Strife with dark branch
Get the fuck out of my head!
You, this is you lead
Me to fuckin' death.
All those horrible thoughts.
That's your disgusting breath.
I don't wanna be brought,
Brought to that condition.
I don't wanna be fiction.
Your cold fingers.
Their feels my consciousness.
It's like a thousand stingers
Stick into my brain endless.
Fiction it's you! I'm a veritable self.
I'll try to bury you depth.
That cold fingers, i hate you!
There are still a few
Personalities left.
I'm bury they like a others.
Maybe this is someone's sisters and brothers.
Someone's lost souls. But in one
The body all not to live.
Your resistance so grand.
I can't resist. I can not. I
Feel thousands of hands of cold
Minds dragging me to the bottom
Of the subconscious. They hold
Me. I can't go back home.
I'm afraid to lost you. Very strongly.
Looks like I have be homeless.
I don't wanna growly
To you. That wars
Inside me. So get out of my head.
Because I love you. I'll be dead
On these streets. Don't cry for me.
I know you can be without my feels.
To you.
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