26 ingl. simple accompaniment on a guitar. practic


There will be some songs, or fragments and comment to them further. It is a little the theory. And your first acquaintance, how is possible To write down a melody without the notes. The bottom figure - so the Accord sequence is submitted in the book author Манилов " PLAY And ACCOMPANY ON a GUITAR _ИГРАЙ И АККОМПАНИРУЙ НА ГИТАРЕ ". There up to such 70 figures, as the bottom fragment, and I Have processed them as Accord grids or Figures of chords, that from above. It is Seventh under the account a sequence. I shall repeat, that 4 chords can go both on one and on two lines in куплете. All figures of accord sequences, whom it interests, is on page 16, 23, 24, 25, 41, 42 - on last two pages of sequences already with 1 on 24, and continuation on page 43 in журнале_PLAY And ACCOMPANY  ON a GUITAR ON СЛУХ__ Without the notes.N 1. The continuation is in GAME ON a GUITAR ON СЛУХ__ Without the notes.N 2 on page 13, 43, 60. There as weight of modern songs as mine, and from it a Site _Стихи Stihi or Prose. 
1. Am_Am_E7_E7 ---- I ------ _Am_Am_Am_Am, where -I-тактовая_ The clock index  feature, that is account 4/4аккорда. That is 2+2+4, I hope has not confused! The Rhythm depends also on Quantity(amount) of Repetitions or Playing of chords, and that will be No breakage in a melody! Пре to game on hearing, when you feel, that in a melody that that does not suffice, play a chord or chords once again, two or even by the large number of repetitions. Here I DISAGREE with the author of the book, author Маниловым, that in this sequence such Quantity(amount) of Repetitions -2+2+4 is necessary only, I consider(count), as so it is possible:
Am_E7_Am_Am_AmAm, that  is 1+1+4 repetitions, also I shall try that that to pick up..
At you............ Light-blue eyes.... Am_E7 __ Am_Am_Am_Am
At you............ Gold коса__ a long hair!
At you............ Three same sisters
But about it........ You only be silent!
That is on the First line others are played also - sharply by fight ON TIME on words At YOU and on four Impacts or more precisely on Fight downwards допевается _sing song light-blue EYES and so up to the end this comic куплета __The block from 4 lines in a poem. Still examples from the same book, also pay attention to that that the author Has grouped sequences ON the FIRST CHORD in groups. Also remember is an ACCOMPANIMENT To a SONG, or the party(set) a Rhythm of a guitar - so is played likely half of songs!!!
2. Am_Am_Dm_Dm_Am_Am_Am_Am, In comparison with 7 sequence a chord in middle Е7_ on аккорд_chord__Dm here Is replaced!! It refers to as a Chord of Substitution. The sequences frequently Differ by One or pair of chords. But if you Monotonously will play it all these Am_Am_Dm_Dm, not пропевая __sing a songs, to you will seem that the MELODIES ARE SIMILAR In DIFFERENT SEQUENCES and I, it is simple on this Threw these repetitions - is not present songs or words and then this Senseless recurrence and then I have thought up, THAT!! КУПЛЕТ – the block from 4 lines ABOUT BRAINS OR THEM, the ABSENCE IS EXACTER -!!
1. If, there would be brains - 2. There would be a Concussion!
3. Well, and коль is to bee_in помни__ remember_ there are no brains,... 4. It НЕВЕЗЕНИЕ_  wen Does not carry to you Also Be stacked in accord sequences In ANYONE!  The help - 7 sequences, ON FIGURE GOES ON a LINE, but it is possible and ON TWO to divide(share)!! Also remember - if in a song only куплеты__ the block from 4 lines, the accord sequence does not vary up to the end songs, and if that that is still, it is simple a Loss in a melody! Well that would not be Monotonously! _
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