33 ingl. приложение 10. простой гитарный аккомпане

CHORDS. A CHORD american.
So it(he) looks on a signature stamp of a guitar Pay attention on Потертости __Absence of a paint on an overlay of a signature stamp_in an overlay to a signature stamp.. It is visible, that the guitar player, plays by chords. And Large and Wide потертости__ Absence of a paint_ speak that the guitar player applies frequently reception Вибрато__ fluctuation of strings_. If to consider потертости on a
signature stamp, it is possible to define(determine) by what receptions, and on what part of a signature stamp the musician plays.
In a photo Typical use of fingers. Мизинец is not used. But it(he) is necessary at a capture of the Additional notes! NOT CHANGING аккорд_ Ам it is possible easily to reach мизинцем __5 finger_on !!! 3 ладу_fret_ up to 4 strings. If to press 1 string on ! 1 ладу_fret_, as this string Is free - there will be a New chord, it seems Am6, and if to press strings Above up to 4 strings, other chords will undertake in this case. Here I not the adviser, but it can be and Chord with an additional Bass, not that in a chord american. Is written through an inclined line: Аm/ C, or Ам/ D. Conformity of the notes to the letters: A __ С_D_F_G on the Previous page!
P/s. Pay attention!!!! On Figure Ам Average and Anonymous fingers show as a point ON MIDDLE 2 лада! But on a Structure of our hand it is not possible. It is desirable to press strings at Лада, here at 2 лада, but it is not possible from a structure of a brush of a hand, and Thickness of fingers. So NOT ВЫВОРАЧИВАЙ__ to turn_ fingers! The fourth string nestles ON MIDDLE 2 лада actually! From NOT of a CORRECT capture of chords болят__ get tired__ fingers
In the bottom figure a chord Ам, but мизинцем прижата_ 5 finger press_ the first string on !!! 3 ладу__fret. It also is Expansion of opportunities of accompaniment! Can press as strings up to 4 лада, if will reach!
If you will rearrange fingers in the same order on a string Above, receive аккорд__chord__Е. And in it(him) as it is possible to press as the first string мизинце_5 finger_, and 2 string. In this case .You receive аккорд_Е7. Refers to as To complete a chord with Е up to Е7
P/s. On one video I saw as a chord Dm, about it(him) the conversation undertook on another NOT USING an index finger further. So act then, when before or ambassador there is a chord, that undertakes by reception Барэ. In this case index finger presses some strings up to sixth inclusive. But this classical Capture chord__Ам. As them show on a video lessons, but that that you see Mirror reflection and will not understand with what the chord undertakes!
P/s. On this here you see chords, as I see them - sight FROM MYSELF!
WHEN INCLINE a signature STAMP? And it is a little, approximately up to 30* having inclined to itself. It happens in the Beginning, and when play a party(set) Соло___ Game by the separate notes_ of a guitar, that is Separate notes and frequently on Large length of a signature stamp. By chords play in one year any more NOT INCLINING a signature STAMP


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