11 ingl простой a simple guitar accompaniment. now

Now I of the ladies simple examples for a guitar. And so - it is possible to execute accompaniment on One chord. Here it аккорд_Ам and song _РЕКА ХУАНХЭ.
1. As in China ancient 2. As on those open spaces
On his(its) open spaces Девчонка - китайка - яблоня! Китаянка china girl, fruit tree
Хуанхэ - речушка little river Has grown fond шибко _is strong
Muddy flew Раскоса паренька _slanting eye
3. There was that хлопец a boy_справный good4. Was glorified that хлопчикa_ a boy
Слыл He is_it(he) хунвейбином _china komsomol boy,
Косолап.. косоглазым девкам joke _ slanting eye, the lame girl
There was it(he) комсомолец boy lave Косоглазых девок _ the slanting eye girl
That is - хунвейбин! Very much it(he) loved!
5. And, has called (him) in Pekin capital 6. listen, Хун - In abbreviated form  hunveybin
Грозный "анарал a  general" - Will suffice девок щуп.. тискать_ embraced of the girl
There it(he) - has moved eyebrowes, and - Be going quickly,
Has cut eyes! Time the comrade Мао
                Sends all in юниверситет
     Промежду _he is _other
    Friendship промеж _in_of the peoples
    Name Патриса Лумамбы
   - On you on a road
   Three roubles.. бла.. бла
   To study as the agriculturist
7. Погрустила _ not cheerful- the girl 8. And she(it) sang, sang..
With раскосыми _ the slanting eye girl
--by eyes - of the kid swinging.
The ambassador has married, is strong завывая._singing song__..
Сынишку has given rise the neighbours exhausting! Дя! Дя! Дя!
With раскосыми by eyes - - Мяо, мяо, Мяо / a whale. Котеночек_a katty! / Is similar, is similar to me! - our comrade Мао - main хунвейбин!
9. And Хун - has returned, has dispersed сожителя_ ones husband_, бренчал playng on guitar_on крылечке __a balcony-_on the upset guitar, that has bought in Moscow, комиссионке _ shop of old things-__on Арбате_street on Moskow__, on last three roubles бла, бла, that has given it(him) тов. Мао, that it(he) ученье _a studies on the agriculturist would continue, and it(he) - ржал, ржал, ржал _laugh ! And, on that in China a weak agriculture!
On a guitar the melody not always is possible is to described by(with) the note in the note! In a melody there is a rhythm and intuition! Also it is necessary itself To be laid in execution(performance)! About a FIXING FINGER ". It from receptions of game on a guitar and it is connected to Engineering of transition from a CHORD ON a CHORD. It is possible to pass business that from a chord to a chord - changing a part of production of fingers, but as a rule - Average finger do not rearrange, the examples are necessary. For now is rhythmical! - press and release(let off) by an Index and Anonymous finger 3 and 4 strings, that press on !! 2 ладу__fret, that the songs enter in аккорд_chord__Ам for this. Figure is higher...
P/s. What to understand, in what here essence, and reception, when the fingers Rhythmically press and release(let off) a string, or as here - two strings, are based that the Next notes undertake. It can be applied on many chords. But In a HEAD you hold we shall tell here аккорд_chord__ Ам, and actually on turn you play some chords. Logically it is easier than to take two, and there are more chords!!


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