5 простой accompaniment on a guitar. as by the fir


As by the first song in this collection I have given стихотворение_poem__ DO NOT FORCE, in him THREE CHORDS. It аккорды_chords__D_A7_D And ADDITIONAL NOTE, THAT UNDERTAKES AFTER СЫГРАН_play АККОРД_chord__А. But the song can go and on other Three chords, for example 'ЦЫГАНОЧКА_gypsy_ ' the song goes on chords: Dm_Am_E.

1.Не заставляй меня безумно привыкать
К загадке глаз и нежности улыбки.
Ведь просто сердцу в плен любви попасть опять,
Как крыльям птицы биться с небом зыбким.
Do not force me is sad to get used
To a riddle of an eye and tenderness of a smile
You see, it is simple to heart in captivity of love to get again,
 As to a bird to beat in the sky unsteady/ Completely poem on 1 - 2 page /
I take from the book of the author -Манилов “ Play and accompany on a guitar –1964 ”. Her(it) can скачать __to reseive her(it) from the Internet. The note - the Simplified figures of chords are usually given it is Points on ладах_frets_, but for Перебора_ to play some bass string _important WHAT BASS STRINGS ARE NOT PLAYED. It is specified in the mentioned book, as well as Main note ON WHICH the CHORD, например_ for example_Am_Dm_F_G, and so on - while three chords for first урока_a lecture__A7_D and DERIVATIVE FROM THEM IS NAMED.
Now - concrete execution(performance) песни the song_NOT FORCE. Above under numbers(rooms) 13, 14 under such they are drawn in buck of author Манилов. In Complete рисуноке_picture_ of a chord for аккорда_А7-is Кружочек _little circle on 1 string, and кружочек_little circle_ on 5 strings is double the basic note, from which there is a name of a chord - here это_А7. For аккорда_chord__D- it is 4 strings. Пре to game on hearing these Кружочки_little circle_ are not important - main to know where, on what string and лад_frets_ to put fingers.
ON РИСУНОКЕ_picture, on the original still figures in кружочках_circles_ specify fingers 1, 2, 3 - that is Index, Average and Anonymous. It is necessary in
The beginning - as there will be a question “ WITH WHAT FINGER ABOVE? As a rule Average and Anonymous it is possible to change, but all таки fingers press under the Certain order of a string. Actually it important right at the beginning. In the literature and notes the fingers specify by the Small letters - i, m, p.
P/s. With small правками_By changes_ of the text - near to Russian words, that are important, but the words for translation in program - compiler I have no I give close значнение_value! It is translation of pages from the same magazine in Russian _” “ Простой гитарный аккомпанемент N1”. In the list of files the Electronic magazines, mentioned in the text, are located Below. As last line - is transferred(translated) read on the following page..N6a, b, c.
