Венгерский Репетитор-2

Pls , do not
discard my heart

 Strange black trees  '
swaying -  in dark-cold highs
   the basic provisions aground

 Pls discharge
from Your eyes
  That black distant
images of the  birds of like-seemed as they crawn-ed    -    ?
on the background of a-Hungary Moon ъ

Through the  years , thr. the lonely beaches
Get on back - on-the right-time
me -  too You soon
gonna get back

 500 years before rezarrection
- Can we get stretch-out it both in hands ours
 Uran ъ     -    Т (э) 
  чего-то для -  the p

 Летят на луну - вороны
даже на Марс ни отправишь

 Dont try to release uponyourself
yours numbered a card
Dont try in to - believe me

