31 ing. simple guitar accompanement. немного теори


30_rus. SIMPLE GUITAR ACCOMPANIMENT.IT IS A LITTLE the THEORY And  practice_1.Can there will be a continuation on two, three
pages over! A little theory, variant of registration.
About what SPEECH?I have opened the book autor Манилов, which I already remembere “ PLAY And ACCOMPANY ON a GUITAR” he have in Internet.. What to present you One, Манилова variant of a spelling or figure of guitar accompaniment.. song  Practice “ Under music Vivaldy”
. Sang her(it) Сергей Никитин, with the wife but for a long time do not show them, is more precisely rare! From songs has remembered only:
Under music Вивальди, Вивальди, Вивальди - last, срендевековый – old century_ the composer or by one century 18 concerning. Yes! Really - listening songs I shall recollect one, two lines or куплет __block in poem- though thus Listening decades recorder or CD-DVD! Two, three months songs after New year! At me a Wind in a head! You remember a pair of songs? To write, ить поди not получитцы to do?Короч__stop_! I have decided(solved) slightly to develop a subject, AS I PLAY! On that that " So much that of impacts, about Two or four " are not absolutely correctly, and we shall begin from Production of fingers, that in this photo. There are songs, that go on the bottom chords, that is are under construction on first three, or taking 4 string, for аккорда_chord_F.
P/s. So I put fingers in аккордах_chords_Dm_D_D7_F, that on ! !!! 1, 3 ладах_frets are under construction! I shall continue, for now look figure chords__Е7_от_1 and 2 ладов frets_- Top number(line), second, third figure. Take _Е7_от second лада_fret_ I could by reception Барэ more - less precisely so, that the fingers WOULD NOT BE SLIPPED, and if to take Подушечкам __end of fingers_by all by Four fingers, switching Мизинец_little – 5 finger_, the too LARGE EXTENSION of FINGERS IS NECESSARY.
P/s2. The chords can be sketched! It is more half it will be necessary further! Мизинец_5 finger Is raised what to show that it(he) is not involved! Usually it(he) almost concerns strings... Understand, than Отличаются_G7 от_G7/H or _Dm_от_ Dm/C?



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