS To HERE. Дурында - not шибко вУмная_ colloquial - not the clever, silly girl!, Has taken offence - that is пригорЮнилося_ deformed =sad. П..од.. д.. ъ.ыв.ть - п.. ПодЪ.. д.. ъ.. б.к.ами - Rough joke not a literary word_ to enter into error not вуМными deformed- умными_ word clever by speeches. Чо deformrd= Что? Whay- there corresponds(meets) "Way" - Вау - not a fig a pier, up to a fig, pier to itself! Канючить - to speak with a hysterical anguish in a vote. On a side фола _ A defeat! Гыварил - гыварить – deformed – говорил_ to speak - that Спик! That is ТрЕпать_ deformed_ to speak nonsense by language, or ТрЕкать= to speak nonsense! That is To grind by language! Are green - about eyes, that is "green". Has taken offence = КанЮчить - _ Sadly to speak_see high! Two legs = two legs. Стройныя - about legs - that is not having Кривызны _ a circle legs bay womem joke_ on a longitudinal axis. That that жа =yes! Of koz. Встревать, встревашь чо _ o interrupt speech? Лезть go in to Hell across батьки daggy__in пекло - Hell! Ня – deformed_ not! Now is not! A - from the notes! Corresponds(meets) Not, and! P/s. In colour _ FOR CHECK printing  ГОЛОВОК_block_ of the PRINTED PRINTER!


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