the Great Laconic Philosophical Encyclopedia

This multi-volume literary work, like a Great Laconic Philosophical Encyclopedia (abbreviated i.e. laconically: GLPE) is a logical development of a Laconic Philosophical Encyclopedia. In GLPE will be 26 volumes, from A to Z. For each letter that starts a word that will be 300 vocables (because 300 - that's laconic number, that is logically a very beautifull number), for a total in GLPE will be 9000 vocables. Every tenth vocable will be illustrated, so there will be 900 illustrations in GLPE. GLPE or if more deployed Great Laphienia will not be quite Orphienia (that is, the ORiginal PHIlosophical ENcyclopedIA), and will also contain vocables about unoriginal concepts, but having encyclopedic relevance of philosophical concepts, so it will be more having the academic character of encyclopedia.
