24 ingl. simple guitar accompaniment. still way of

STILL WAY of INCREASE ИСПОЛНИТЕЛЬСКОГО -ART of SKILL of the guitar PLAYER, size of the case of a guitar is equal length of strings there is no value
What attitude(relation) has,            
For example this figure? It is altered Шиховская a guitar.
WHAT ТАМА -THIS -IS? Inside cases there can be that in this figure. Initially it was the case from шиховской, Половинной ; guitar, that is guitar with Small мензурой610 mm.
Мензурой M__on guitars of all types is the Varying part of a string. That that for Порожками not считается_there is no value_, as these
slices of strings DO NOT SOUND. Мезура =М at шестиструнок __6
Sting guitars__ 610-650 mm change so М =. I play on all guitars, and at me them about 12 - approximately on 6 акустик_acoustik guitar_, and 6 floors_semy - acoustic electroguitars. This guitar is shown before Glueing дна_Bottom the bottom deck of guitars__. In detail read in ИСКУСТВО НАСТРОЙКИ И РЕМОНТА ГИТАР - ART of REPAIR And ADJUSTMENT of GUITARS And “ПОЛУ АКУСТИКИ”__semy acoustic_ ON MY PAGE. I stage by stage photograph for myself all alterations of the tool. Give I shall tell for the beginning, that Usually paste Inside cases of guitars and FOR WHAT. All these реечки __of a rod from a fur-tree_influence as a matter of fact Feedback from strings, it is easier on a timbre. In УНЧ_amplier_amp_ for this purpose apply regulators of a timbre, and before epoch УНЧ_amp_ a sound CORRECTED SO! So 6 types of guitars have turned out ON SOUNDING approximately 5 -. Classical, acoustic, дредноуты, ковбойские гитары._ amerikan guitar_?
P1- P7 is РИПЫ – a rip_cross рейки __ of a rod from a fur-tree__in width  10 - 15 mm and height up to 25 mm in the largest cases.
KO - is Контр Обечайки. I explain - a side копуса_a case_, as a rule two половинки__ of a side of the case of a guitar_ from 3 mm of plywood are accepted to name in guitars ОБЕЧАЙКАМИ. To дну_a botton_ and top paste полоски_a lents_ in width approximately in 1 см - КОНТРОБЕЧАЙКИ. That there would be Wider клеевый a seam__a glue_. To контробечайках do(make) cuts, in them before приклейкой the ends Рип enter, for this purpose дно__ a botton a case__there would be no displacement. It will not give ДНУ And TOP DECK TO SLIP, when them приматывают _press__by Rubber bandage. So them long since paste. But at first paste Рипы to дну__ a botton_and top deck.
     AS IS EXACT ПРИКЛЕИТЬ __ to paste_РИПЫ_ a rips.
I saw the drawings of Class guitars and there рипы paste according to the drawing and with small in 2 -5 см Смещением __ Displacement_Top рип _a rips_that will be pasted to дну__a botton__. Sound Волни Извивается _ is braided is compressed__in these Narrowings. The case by him(it) height about 10 см, and pair рип Will compress a Sound wave on 30 - 50 mm depending on the size Рип. The foremen can height them change, as well as Place приклейки __ of glueing рип is compressed__to дну_botton an guitar case_! As контробечайки kontrobechaika, paste with some displacement, a cut In Контобечайках are a little displaced in different guitars, and on this рипы a rip__is concrete in This guitar are pasted ON a CROSS.
Р4 - рипа _rip - ripa_is pasted by me with an inclination close to 45 degrees Specially, that the fluctuations of strings would more effectively be transferred, that press here in Нижний порожек _a bridge , which, приклееный __ to paste_be glue_to the top deck and In addition fastens in pair of screws, that screw in__ a bar of a tree_ брусок_Б. Changing the Size it бруска__ a bar of a tree_: the thickness and length is possible Is to changed and Cardinally by(with) a sound of a guitar. That at all was not in this guitar that it приклееные Распорки __ 2 longitudinal rods at the bottom guitars_of a Spring, that Direct a sound in голосник __ aperture in the top deck_Ф= 70 – 90 мм. Все это перевел Maggic Goody translator я ___ a дал перевод СХОДНЫМИ ПО ЗНАЧЕНИЮ СЛОВАМИ.. господин Корнев, мистер Смелостев, и какой то неКрылович__ All this was transferred(translated) Maggic Goody translator by(with) I ___ has given translation by WORDS, SIMILAR ON VALUE.. Mister Корнев, Mr. Смелостев, and with what say -не" Крылович 2018- 08-20


В субботу 22 февраля состоится мероприятие загородного литературного клуба в Подмосковье в отеле «Малаховский дворец». Запланированы семинары известных поэтов, гала-ужин с концертной программой.  Подробнее →