Настоящая дружба народов-
Не пила и не плавленый сыр
И не "radio" с псевдо-"Свободой"
И не псевдосвобода 3,14** z dir
Дружба-плавленый сырок, бензопила, марка радиолы etc.
dir-displays a list of a directory's files and subdirectories. If used without parameters, dir displays the disk's volume label and serial number, followed by a list of directories and files on the disk (including their names and the date and time each was last modified). For files, dir displays the name extension and the size in bytes. Dir also displays the total number of files and directories listed, their cumulative size, and the free space (in bytes) remaining on the disk.In computing, dir (directory) is a command used for computer file and directory listing, specifically in the command line interface (CLI) of the operating systems CP/M[2], MP/M[3], DOS, OS/2, Singularity, Microsoft Windows, ReactOS, and in the DCL command line interface used on VMS, RT-11 and RSX-11. The command is also supplied with OS/8 as a CUSP (Commonly-Used System Program).
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