Youtube have deleted my 2 video of sky at night
не давать комментировать,
не давать загрузить видео.
я приняла решение удалить все видео и закрыть аккаунт и больше не пользоваться
эти ресурсом.
и не только этим,
но, заодно так,
уже и вообще всеми этими американскими жоминантными диктаторскими сайтами
с правилами держиморд и концлагерщиков
Раньше я годами смотрела.
Ладно! Другие ресурсы есть.
Жалко как . Доверила свои видео сюда.
Жалко. Боже, кому? Ужас какой!
Они хотят рабов, запугивают.
И, когда такое идёт, такое не останавливается - такое только прогрессирует.
Я уйду. ещё кто-то Хорошо.
Оставив американцам американское :)
Оно оказалось гнилым :))
Пусть сами едят свои гнилые американские продукты как американский ютюб и остальные сайты с системой доносительства и слежки :))
Youtube have deleted my 2 video of sky at night in England
Youtube have banned me for a long time
including any ability
- to upload videos
- to make comments
Americans like to make a prison life for people, see
their dominant behalves, cruelty to women,
and their hate of The Freedom of The Information
and The Freedom of The Speech.
I recorded my home video by me and photos by me
from my private garden area of my home, in England,
at night.
I was surprised to see what i saw.
But you can not see this, as Youtube deleted videos.
and Youtube banned me.
Not me, - you.
I had saw - but this would be not permitted to see for you
to know.
I will look for another web-sides ,
this was not nice.
I never had this.
На небе в 4 утра, Англия :: 17.07.2018 :: 4am Sky in England
На небе в 4 утра, Англия 17. 07. 2018. Sky-7a
Видео / Video
Sorry, Youtube have deleted my 2 videos about Objects at At Sky
and banned me to be unample to download videos.
See, as Youtube disliked to give the access to the information.
* Probably, someone pushed to close the resources of the information to public to know.
* Plenty people had wrote the some, as a stop of the Freedom of The Information pn Youtube as American Site, see
* I never had this for all my experience over 10-15 years
* Good bye, Youtube, it is impossible to use this
* They are really cruel, dominant, they never bothered criminals with cruel video, as they had fully accepted plenty videos which whould be sick to see
* But someone disliked my photos and videos of sky at 4 am
* But this means, I had filmed something as the extra.
* I will look for another resources to find, if so, i will deleted each my video from Youtube, will leave this resource with dominant rude cruel behalve to others to be their fans.
* I was their client. But I am a free mind personality, and do not accept any push or a cruelty as this.
*Look, we all know as plenty English-speaking males like just males, and olenty just hated women, enjoying if women cried, they as hienas.
I read this to you, and see, - i was right.
Plenty people put their vidoes on youtubes for years, tens years, songs, family events, just, the natures, all styles and all.
But this mean youtube had a shrotage of their resources now, so, near to a crises, as all American economy too, probably.
The Freedom of Speeches and The Information in American Constitution which had not stopped YOUTUBE to deal on the opposite way as to delete videos of clients if someone would dislike the information here.
See, American Constitution, so America, had feld down complitly as American web side Youtube had not provided The Freedom of the Information and Speeches for clients, censured and deleted already such video as a personnel video and photos of... Sky at 4 am in England!!
How many people had waked up at night to see the sky? to film the sky?
Probably, not plenty?
So, probably, someone may like to see the sky video at 4 am from England by me?
But this had been banned and deleted.
Why? What was a crime here?
Is is a criminal to go to your garden to film a night sky to put on Youtube to others to see?
See, this is a crime by new American rules of American web-side YOUTUBE as new American rules.
I had not any copyrights problems as this was my video by me from my garden area.
Look, I just see all move American companies and America from 2001 year to a huge hole down and down and down and down, when they stepped on all human rights and on one Constitution, with their censure and spying and control each all, making a life here on the freedom as the some as to be a prisoner in a prison.
Plenty people had supported America, USA, just as they liked The Freedom of Speech and Thoughts and The Information, sp, we all saw and see as this is a huge lie as a prison country with prison rules and laws and tradition, crossed their own American Constitution and Human Rights, they push each country, each person to a fear, to a fear, a fear to live, a fear to talk, a fear to do anything - -see i filmed the sky at night from my garden area in England myself, i had put it on youtube and they deleted stright and closed down any uploads for the middle of october 2018.
What i did wrong?
I filmed a home video from my garden.
I filme the sky at night time.
I filmed some big bright strange object, which changed colors.
I filme a video and photos, to share with others, whom slept, to ask our British Scientists after what is this in the British night sky here now? What is this, so big strange?
some planet?
a comet?
a new spoutnik, as a Moon?
Here some secrecy, plenty people stopped to believe to their own Govertment
as all information censured and deleted,
this look someone tried to hide some things.
Извиняюсь, ютюб очень быстро удалил мои два видео
фотки и видео ночного неба в 4 часа в Англии,
снятого мной в саду моего дома в Англии.
Похоже, по новым уточнённым американским правилам американского компании ресурса информации Ютюб "как частной американской компании англоговорящих американцев США из Америки", они полностью закрывают и цензируют доступ к абсолютно любой информации (что нарушает Конституцию СШа о Свободе мнения, речей и информации).
Мы все видели падение Америки в этом плане начиная с 2001 года, когда американская Коституция и законы зачёркивались, вводился контроль, слежка, цензура.
Сейчас 2018? 2018-2001 = 17 лет падения в бездну?
Ну и как?
Америка открыто стала тюрьмой народой. Мнения и информация запрещены.
Снимать ночью небо в саду своего дома запрещено. Делиться фотками и видео запрешено-ага, неба.
Как много людей в Великобритании ночами снимают небо на видео и фоткают?
Т.е. мой канал давал ресурс информаии посмотреть и задать вопросы "британским учёным" "кто ночами спят"?
У меня, как у британки, вопросы - это это летает такое? Огромное?
Мы живём, хотя и считается, "на свободе", но я эту свободу как то не ощущаю вообще
- контроль, диктат, жестокость, жестокость к женщинам (я женщина и мне 57 лет и я одинокая женщина), - я ощущаю это как травлю себя, как личности и женщины.
Видите, похоже так, что эта власть в США, вошла в вкус тотальной слежки и контроля и давления, и уродства видеть людей плачуж=щими.
Я писала об этом?
Я больше 20 лет живу в англоязычной среде, и нахожу массу их садистами, наслаждающими слёзами, или видом крови и трупами - оптому Американский Конгресс США и голосует постоянно за войны и организацию революций и убийств в других странах мира, - им это физически, как садистам, необходимо видеть слёзы и кровь, раненных и трупы.
Американцы США как послушные овцы, не задающие вопросы своему правительству и Конгрессу США и Американским Президентам США касаемо этой огромной сумма денег в миллионах транша, постоянно вымываемой из бюджета страны, что сибирался налогами с каждого американца, на "упоетельное" зрелище трупов и раненных женщин и детей и мужчин по странам мира.
Такая ненависть к женщинам, такая ненависть.
See, American women and men from Youtube hate each their client.
They hate each of us, a children, women, men.
I am 57 yo woman, a single woman, this was my home video of the night sky look from my private garden area in England, as I am living in England over 20 years,
this the some as to live in a prison by English-speaking British and American Officials, whom did the usual life as a life a prisoner in a prison UK+USA = TOGETHER against all humanity for the Total Control, - they rude, they are a dominant, they are cruel, they cruel with humans, with woman, they like to do situation of fear, to play with fears, to put people in a fear to do anythings and to live, - they push people to go away from this world as here as a prison, - they push to a suincide to die.
They as huenas, if they see someone weak and alone and a single, of someone of another Ethbnick Group, or talking on another native language.
I hate all English-speaking and British and American as the richest countries created a rude crule prison life for all.
I was 36 yo woman, a really beautiful and an attractive, with a long dark gold brown hairs, my British husband liked me, we were crazy to make a sex 5 times per day or more.
He could not give me any baby as i wanted, - he had been streilozed as plenty English-speaking males.
So, as he was a jealose, he damaged me, i leaved, divorced.
I wanted to give a birth of my child, i was looked to find some suitable man for me in Great Britain, and ... no one. as the terrible place as a country as no one here as a kind person as the healthy attractive person, as a hard working person with duties to support his woman, children, family.
I had not saw no one whom i would named as the healthy mentality as a normal human, a normal kind human, an a healthy.
Just British women may like to pick this (for money, probably).
But if someone would be this, - they would be gays as plenty British pedaphils are rich men in a political power and a power, they grab plenty boys, plenty young attractive boys, to teach a sin, or if not, - the closed male educational private school would teach this.
When i find someone, he ... he asked ... my social groip, my money income, as English-speakers British and American men could not be attractive by women as they are able to fill the attraction just to money.
I cried.
I lived in USSR, we looked for a love, making your families in a love to each another.
Here people like money and themselves just, no love here, just a love to money, to a cruelty, to a control, to a power, to dominate.
No humans here... just a prison.
The top Prisoan Officers of Great Britain are British Officials of British Govertment whom hate each all British Citizen and especially whom had not enough money.
But look! Nobody of British Govertment and Nobody from American Govertment are people whom earning money to do a real work in a real economy!
They are people whom named themselves "WE ARE POWER", they writing how much they wanted as their money from a budget.
USA debt are low and low down and more dept as a result of rules of American Congress USA and American Presidents.
This is easy, why so.
If you have your money in a budget for doing things inside country, for benefits, a health and a social and science support and roads and schools, - they will return back toa budget through the tax system, but if not, - they would not.
So, American Congress USA had vote for what? for transfering money from American budget to abroad out, - to Ukraine, hundreds billions, as moving and moving out from American budget to Ukraine.
How many dollars had returned back as taxes from Ukraine to American budget? No one dollar , no one penny, this as a huge mountant stream just in one way.
America threw their budget money away.
One day it will be a collapse, as a huge collapce and the bankropsity of the state.
And Youtube with their bans as American Company will have a huge economical low down
as clients had a habit of a freddom of information and the exression themselves which is a freedom of speeches.
I looked videos from Youtube alot, was their client, but i see i need to cancel my account, to delete my videos, as i dislike to give videos by me for so cruel rude people and company Youtube, as American company.
It will be a loss, not to see videos from youtube - i had not any TV at my British home from 2007 till now, over 10 years (British TV Licence about ;147/year, much to expensive for me and my incove for a looking unwanted their English-speaking bla-bla-bla.
I used youtube so, looked .
Now i will think to closed down my habits some as i canceled closed to look TV.
* British TV, with a quite big screen, had explosed loudly at my home in 2007, i decided never to buy any TV again.
* So, some with youtube - they were rude dominant cruel with me, - i will try to find other resources in Internet - in Russia or in Chine or in Europe, leaving American sire just for Americans or English-speaking, - they hate others and they hate women.
There are so much pedophile in English-speaking British men groups. (probably, and in American?)
See, as English-speaking women and men hate each of us, as they able to do just this as hate us.
They do not look as a normal humans, they might be to be some evil alines, might they? so, they enjoyed so much to make Reovulutions and Wars as their creative organizations work.
They flashed out so plenty money from their budget just to support a mass killings of women and kids in other countries!!!
Normal humans would not do this.
Good bye, America!
Good bye, Youtube!
You' dominant and rude
and cruel
No any Freedom of the speech
no any freedom,
American is The Prison rules
American web-side
is some
They banned a woman, me,
For what?
For a photo
from my garden area
at night
as i stayed here,
looking at sky.
American new rules from USA
do not permit
to see a sky!
Just their special brain-washed
will have
this optional
See, something
is present
at the sky
as not permitted
for a public
На небе в 4 утра, Англия :: 17.07.2018
4am Sky Object, England
#sky #небо
33 минуты 33 секунды
компановка фоток и видео с разной скоростью просмотра
*А это видео удалено редакцией Youtube почти сразу:*
Sky Object, England :: На небе в 4 утра, Англия :: 17.07.2018 :: 4am
#sky #object #небо #объект
*удалено редакцией Youtube почти сразу*
*раньше такого не было-а я на Ютюбе давно
*скрывают информацию - удаляют
*впервые такое
*This video had been deleted by Youtube
*They deleted the video, so, and that information too!
Sky Object, England :: На небе в 4 утра, Англия :: 17.07.2018 :: 4am
*At 1st time this
*I am on Youtube for over tens years-this 1st time
* Youtube closed the access to the information
* Youtube had not deleted plenty videos which not interestin for me
* Youtube deleted my video which as my private collection videos
* and property
* We need to find some another resource for a freedom of the information
* Youtube censured and deleted plenty videos of clients, plenty people wrote this was so, not and I may say this too.
* See, how easy to close any access to the information in secundas.
* I do not trust Youtube any more. We need another resources, as a freedom of the information, Youtube is not
Links / Ссылки
Видео / Video
На небе в 4 утра, Англия :: 17.07.2018 :: 4am Sky Object, England
#sky #небо
33 минуты 33 секунды
компановка фоток и видео с разной скоростью просмотра
На небе в 4 утра, Англия 17. 07. 2018. Sky-0
На небе в 4 утра, Англия 17. 07. 2018. Sky-1
На небе в 4 утра, Англия 17. 07. 2018. Sky-2
На небе в 4 утра, Англия 17. 07. 2018. Sky-3
На небе в 4 утра, Англия 17. 07. 2018. Sky-4
На небе в 4 утра, Англия 17. 07. 2018. Sky-4b
На небе в 4 утра, Англия 17. 07. 2018. Sky-4bb
На небе в 4 утра, Англия 17. 07. 2018. Sky-5
На небе в 4 утра, Англия 17. 07. 2018. Sky-6
На небе в 4 утра, Англия 17. 07. 2018. Sky-6b
На небе в 4 утра, Англия 17. 07. 2018. Sky-7
На небе в 4 утра, Англия 17. 07. 2018. Sky-7a
© Copyright: Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin, 2018
© Copyright: Инна Бальзина-Бальзин, 2018
I decided to delete all videos by me from my Youtube account
and to closed down and never return back,
to see this resource
leaving this American English-speaking product just for Americans to eat this
as over-dated product smell.
I see this over-control, as a rude dominant style and a cruelty to a woman for her home video for her home channel on Youtube.
I decided to stop this, leaving, sorry for my readers.
Americans like to kill all, women, a creative home work, a home video of asky from a garden area of home.
I see this over 20 years of my experience of communication and live in UK, as British Citizen of Russian Ethnick.
American Army liked to go to other country "To Fight For a Freedom and The Freedom of Speech and The Democraticy!", sorry, but doing this by such way? by a killing plenty men in other countries? by ruined private properties of other people and civilians? by ruining the economy which provided the solid safe financial support for each inside their countries? by making plenty wounded children and women and pensioners? by making a mass graves of civilians?
Look, let's ask people opinion would they prefer to stay alive to have their properties and families or ruins and plenty wounded and died and no food from a ruined economy?
Will American Troops come to America sometimes some day to free their own country America , USA, as here is No any The Freedom of Speech, no Freedom of The information? So, no The Democratic and Humans Rights as USA had been cached as the TOP POWER by some dangerous criminals.
Look, you may have some money by another political goals just for protection your country, by staying here always.
American Army leaved their countries and some hidden inner enemies and criminals took the TOP POLITICAL POWER in USA, as what they do is a flashing money of a budget on a mass killing programs abroad, - just criminal and murders like to kill civilians.
Do you realize that there not not what was before? much worse all? and more huge National Debt numbers?
Look, better they pay more to you to protect USA in to present you to stay in your own country, to see your family and kids.
You was so brave to travel to free foreign people abroad while nobody asked you to do this,- they had been happy.
You a weakest coward always with your own American/British Government, to go to bring the freedom to your own country.
Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin
(Инна Тигги, Ианна Инна Бальзина-Бальзин)
"Youtube have deleted my 2 video of sky at night"
* English/Russian, a story, an article
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