21 ingl simple guitar accompaniment. simple expans

As one more reason that game Only by chords, scornfully is named " by(with) three chords " is some monotony of execution(performance)! It when up to the end goes only, скажем_ _to speak this chords _Am_Dm_E! The Simple way it was thought up To bypass, inserting the Separate notes up to which can Reach мизинец_5 little finger. As I play without reception Барэ_you press all strings 1 finger, you have noticed, that I use only by those by chords, that undertake on 1 - 3 ладах_1- 3 frets_, that without Барэ are played! In this case it is possible, it is understandable - to reach мизинцем 5 little finger up to _!!! _IV_3 and 4 ладов_frets_! But not all notes will approach, but only two, three. It also is " game on hearing! ". I, certainly give the instructions(indication), What strings to press near to a chord, but all таки Trust to the hearing. And note taken In addition to chords: Am_Dm_F_G_G7 and another name a Chord with the Additional note. And in this figure of the note, that undertake above, that is from Bass strings __ 4, 5, 6 are refer to as at гитаристов_a man plaing guitar_ Аккорд_chord_ with an

Additional Bass. EASIER! To insert the New notes, remembering them. As a matter of fact it still as a minimum three, and more accord additional chord. The second way - to use accord sequences from 6, 8 and if there is a Patience 12 accord sequences to use for songs. All this Is grouped in the book autor Манилова "  Play And ACCOMPANY ON a GUITAR". And I simply make comments first forty pages from this remarkable book. And, I while quite have enough of it! While!
P/s1. In figure is shown, as most widespread аккорды_chords_H7_C7_Em have turned to chords with an Additional Bass, есть_to be_is_H7/F * _ C7/B_Em_/G. Pay attention, how an example, on аккорд_chords_C7/B! In it(him) прижата _press_In addition 5 strings on _! _1 ладу_fret_, it is possible to reach and up to!! _!!! _IV_2, 3, 4 ладов_frets_, also receive three basses after Наклоной of feature. Слэш_ / -line_she(it) refers to as! In H7/F * the additional bass undertakes already on 6 strings on _!! _2 ладу_fret_, but it is possible to take and on! _!!! 1, 3 ладах_frets_, and if will reach and on 4 ладу! So it is possible to act(arrive) with any chord and on Bottom -1, 2, 3, 4 strings. For example in аккорде_ chord_Ам_ it is possible to add up to 3, 4 additional notes! It to concern and to аккордам_chords_Е_С_С7_G_G7_D_Dm_D7 with two last chords there are songs in this collection!
It is not absolutely correct, as as a matter of fact sometimes Adding the notes you leave on a chord! For example __ D_D7. But while parties(set) Соло of a guitar, that plays the separate notes we shall not assort, and some more ladies about ten figures of Sequences.
P/s2. In what that to a measure game by Separate chords can be compared to a wall combined from separate stones - cobble-stones. Early or late but, guitar players додумались _to do it_to add the Notes in a chord, as мизинцем_5 little finger_, and other fingers. For example in a song " Мамай 1,2 ", that goes on one chord __ Е, but with the additional note, that undertakes with on 6 strings on_!! _2 ладу_2 fret_. Look as Page 4 .....................Translate, and picture by page 21 rus


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