Taking a Computer Test

Entering a room of magic monsters,
Feeling I’m becoming but a mouse,
Wishing that my head, so full of nonsense
Can get over stuff that I shall browse.
I can’t Zoom into computer puzzles.
Truly, our time is like a flash,
I feel like a dog that wears a muzzle
And my thoughts and feelings always clash.

I have opened Windows, wide and vile,
Very soon, I’m gonna want to sneeze!
How I wish that I would save all files:
My poor nerves need solitude and peace.
My computer’s locked, but I don’t know,
How to get in, through what kind of keys,
As I’d skipped my lessons!  Work is slow.

These dull sites will push me to my Edge.
I cannot excel in tough Excel.
And my muscles now deserve a stretch
As my woes are macros. Problems swell.
Do I need a tablet for my head
Or a tablet that’s a good PC?
Or should I have earlier gone to bed?
I can only bet. I need to see.

Well, I’m good at Word, but still, no word
Can describe my journey to success.
I can’t fly to it.  I’m not a bird,
And at home, I do not have Access.
Yet this day had passed, as if a bug
Had invaded outdated programs,
And the teacher's shoulders had to shrug,
When she saw the answers to my problems.
