University by Charlotta Fox

  “a girl from Czechoslovakia, was working. She was ”

Excerpt From: Charlotta Fox. “University.” iBooks.
“very young and very beautiful and lovely, and we became friends right way.
“I am stupid. I am stupid that I work in this dirty place,” she said, “but what to do? We don’t have legal documents for work, and our choice is limited and here with good pay.”
Steve said that when he saw her, all his ”

Excerpt From: Charlotta Fox. “University.” iBooks.
“thoughts lightened up, and she was wonderful, really. And also he said that a lot of men hide other women from the woman they love, but he is different, and he doesn’t want to hide anything from me. I accepted and understood his view.”

Excerpt From: Charlotta Fox. “University.” iBooks.

IT is my new book UNIVERSITY by Charlotta Fox/my Pen name-мой псевдоним/
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