13 ingl a simple accompaniment on a guitar. briefl

BRIEFLY About RECEPTIONS. About ПЕРЕБОРЕ_To touch strings by the certain rule in a chord , FIGHT, ТРЕМОЛЕ._tremolo_ biting for strings
 That is on a string it is necessary by and large to strike, that she(it) would sound. The guitar players up to ten receptions of a sound - apply extraction, both fans(amateurs) and professionals. But it does not mean, that all that you найдешь in the literature are necessary to execute. At what in Typical recording of a melody It also is not underlined. For example to you will draw on a musical ruler a chord, or group of the notes, but do not specify - as it to play. For example chord or note is possible to execute by fight as a minimum downwards - upwards. It is not underlined, when the melody is written standardly. I can specify, that what that the song, on an extremely measure in my execution(performance) goes better, is more expressive Перебором_To touch strings by the certain rule in a chord , and what is desirable that for executing by Fight. As you can see Standard recording by the notes does not give a Complete picture of execution(performance).
ПЕРЕБОР.__To touch strings by the certain rule in a chord
It is Classics and Even roughly, and not precisely about it is necessary it(him) to be able to execute. As some songs peculiar to Russian folklore require(demand) перебор _To touch strings by the certain rule in a chord for more pathetic execution(performance). That All to tell about переборе__To touch strings by the certain rule in a chord  it would be necessary to get or to download the book, that I any more of time mentioned -Манилов - " STUDY TO PLAY And TO ACCOMPANY ON a GUITAR ". Complete figure of a chord there is given. I shall explain - guitar players use the simplified figure. That is there WHAT STRING in a chord is not specified main - is not involved. I already some times spoke, that is necessary to know the Elementary Rule Перебора__To touch strings by the certain rule in a chord .
IDLE TIME a RULE ПЕРЕБОРА.__To touch strings by the certain rule in a chord
1. I AM CONDITIONAL I divide of a chord on Bottom, Average and High - concerning strings. So the chords_chord__D, Dm, D7 - as they are under construction on 1 - 3 strings within the limits of first _!!! _3 ладов_frets_, begin execution(performance) from 4 bass strings.
2. CONDITIONALLY average аккорды_ as аккорд_chords_Ам begin to play from 5 strings.
3. The conditionally top chords, that grasp 4, 5, 6 strings for перебора__To touch strings by the certain rule in a chord  use 6 and 5 strings Serially. It аккорды_chords__Е_Ем_Е7_С_G_G7. But as chords on a signature stamp it is possible to take up to 1000, then I send you to the mentioned book, as there is specified What strings in a chord DO NOT SOUND. TRUST to THE HEARING - STRING SPOILS a SOUND In a CHORD NOT ИСПОЛЗУЙ _do it__HER(IT), NOT БЕЙ _bit_ON IT(HER).
FIGHT, VERSION _ЧЕС. frequently to strike on strings as on a balalaika
At fight bass strings at first sound, that forces to sound the large finger, and then strings serially sound sound after impact by the bent Index or Average finger, is exacter on a string beats кончик ногтя_finger, . That plays a role медиатора_plectra for strings_. At Чесе _ frequently to strike on strings as on a balalaika Sharply straightening нальцы _a fingers_beat on all strings Downwards. Naturally at Чесе _ frequently to strike on strings as on a balalaika __impact make downwards. So played in many songs Владимир Высоцкий, but Чесом Upwards. A little monotonously, but when the song goes only on chords frequently применется _ do it_this reception звукоизвлечения_bit  a string!
Шестеркой, восьмеркой _six - eight impacts and up to ten versions. It that Is difficult, but you why begin that from him(it), having seen enough a video! That is beat on strings Downwards - Upwards. As the Quantity(amount) of impacts can be changed, there are Many versions in Fight. I do not play - anything about it I shall not tell!


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