10 англ простой a simple accompaniment on a guitar

P/s. The note to previous to page. Simple supervision - length of fingers at the different people different! More precisely Line carried out(spent) on Кончикам Ногтей _ Edges(territory) of fingers_will be different - fingers in a projection can be on radius or wedge, concerning an average finger. Proceeding from lengths of a finger choose a guitar on мензуре _M=length of strings on a guitar. On 1 - 3 ладах __frets_ of distance 6 mm on guitars different мензурой M=from 610 - 650 mm change up to 3 - 5 mm. Better not заморачивайся_ dond worry bii happy! About fingers, that by sausages, with sausages that similar it is not necessary to speak, but nevertheless fingers, девоньки, for неименьем - boys, but it is good when they пре - long! Етить - перетить! And, the dregs will suffice to twist! Динамою – машиною-  to confuse--, коль __if__there is nothing to tell! Вестимо _yes it is! _in addition...
Never could master even idle time from the elementary fights! What such "fight"? Word like also explains! That is Impact on strings, and as a rule on bottom, that is - first, second and third. Actually fight, in what that of a degree the Separate note at musical recording.
Six-string, it is natural! Approximately so: a chord, for example, Am_ then notes Соль_Dm_Ре, Ми, Си note_A_B_C_D_E_F_G. To a concrete melody it has no the attitude(relation) - simply, as an example accept!! That is Enters the name аккорд_ Например__ for ehample__ Ам_Dm_при it on a Musical ruler the Main note in a chord is drawn, and from above or from below write all these: Am_Dm_G_F_Em and the separate notes are drawn as usually point and line with хвостиком_ note is_1/2_1/4_1/8, that means Duration of the note. That is as it is accepted: whole, половинная, eighth on Duration. As apply all Marks Альтерации_note symbols_, that is the Indexes HOW TO PLAY. For example with Increase of loudness, or on the contrary by Downturn on loudness, Vigorously, In style of a march. And how not knowing the notes to write down a melody?
Applying the Standard symbols, and thinking out! Main here are Sequences of chords, that there are on a line or on two, when chords of pieces eight!
For example I now experiment as With the Additional note, and with an Additional bass much. I shall explain more precisely what This Such?! If we play, we shall tell аккорд_chord__Е on first three ладах, at Переборе_ the order to biting  for each of strings __is played at first so Общепринято_ is decided(solved)--_6, 4, 3,2,1_как see the Fifth string Is missed, and at the Second pass Перебор _ the order to biting  for each of -from it(her) and begins так_5,4,3,2,1. But thus for a bass responds in concrete аккорде_chord__Е_ прижатая _press__on !!! 3 ладу __fret__5 strings. But it is possible to press a string same fifth Below, for example on !!!! 4 ладу__fret__. THE BASS WILL BE ANOTHER. In this case I write down a chord through an Inclined line, so например_ for eample__Ам/E. It specifies, that the chord undertakes slightly not so! One finger, as a rule most Are high on a rule(situation) on strings takes not that note. The smoothness of a melody, and Additional chord, that undertakes frequently Мизинцем. The melody turns out SMOOTHER. As a matter of fact Initial chord by One note Is completed. It is easier, than To search for the notes on a signature stamp or new chords.... It is necessary for Smoothness!
P/s эти простые правила желательно знать начинающему гитаристу! Не стоит Уповать на то, что сказано в видео уроке, или написано в книге! Скорее всего, ничего не получится из того, предлагается к повтоу!! Я с этим столкнулся на первых же просмотрах видеоуроков! В  домашних условиях нет Синхронизации, и если вы решите Синхронно повторить, то вы или Убежите вперед или отстанете. Для этого и приучат  в музыкальных училищах к ритму, что б вы могли Подстроиться под других музыкантов! Подстраивайся под Себя! 


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