3. простой аккомпанемент на гитаре. начало разбора
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НЕ ЗАСТАВЛЯЙ. Translation in the program Maggic Gooddy.
Не заставляй меня безумно привыкать
К загадке глаз и нежности улыбки.
Ведь просто сердцу в плен любви попасть опять, / Выпадает из Ритма?/
Как крыльям птицы биться с небом зыбким.
Не принуждай - в пучине взгляда утону
Немая, обнаженная, земная.
Когда снесет мой мир к чертям - твоё "люблю!"
С горячих губ, сорвусь звездой сгорая.
Не обольщай прикосновением души,
В тебе такая темнота и бездна.
Позволь струиться чистым ручейком в тиши
Другого берега.. Прошу исчезни...
Beginning of analysis of accompaniment by page earlier!.
Do not force me madly to get used
To a riddle of an eye and tenderness of a smile.
You see it is simple to heart in captivity of love to get again, / Drops out of a Rhythm? /
As to wings a bird to beat with the sky unsteady.
Do not force - in abyss of a sight утону_To tone in depth
Немая_silent_, naked, terrestrial.
When will demolish my world to чертям-bitch_ - твоё __this" I like! "
From hot lips, I shall be broken by a star burning down.
Not обольщай__ pretty_by a touch of soul,
In you such darkness and бездна_deep_.
Let струиться_ go__pure(clean) ручейком –little river_ in calm
Other coast.. I ask: “ disappear...
And so is a poem the beginning куплетов_block of words, lines IS ASSEMBLED in the compact block - is marked with that куплет _begins with Отступа- Tab or Red line. Such record - Is most compact, that gives on the screen in 15 - 17 inches All poem! As further Learning and Storing begins. WHY In КУПЛЕТЕ_ this song have block for 4 lines_ MORE OFTEN 4 LINES?
There can be and 3, 4, 5, 6 lines, accordingly. THE BUSINESS THAT IS SELECTED ACCOMPANIMENT by CHORDS! SO IT IS ACCEPTED! While I shall begin to not give Figures of chords, but I shall say, that as a rule Self-teachers for a guitar begin that the chords in the first position Are remembered, that is it is possible to construct that within the limits of FIRST THREE ЛАДОВ_ frets_, considering from колков_tune mashin_, or screws for a tension of strings. And the CHORDS ARE LOWER 3 ЛАДА_frets_. ARE UNDER CONSTRUCTION USUALLY by RECEPTION БАРЭ.
That is the Index finger presses All strings - it Large Барэ, or part of strings, for example in a chord:
< F_ мизинец_little 5 finger_ presses -1+2 strings on _! ладу_4 a string _!! лад. 5 strings _!!! лад
The guitar is arranged so, that chords, for the beginning I shall say, that they have the names consisting of the latin letters and figures of a type: Am_Dm_H7sus5, that is as a matter of fact it some kind of the Formula from WHAT SEPARATE NOTES the CHORD IS MADE. You are not, what such a CHORD? As to you not: " Ай, яй, яй!! "
As a rule, it прижатые __ press_IS MORE THAN 2 STRINGS, within the limits of first three ладов_frets_. For example _ the chord _Ем has прижатые струны –press string_4+5 on_!! 2 ладуf_ret:
< Ем_4+5 a string _!! _2 лад _ fret__ОСТАЛЬНЫЕ All string_ OPEN, NOT ПРИЖАТЫЕ press_ >. This Second my Invention, except for a Spelling of a chord, типа_Ам_Dm_F_G! So I Can write Evidently HOW TO PRESS STRINGS for concrete songs. As a rule For myself I at the end of the Copied poem I do(make) Similar records, and I began to write down a melody practically with First by me executed songs! So I can reproduce a song, is exacter a melody to her, that there were сыграна some years back. Still there will be two, three pages without figures with guitar Concepts..., that is necessary to acquire what to master a guitar!
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