The Personnel Touch in Great Britain - 1
The Memory
The Personnel Touch in Great Britain - 1
I am living in Great Britain over 20 years, British Citizen, my 1st British Passport from April 2002, prior this I had my Latvian Alien passport, as my official document of the Alien, having my birth on the planet The Earth as Russian in Russia, in Khabarovsk on 8th July 1961.
My Russian Birth Certificate from July 1961 was on the blank from the year 1953 with the strange handwritting, which is not usual for documents on Russian with a beautiful calligraphy style, making changing and hardness to read it.
For example, my surname Balzina looked as Bolsina, my Russian Ethnic Group Русская
looked as Vусская Vussian.
My father's Ethnic was Vussian (Russain), my mother's Ethnick was muc more complicated rigther Vussian (Russian).
Place of my birth, Russian town Khabarovk Хабаровск had been written as Хабаvоск (Khabavosk).
My surname looked as Bolzina here and my parents as Balzin and Balzina, which put me later in documents as Inna Aleksandrovna Balzina or Inna Balzina.
My parents and me lived in Russia, in Ukraine for 5 years, in Uzbekistan, in Russia for 6 years and moved to live to Riga, Latvia in June 1974 year.
So, I was 12 y.o. girl, Russian Ethnic girl by my documents, having my birth in Russia, educated in Russian primary schools, when I crossed border Russia-Latvia and started live later in Riga, Latvia from my 12 years old age, with my parents.
It was a time of the huge Soviet Impair USSR, the huge Impair space of The Union of 13-16 states, republics, countries, similar to EU or to USA (USA if the Union of States too, as the country, the huge area with no borders and border wards, - some was USSR, as the union of 15-16 states with no borders and no border wards inside, just the one biggest country as the area).
Any state and any country has some own traditional brain washing ideas, as a religious or politicians or national tradition.
USSR had not any official religious brain washing system in our school for kids, but each family had decided which brain-wash, as religious or not religious and which type of Religions to use for their kids inside their families.
So, some of my schoolmates where Christians, some Muslims, some Buddhists, some Pagans, some Agnostics, some Atheists, some believed in fairies.
I leaned The History of Religious Believes later in The University, as the obligated subject for each Soviet student in The University of any Facilitate.
We were teenagers as 17-18-19 years already, when we had our first official access to so sort information.
Our Tutor gave for us the information about plenty different types of religions on the planet The Earth in the chronological and area's historical locations, with the access to main points, the inner ideas and the making this ideas publicly recognazing, with texts as translation from texts of different religious texts, songs, poems. And we study the fights of ideas and a fight for a power and the change of relion believes through the fight for a power and the developing of society and the moral and the mentality of people.
Plenty students had the attraction of some or another ideas or texts of some religious, so, while we study The History of Human Believes covered with name The Ateizm, plenty students started to go to the churches or to be a believer of one or another relious via the oppenning access of the information and the knowledge.
Really, plenty my school friends and me too, we used to go to Churches in a secret from our parents and the school, we always came to pray for the success to pass our exams, or just, simple to stay to look to listen.
And son after, we might walked to a garden with a lilac tree to find to eat floweres of lilac which would be unusual, with 5 flower lilac leaves (some as the good luck tradition with clever leaves was too).
Latvian Letts were Pagans mostly, all, so, we had some mixed traditions of everything, as the celebration of main Latvian/Russian Pagan holidays, 23-24th June as the change of the longeness days, Yanka Kupala (Yanka Cupala) or Ivan (Ewans) Days.
We sat down near a tallest fire for all night, eating and singing songs, or just sitting,people in a villages areas, drunk plenty bears and making their love in the local forests, women and girls jumped over the fire, taking their hairs as long, with twisted border of flowers and colored lentos.
It was not a religious holidays celebrations for most of us at all, as just the unique experience of something unusual ancient touch of time.
Some, as teenagers would be in a disco dance class with plenty unusual lights and songs and musics to up themselves.
If you live in UK and a true-born British, you may like to try Chinese or Indian or Italian traditional cousins and food having the adaption as the mix of all, some was here in Latvia and USSR, the adaption of mix of all.
When you try or eat Chinese food, this had not did you to be a Chinese man or woman, but if there would be much much more Chinese people, talking on Chinese for you to listen this from your childhood, this memory would be a part of you as your life experience and your feelings and your memory.
So, Russian people, living in Latvia, had listened Latvian Lettish language each day, tried and ate Latvian Lettish cousins, cooked this too, at home, plenty knew Latvian Lettish language too, some as on the level of their native as a bilingual some less, this depending from the quantity of people as Latvian Letts locally, less or no many or plenty. To know any language, - to have the ability to practice to talk to listen.
I lived in Imanta area of Riga with no plenty Latvian Letts here, mostly we were being Russian-speakers, some Polish, German, Jewish, Tatars, too, but they used their native languages inside their families in their home mostly.
One girl had knew Russian, Latvian Lettish, Polish, as she was from a mixed family and they used to talk on all languages inside, we all liked this at all, as sounds of changing languages from one to another quickly, we all dreamed to have some too, but mostly people had not any success in the leaning languages.
To lean any language is to have a memory to memorize plenty sounds and words and their writings and their pronunciations and the grammar, and to have a musical skills so, yo be able sounds clearly to repeat all the some.
There are not all people have such good memory to memorize so plenty linguistically information, as sounds, their writings, the grammar on the top.
So, level of knowledge of languages was different as the abilities.
Plenty Latvian Lettish kids had been talented to talk on Russian and Latvian Lettish languages as bilinguals. Plenty Russians could not pick no one language as just one their own Russian.
We valued Latvian Lettish people and children, so, as bilinguals, and they picked German and English on the top easy too, making them to have a freedom to talk on 3-4 languages easily free. This was amazing! We respected and valued this a lot!
I leaned English language from my primary Russian School age in Russia and later in Latvia and later in Latvian University (technical translations to be able to read scientific texts on English).
But when i came to live to UK as 36 yo age woman, married on British man, his fiancee and later his wife Mrs Inna Scotford, i was not able to recognize English words and languages from local people talks, - they used some another pronancation, defenetly not "The Queen Speeches English language" or "BBC news diction".
I could not understand, so, what others talked about and some they were not able recognize my English from my study this in USSR time.
They had said a lot "now, now, now, I now", and after a while I had a guest, to understand, they tried to prounance "I know", while i had not a hardness to pronounce each letter here know, - but they could not understand me, as any change of any sound which is traditional for ears making a hardness for them to recognize English language in another style of prononciations.
Knight they pronounced as night
Irland as Ieland, Iland
know as now
So, while a writing of letters would be after the talking words experiences historically, so,
they used or to stop to pronounce "k" in English old words, saving this just in a writing,
or they used to create different writing for similar sounding words to be easy understand in a writing.
I open a Big Dictionary to lean English words and English language, this surprise me to find as one English word, the some, with no change, might have over 20 meanings, some opposite.
I talk on on English.
This talk on English.
- Please, give this cherry to me for a pound !
pounds as a weight, as a Monet, money, as a sound, as a lake, as a space, rounded by some border. 20 meanings. There is English surname Pound too. and shops Pound.
I spent a lot of my time, thinking about all of this.
There are plenty different styles of pronancation of Russian words on Russian by areas.
Some talk fast with A as a sound in mother, - Moscow dialect of Russian.
Some talk slowly as singing each a o, and with plenty o as in noooo no.
So, as groups pf Moscow Dialect were huge and they took a power, the official Russian language is the Moscow dialect of Russian.
But, it you will start to lean how to write on Russian, you will see the writing on Russian would be opposite to sounding Russian.
For example, how people talk on Russian and what they write on Russian:
Масква -- Москва (Moscow)
Бальной - Больной (ill)
Варона - Ворона (a crown, a bird)
But, if to take the Saratov dialect on Russian they say and they wrote
Москва (Moscow)
Больной (ill)
Ворона (a crown, a bird)
So, Russian language in writing present the old Saratov Dialect of Russian,
and here the some on writing and some in the prounancation.
So, this mix as a difference in the writing on Russian which is opposite to a modern Russian, as Moscow style of Russia took an official power.
But if we would travel to Saratov area or some small villages, we will see people say and people write the some sounds.
People said a lot about some hidden history of Russia with Tartaria, where Saratov town was a capital of a main town.
So, while things changed, the difference between the writing and the prounancation a point on the some historical changes in a political power.
Some states and some political power and so ideas had changes.
So, if to return back to the curious fact as English words in sounds have a loss of something what in a writing,
I would point to this difference as a great possibility of a loss of some ancient old dialects via some political or others changes of people in power.
Knight might sounded as Knight, not as Night.
Knieve might sounded as Knive
Irland might sounded with R r as Irland not as Iland/
Earl near to Earl-land - Irland
Earl might sounded with r Earl
In English, English people prefer c instead k:
Cat not Kat
Cate not Kate
They used "K" for Khavarovsk (not Havarovsk, Khavarovsk)
They used K for Khan (not Han)
They used K for Egyptian Kings of 4th Dynasty, too.
Polish Karole or Russian Korol'
On English, - King, but ... Crown with C not with K.
English King will be Crownen by The Crown.
The Crown, C, as a symbol of power, so, as a King whom was not CROWNEED BY THE CROWN would be not a King and not THE POWER.
So, a letter K was for a K-King,
and letter C was for a Crown, a power.
Russian name Katherina would be Caterina on English.
Here some mystery too, just not opened yet.
English letter C is as a Moon , as a part of Moon, "The Old Moon faze"
The Full Moon - The Half of Moon (new or old) - less Moon - no moon - ...
So, English C, Crown (The Crown) looked as linked with faze of Moon on the sky.
The Cat and The Moon, a poem by me, writing straight now.
Any Cat looks at the Sky
from the roof of building.
The Cat is looking at the star,
Or, particularly, the biggest.
- The Moon
as C shape letter, -
The Cat
was looking,
- Jump in?
The Moon had smiled to the Cat:
- I am a really the highenest.
The Cat had found The Crown hat,
and moving, playing faster.
The Crown dropped down fast,
Each step had shouted:
- Why? Who?!
Pardon me, i am miles away.
I will try to prove the possibility of the loss of some ancient English dialect, some local ancient dialect by the similarity to Russian language, presenting Saratov ancient dialect in a writing, and a new Moscow dialect in pronunciation words ,
and still,
as my own genes and me connected to Hinxton villag, which 14 km from Cambriage with the neibor village Balsham (which near to my surname Balsina, Balzin, and some my genetic cousins with their surnames Balsham, Baldwin, Ball, ...)
I had 6 ancient DNA as a family group of people, living in Hinxton 2,300 years back - 1,500 years back.
How they would used to pronounce English languages words? 2,300 - 1,500 years back at time?
Look, each person has the individual ability in prounancation as a physical ability of his-her-their neck and tonger, etc.
So, if i talk and talked Knight and Irland on "Russian way" - they might talked by such way too.
Some Irish people from Irland are my genetic cousins, some 9 person from Iralnd with Gray surname touch, too.
The sound Rrrr rrr sounding nice to try to pronance it.
But I am not able to pronance Russian open sound "r" as I had my tounger more short as linked strong to be inside of my mouth.
So, Russian people and Ukrainian on Ukraine used to cut a part of my tounger (area under my tonger) off to make my tonger longer to be able to touch the top of my touger area inside to be able to pronounce this Russian sound R (as in Russia, Russian, ...).
This had not helped a lot, i said rl hr hl instead R
Plenty English people had not pronounce R which they just wrote but never pronounced.
So, some similar changes was in England island, when people took a power as a Political or Religions power, having English language in writing, but not be able to pronounce o=all these old ancient words on English, probably.
This is just a fantasy, a hypotheses with no proof.
People in Russia started to open a hidden history as a fact of some hidden history with a silence of the official history about some events in the past.
The excavation jobs in towns and villages in Russia, in Italy, in France, had open the fact of some huge Flood in the past, which was a really highest, covered all buildings, first floors, leaved all first floors after in the underground mood.
Including buildings from 19 century as a time of a building work activities.
These 19 century buildings had flooded first floors, covered with soil and river type mood.
Photos of Omsk, Saratov, Peterburg, Riga, Paris, from Italy, - all the some.
These first floor windows would be able to see as parts of underground floor now while they were quite high level on a time of the building work here in 19 century.
So, people openned the hidden history fact with a silence of official history, just Bible saved words about The Great Flood on the past of our planet.
The following search of building stone technology and items from the past had opened the fact of the existing a highest level technology on the past, which would not able to repeat now in the modern time technology, as a level of developing technology on the past.
The rotary cutters machinery to make colons, vases of the really huge height and a really heavy in tonnes.
The 3D stone sculpture photography, making each smallest details of a human body, hairs, clothes.
(The Girl stone sculpture in the Voroncov Park in Voroncov Castle in Creamea, this white marble stone sculpture with sport, with each realistic cloths.
This as words in Bible about two towns, inhabitants of which died, started to be a salty stones, all, at once, -
the color of salt is a pure white as for chacks and for Italian marble stone or a white paper.
a salt can be words about the taste too, as salty.
So, Bible saved facts of The Great Flood, "the salt copy of humans, salty scultures" (3D printed copy in marble stone or some technology), and words of Bible book as a religious book had saved facts of real history, with the silences of official history.
So, there are a fact of hidden history as the some huge great Flood in 19 century, and as people and investigators accounted results of such flood of such level, - there were being plenty died straight from a Gigantic Wave as a Flood of 19 century.
So, the official history is some science fiction new mix of the real history of some civilizations and their cultures and a creative work on the top of this all.
This mean, it was a time gap from 19 century, where plenty died, a huge loss, and a time after where plenty people filled areas where others lived before them.
If to see England, here some things as people had finded in Russian:
- a metallic floor inside churches in Russia? = a metallic net floor in British church, for example, in St John and St Maria Church in Mansfield with the metallic floor (locals had been burned in a fire here in this church before as a fire accident)
0 this church had some smallest sculptures of a man and a woman on the opposite site, looking really realistic, with eyeballs and emotions and characters as individuals as a master work of a sculpture from 19 century and similar to "salty stones sculptures" as stories from Bible.
The colons, tall, looking as making by a rotary machinery technology.
The big wood sculpture of the Earl inside, Christian priests used this place for baptizing children.
I was as a poisoned here on my visit, as some chemical smell making my throught and nose sore, I had a pain in my soft tissiues of neck, noce, limb, eyes, breast, and a upset stomach with a pain and a temperature, as i had not used any PPE protective personnel equipment, a mask.
The door was oppened and some man invited me to come inside, just me and him were here.
When i tried to return back, the door was closed down already, so, probably, it was no access to a public at this day at all.
But really, later i felt this metallic floor under the huge hole going underground as a possible style for the oven to burn humans here some as German Faschists did in their concentration camps in Europe, - this my fantazy on the fact as locals came inside and had been burned inside in the fire, - looking similar to a burning humans in ovens by some gas in Europe in 1933-1945 years.
I felt if I would be here just for a little bit more longer, i would be died after, it took a time to recreate my health back to a normal,
so, i do not advice to investigate this and especially without PPE equipment from chemical-bacteriological isues and to have a radio-dosimeter too.
I live locally, we had warnings leaflet when some old buildings from sandstone from Mansfield area had a radiation and a rodon gas.
The sand , the old sand stone with the radiation and a rodon gass.
You know, i would but a question about some Nuclear war bombing activity in the past in England land or a broken safety border in scientific experiences with Nuclear power technology.
Russian people had a belief, some, now, there was some hidden wars with a nuclear power bommbing
1. Indian old religious book had the describe of flying objects technology with military bombings and wars
2. the map had traces which round as traces from underground rockets and from nuclear bombings, to be able recognize this, it was needed to develop the technology on this level to see traces and to find them as similar on maps.
This mean, our official history is a compromise of people in power what to say to public and what not.
We find, so, these was a time of huge wars, a great fluid gigantic waves in 19 century, hidden artifacts of technology more highest level righter modern.
So, nobody, nothings, plenty died.
And, a question about all us here as about the resources for our existence.
Clones of someone?
Migrants from some other planets to here?
There are plenty theories here, plenty opposite ideas too.
Some as we ancient people and our planet and we all here had been cached.
Some as all each had been killed and died and another time technology or a race from the starts used to recreate somethings similar to our Zoo or museums.
Some we are some scientific experience in the lab where we on the size as microbes for them.
Some more kinds, put as how to a kinder-garden for kids, with some hope and hopes.
Some put in the hell, as each died, prior The Court or after the Court.
Some put the idea of farming where humans as home animals for our technology, with no right, really, and someone used humans for harvesting their energy, souls , bodies, and a food supply too.
Some put us inside of a space ship, which on the move and we inside, all.
Some put the idea of the dimensional space, connecting with similar as web-net in one as bees houses inside, where our place just 1 from plenty.
Some put multidimensional where we are not whom we think about themselves and whom we see in a mirror as we are.
Some put us in the some computer game similation.
Some said we died all.
Some said we are sleeping somewhere, plenty bodies in own small places, with the coonection of simulation computer programms, one said this as anabious, while some ship or a time capsule on a move to a point to put us alive
Some said we are prisoners in the special designed prison.
So, all these theories are someone ideas, some as having a strong points making some explanations
But the main point too, as the existence of different races, not all human race at all, with their specific tasks and goals.
Some theories mixed with time travelers, dimensional travelers, someone as Gods by their level of ability and technology.
and this all to put to a modern brainwashed picture of life still.
If to forget all, more important thing is to think about that there are plenty all with their own goals, tasks, priorities,
and to return back to the official history and the hidden history and their mix.
So, nobody may know the truth here, as the fact.
Look, a brainwashed Parrot repeats words which his owners teached to prounance to make them smile.
All brain-washed technology as official just this - to make humans to look as Parrots.
I am not a exclusion here, as i am some human being as all others here.
I will be here as a Talking Parrot whom will repeat other people work, conclusions, ideas, results.
There was a work of huge amount people, some leaved their names and surnames, some not for the self-protection purposes to talk things opposite to the official permitted human history by powerful people and politicians.
You may find them a lot, on Youtube channels where people put photos, archaeological photos, maps, documents from the past, their conclusions.
I am a bilingual, used Russian/English/Italian )translated on Russian) resources.
I had mentioned the evidences (photos of archaeological works of professionals and just ordinary people with the curiosity or by accedents as the open information of building work activities, civilian or military builders),
There are no any information in the official open resources about this, just lines in Bible text or Indian texts of religious literatures, which as the fact of hidden real history, so.
19 century was not so far away. They put the date of all, and i will not say this, - let go to search yourself to be yours.
But prior this, here was more huge terrible flood of 15 century-16 centuries times, as some Gigantic Wave came.
This Gigantic wave not just covered all buildings with soil and a river dust soul, filling buildings floors rooms with this and streets too,
but after that, here the change of the orientation of Churches exits door and the orientation of practice how to put died people in their underground grave.
This was connected always with the Orientation The East-The West as the Sun vision road.
So, as the fact, there was the change of the orientation The Earth - The West in the past.
This pointed on the some huge Catastrophes in the past, with the changes of the orientations, magnetic fields, climate.
We see, as we may find people, connected with island England genetically to ancient British genes in Russia area to Russian modern people, as the fact of the move plenty people from island England to Russia.
People moved as
1. the open borders making easy to cross areas to settle down
2. their land had wars, economical crises, a climate change, a mass illness,
3. people run aways from a dangerous things too
4. a native disaster, as a wave may move too, on a distance
5. travelers, etc.
any disaster can be a huge mix of all after, locals and not locals, and we see this point in the official history of Russian Impair time.
15th century - 16th century.
The native aunty of Natalia Kirollovna Naryshkina (a wife of Russian Tsar , King Peter The Great, Petr) had her maiden name Hamilton (so, Scottish Hamilton or English Hamilton as British people of Great Britain might be genetic cousins to Russian Royalty via Hamilton, related as closed family relative to Natalia, a wife of Russian Tsar Peter The Great.
* I have my genetic cousins Hamilton as non-Russian, British-Scottish genetic cousins (while I am Russian Ethnic from Russia, my ancestry lived in Russian Impair).
* I have and plenty people with their surname Nelson.
* the granddaugther of Lady Hamilton and Admiral Nelson, was lived in the Priest family, her father was a Priest with plenty kids, and one of his daughter moved to work to Russian Impair, to help to look for Russian kids, this was a really popular in Russia
* For example, Russuin Royalty family, Romanov, had their helper to look for their small kids as some Irish woman, and she started to be a really popular as the real history, as some Princes run away from his bathroom as a fully naked to bee seen by others, and when parents started to investigate this why their Irish bonny nanny staff not looking properly for Princes in the bathroom, they had finded her chatting temporally emotionally with someone about some political war ad peace issues, so, she was so involved in the political discussions, had a loss of her duty to look for The Russian Royal Prince. By this story, she was not dismissed, probably, as everyone laughed, finded this as a funny anecdote.
* I missed, forgot her Irish surname and details, if I will look to find, i will add this here
* So, we see and Irish people in Russian Impair as working and living here.
*some my female ancestor (from Europe) had came as a Governance to look for Russian kids, too. But later she was a pregnant here and forced to be married for another horseman servant staff, with a huge financial support of the father of kids for whom she looked as their Governess, and such way was later to find her kids already as Russian Ethnic people and their descendants in Russia, my male ancestor was her oldest son, and others from her official spouse already. The real life, the real people, a love, the biological instincts and the surviving. My father surname Balzina really from her side as hers. Her native brother as another was Lavr Fedorovich Novikov, from Pheodor or Fedor Novikov, and his name of her brother was in The Book of Russian Nobles of Orlov Province 1914 year. Orlov = Earl, I have some genetic cousins, British, probably, Earl surname. And I saw 9 men with Voroncov surname, which making me to think about Voroncov Palace in Creamea place, as i knew some of my closed relatives lived in Pheodosia (Feodosia) and owed a piece of land near to a sea side between summerhouses of Voroncov and Kuznecov (= Taylor, if to translate on English). Surnames Voroncov, Taylor (=Kuznecov), Tylor are my genetic cousins in my genetic tests, some of them, of course. Some Godparents helped to these my relatives, living in Pheodosia in Creamea, helping financially. But as I knew, all them had not survived here during Russian Revolution in Creamea, as Russian Red Terror events here.
* As I had a curiosity, I tried to find more about Pheodosia and Creamea and people whom lived here or owed something before Revolusion 1917 year came.
* I find plenty surnames, as my genetic cousins, connected linked to Pheodosia town in Creamea:
Professor Clark from Cambridge, British Impair provided his statistic investigation of population of Pheodosia in 19 century, living a good work of reports, as amounts of properties, social status of inhabitants, their Ethnic and religious group.
Clark, Clarke are surname of my some genetic cousins by genetic tests.
Professor Clark, by documents, in writing, visited some English people, women, English women, whom came from British Impair to settle down in Russian Impair as the invention was from Russian Royalty Romanov family for plenty foreigners, European, Irish, Scottish, British, English, Germans, to come to settle down here as welcoming.
The surname one of English woman here was similar to which i know as a maiden name of my mother's mother, but sounding this in the case of the translation it on English,of course.
The history of Pheodosia connected to plenty writers, poems, artists.
One of them was Aleksandr Grin (sounding as Green), his famous books "The Scarlet Sails", as one Captain loved one girl, Assole, she was a really beautiful, kind, naive girl from the poorest family still, and he was a rich man, he used his money to make a true her dream, - he put The Scarlet Red Sails on his ship and came to her to say as he loved her and gave his offer to be his wife.
The maiden name of mother of my mother's mother was sounding as Green, or Grin - but as Zelencova on Russian (Zelle, if to pronance shortly, some as Mata Hari's maiden name by her father Zelle, as Neaderland, Holland area), and her name was Solomea, Salomea.
On English, here some play of words.
Ass Sole
Ass- the bottom
Ass - The Ass of Aviation = as the best pilot
Ass- there was legends about ancient Gods tribe Asses, Ass, Assi, whom was the best in their powerful technology and a really kid and beautiful men too.
On English, this would a double words plays, and a dirty sexual jokes meanings for a man or for a woman.
But and a clear meaning, especially for pilots of aviation.
A sole, alone, one, soul, - all similar sounding words here.
A Sole = Assole, - as someone, whom one, a single, alone.
But by sounds, we knew a words salt, salty, a salty life,
the ass of the salty life, - Assole.
So, I had been touched. My great grandmother was Solomea Zelencova, or Salomea Zelencova, which would be translated on English
as Solome or Salome Green or Grin or Greene,
or it would be in a shortage as Solome Zelle or Salome Zelle.
* the owners of this place which connected to me genetically, as Hinxton, ancient DNA of a family group of people, living here 2,300 - 1,500 year back in time, 6 person, as locals on the Great Britain land, some owners were Green of this place, by documents.
* Grin Green - this sounds as not Russian surname, but English or American base.
* I saw some my genetic cousin Green, in tests, but not so as closed relatives values
* Some Gypsy people had Green surname, too, as people, walking to villages to say a fortunes for a food and money and to sing songs and dance. Plenty Russian Nobles, including Aleksandr Pushkin, liked to vizit Gypsies people to listens their songs and to see dances.
* Russian famous actress, Rina Zeleonova (Rina Green, if to translate on English), plenty people liked and loved Faina (Rina) Zeljonova for her sparking characteristic play as the actress, she was a famous Jewish actress as Russian actress in Russia.
* So, the real history events and plenty surnames linked via Pheodosia town.
* Russian famous poem, a woman, Marina Cvetaeva lived in Theodosia in the house property of Lieutenant Schmidt, some time.
* I saw English surname Blossom as some of my genetic cousins surname in genetic tests.
* English Blossom = Cvetaeva on Russian
* Blossom and Schmidt , Blossom (Cvetaeva) and Schmidt,are my genetic cousins by genetic tests.
* Marina Cvetaeva (Blossom) lived in the house of Schidt in Theodosia, Creamia, during some time.
* One man said me that I looked as some as one photo of Marina Cvetaeva, yes, i do, but just if compare to one of her photo and not to all her photos, some my mother would have some similarities too.
* Marina Cvetaeva commitment a suicide. My youngest daughter too, tried, my father too, tried, my brother too, was near, my mother too, wanted but was a strong not to do this, and i was so near to this plenty times just the character and a strong will and the pray and duties to stay alive saved my life from a financial step to keep me here and alive as to be alive a hope and a help after or a joy or just.
* There was a special scientific laboratory for the cosmos for the safety landing issues studies, including the landing on the water, on the open water surfaces in Theodosia in Soviet time, this information was opened, in Internet and in locally tabs on building, so, Yury Gagarin, and Titov and other Soviet Cosmanauvt groups were being here on the training study for safe landing on the open water surfaces.
* I can be 100% sure, but, probably, I had saw my genetic cousin Titov in my genetic tests, had a curiosity, but later, this person extracted his data from a public access, so, i did not had a chance to look for all more closely or to memorize in a repeating this too.
* I visited Theodosia town in Creamea 1st time in my life in September 2010. I never visited this town in a Soviet time. Here are a famouse Museum of Aleksandr Green and The Art Gallery of Aivazovski , The famouse Artist, drawing a sea water.
* Here was a soft dry nice warm or hot air, a really calm place near a sea, a popular sea resort in the Russian Impair time.
* And a really hard bloody history of Red Terror with plenty tortured killed people.
* Theodosia had a longest history, better to buy a well-illustrated book, as here were being Huns, Old Greeks, Italian Genoa, Tatars, Turkish, Russians, Germans, Ukrainians, Tatars and Russians.
* Theodosia had a mix religions in the past, 7 religions, plenty Ethnic groups, Jewish and Jewish from Moldova, Azerbaidzhanian, Armenian, tatars, Italians, Europeans, Russians.
* By the statistic of Professor Clark from Cambridge, there were not plenty inhabitants when Turkish Muslim town started or returned back to Russian Impair by the victory in the war for this, plenty locals leaved areas, and properties had been filled by soldiers, so, this was the ask for foreigners to come to settle down to fill the land, as a welcome ask to Europeans and British.
* By hidden history, this absence of locals was or would explained not by the loss of the war for Muslims Turkish Tatars, but by this Catastrophe too.
* Some people think it could be much worse as a special killing locals by some aliens as "a harvesting time", and later this had been covered by official explanation of some war activities, moving all locals to leave their properties to run away.
* the real history may be this, that, a mix too.
* Here was some secret with Theodosia as soon as this was, plenty Poets and Writers and Artists had been invited to fluid this town as a sea resort, as a brushing old memory by new events and memory.
* Here was a really sad story as a type of some sad melody history,sounding on Russian "The Scarlet Sails" by Aleksandr Grin, a book, and a famous Soviet time film with Anastasia Vertinkaya, as the actress, performing a role of Assole.
* This was as a Himn , a sad story about dreams, which may start the true or to stay as a dreams just.
* Russian people used to do this story as a really romantic fantasy, as a tale.
* But English-speaking people would do another way, probably, as their strongest association fantasy for a rich Captain may put some Captain Rodger or Captain Battler (Buttler), a rich Pirate man in a love.
* English man would laughed on Assole name as this with the ass, ass, making plenty fantazies, and a sexual fantazies, and a really another character type, while this "sole", "single", "alone", as "some unmarried girl" would be leaved.
* Some English writer would tried to adapt this story on English style way, and making the new name, from Russian "Assole" female name to "Scarlet" female name.
* The English traditional sexy jokes about women in red, women wearing somethings a scarlet color clothes of shoes would be a closed translation to a name "Assole" but in more appropriate public way to read for women and men.
* And we see, as the result, - another famous book,
"Gone By a Wind"
by Margaret Mitchel,
as a love story of
Scarlet and Captain Butler, later her husband,
the historical time,
where plenty people had been killed and gone,
and survivors and women
tried to survive to live
to took their duties to others and to themselves
and to a land.
* The Russian book
"Scarlet Sails" by Aleksandr Green , pardon,
by Aleksandr Grin,
American English book
"Gone By The Wind" by Margaret Mitchell,
looking, so, as a really connected books,
one on Russian and
one of English,
both about the love of some Captain as a rich man to some unmarried girl from a good family but having financial losses,
and as a some melody of the time vents when plenty people gone and died,
some attempts to find a true love of your life,
a rationalism of the surviving,
a surviving.
* American Book "Gone by a Wind" is more biggest work as this would be as the continue of the 1st romantic story, finished by the marriage of Assole and her Captain, on another more detailed story, saying a vision before and after the marriage too,connected more people as a history in details,
But this book, as the some. I do not know why Holliwood and American intelligent educated writers had not introduced more old base romantic fantazy to a public in UK/USA, - probably, they confused about the female name Assole by their sexual association.
* But European cinema archive fond had Swedish famous film "Anna and Aleksandr" or somethings (I will check to say more clear name of a film), where the habit of a man and his love to his woman's ass had been shown as a realistic picture of reality of life and habits some men, making this "Ass" love just as some sexual choices and habits. This film shown the old traditions of men to say things as some thigs more openly rigther that started after as permitted publicly.
* Russian people had not know English language mostly to notice so sort details in sounds and words what English men or women would extracted to listen as words on English.
* But here there are no a point to think this association had been done especially, as, probably, not, just a play of words, and a play of sounds which sounding really melodic, as a melody, including a note Sole.
* Russian people and women and men took this female name Assole by sounds as a short melody sounds, as something what you feel from a sounds of melody, - a sadness of a joy, hope and the loss and the love and a memory.
* But Russian and English people had a different mentality in association, especially, so, this Russian romantic fantasy tale story would be just some fanny joke for true-English Gentlemen from a rich club, where they would discussed their horses, their lovers, their loves, women in red and scarlet clothes or shoes, and English and British men like to joke to laugh on "a Woman in red shoes", as having some jokes if a woman in a red shoes, she is a ready for a sex and wanted a s sex", by a hard true belief of Englishmen.
* I never knew this while i had not lived in UK, and i wearied plenty red color clothes and shoes, - my red raincoat from a wind and a cold was a scarlet red bright, my sweater was a scarlet, my summer shoes were red on a tallest highest hills. When USSR border collapsed, plenty British English men came to work to make their money to Riga, Latvia, and I had noticed somethings strange attitude to me from their side, as a really preferences me, by their strange talks, jokes, offers, attitude. I always had received a working place straight, coming on the interview in my scarlet sweater and red shoes, - i had a working place straight. British men liked a red and scarlet color, making them soft to a woman, romantic, while all their fantasies were just inside their head and in mine and mine. I just used this point to make my earning to have a working place. I could not understand this while i lived in Riga in Latvia and just when I moved to live to Great Britain, my British husband had opened my eyes to know somethings. Plenty British women here liked to wear a scarlet or a red dress, shoes, a red lipstick. Women like as this a bright, as a nice celebration sunny day. But men liked too, just joked to cover this via some shame and the delicacy to be open to say the truth.
* I wrote here this for Russians, reading on English, as plenty just had not knew such points. The red color is the success color.
* Some British Company used to put their staff in the red or scarlet uniform, suits, top, to make more bright, more active looking, as this a success color, - plenty British people liked a red color, and a red color lines inside the British Flag. So, looking a really bright and patriotic took.
* But if to see for a Butler surname, or Rodger surname, as for Captain and Pirate, - yes, I have surname Butler, yes, I have surname Rodger, and I have surname Kortes or Cortes as some my genetic cousins, Rodgers as more statisticly.
* Why do a simple Russian girl from Russia have this? If to see the history of Theodosia in Creamea, here had been the biggest Slavery Trade Center in Thedosia (Kafe, Kefe, Theodosia), and all pirates turned their ships which they cached on the see to here sold people cached as slaves here.
So, all these pirates, all these Captains of Pirate Ships, - English and Italian and Turkish Muslim and Arabic, - all them traveled to Theodosia in Creamea to Theodosian Trade Center of Slaves to sold people here.
The Silk Road connected Theodosia to China and India, with caravans, moving across a modern Russian area across Russia from Creamea to China and back.
Rome Legion men and Italian Bankers were in such caravans, Rome Italian Rome Impair people to protect goods and money.
Plenty trade men, plenty soldiers men, plenty bankers men, and so, they needed a warehouses and a pub and a hotel hospitality and women, - women were being money in a long journey to sold to kings of local tribes for the permit to move across the area safety.
One of the richest man, as a greatest collector of the beautiful women, was a Tatarian Khan, a tatar, living in Saratov, and this Silk Road way was across his land.
So, Travelers of a silk road, making a sale of women from pirates as Captains of Mediterranean Pirates, and they took them with their caravan trips to China, paying to locals kings of tribes, - to Saratov Tatarian Khan by women, whom where as money and a value.
Some women had been used as for the prostitution to make money from male travellers, some women were a personnel lovers, some wives.
In old age, the value of a men and his heritage value was in the quantity of his wives as his and in his lambs, bulls, horses, too.
By one legend, Saratov Tatarian Khan collected 1,000 women, by another, he had 100 his official wives (just his own as his property).
Tataria had collapsed, and Christian political power gave a freedom for women.
I read as when forein men came in Saratov town, they had a cultural shock to find here most beautiful looking women in their lives. (so, this was a work of a collector of a beautiful women as a result).
I had my ancestors, living in Satarov and my mother lived here too, with relatives of her father's side, as a child.
My mother's cousin was as a beautiful dream fairy woman, as White Lady, so beautiful look, with the purest white soft skin, and beautiful face and eyes and plenty soft waved curvy hairs.
If to see her face as she looked, so beautiful, you may think you meet a Goddness.
She was not just a really beautiful looking woman, but a special woman, a kind, and honest. Her husband had an accident on his working place, feld down and broke his back badly, making him a disability man.
She was as some dream woman, a beautiful, she could left him to find someone else, but she had not, she had not left her husband, she stayed near, loved him and he her, their family life atmosphere was a really comfortable, with soft smiles, a kindliness, a comfort to stay here as a their guest.
Some people, as they alive emotional people, in their different opinions to all, having their family battles, which so uncomfortable to listen as their argue, which i never had in my mother's cousin house, it was as a special place for a rest of the soul, so comfortable, soft, nice, kind, no any loud sounds, no argues, a peace and a calm for the soul.
So, my mother's cousin had been not just the beauty by her look, she had more highest beauty as her manners, her attitude to people around her.
It was something you never forget if see or meet, as a real present of a destiny to see or meet such beautiful nice kind police people.
And, if you have a stress from your job, where plenty noises, argues, all, when you return back to your home as this with my mother's cousin, - you have a rest as in the nature where all soft, natural, calm, and you relaxing, calm down, as drinking the purest clearest spring water.
This something, which so unusual to be able to find in Great Britain near plenty British women educated to shout loudly all time or swarring loudly publicly, with the hard belief of the protection their values, characters, goals, tasks, opinions, - and you dream to run from this all to a pub or to a club to sit down to relax and have a rest.
I had not saw British women as this, including in a villages,
so type of women are common for Russia were (not so common as now, probably),
as a new education tried to teach girls and women to shout really loudly,
similar to a optional look as British girls and women.
But if you would saw this old fashion way of all, tis was a real value,a real value, which did not need to shout loudly to be noticed some as a spring small river in the spring forest did not need to be noticed to be recognized as a nice.
I and my mother, we had not this, we were being really emotional, as a mix of Tatar and Italian and etc and Latin American blood was not the soft nice true-born as Russian Slavs.
I finded Tatarian blood, a Tatar man, Yusupov or Usupov with his mother Tatar woman Karimova, as my genetic cousin by my genetic tests.
And Bekki Davis, from Tiffani, she from Naryshkin family woman, where they came from Tatar Naryshka, making his luck and fortune later, a lot, and the woman of this family was a famous Natalia Kirillovna Naryshkina, a wife, an official wife, of Russian Tsar Peter The Great.
There was a really biggest Tatar family, named themselves as Russian Naryshkin family to make careers in Russian Impair time, and they did, a lot, mixed with plenty Russian Nobles, so, to search their genealogy is the search the Russian history fact, the losses and victories.
There are not all had been Russian Nobles, probably, making a big family mix link between plenty social groups, from the top level Russian Nobles as part to Russian Royalty blood was and to a simple ordinary people, or just soldiers, farmers.
Some Russian Naryshin Nobles had a loss of their Russian Noble status back to ordinary people, as a mistake or not, a wrong choice or not, to go to protests against Russian Tsar strong cruelty rules to ordinary people in Russia, and this twig ended to be sacrificed from Russian Nobles back to the ordinary simple people, had a penalty to be forced to live abroad, some left Russian Impair.
That this was a right to mark, it was clear just by Russian Revolutions 1905 and 1917 year, as all unsolved points of the not right cruel traditional attitude to ordinary simple people of Russia from a side of more highest social richest classes ruined Russian Impair as a country and social groups in full.
So, the attempt of some men of Naryshkin family to point on some wrong moments if this would be accepted by another way, - this would saved Russian Royalty Romanov family and Russian Impair and the personnel properties of each Citizen of Russian Impair.
But for richest powerful social groups or Royalty, it was not accepted to listen any advice, any opinion or any thoughts, sometimes, from no one at all, as a weakest point of education if social system of classes and groups with the definition of steps of each with limits for each.
All people are their weak points and their strong points.
The weak points of the more highest had a loss of everything for all, as a result.
Plenty people in Russia talk and want the return back Russian Monarchy System, as this so nice looking and no mess as a political battle for a battle and no results, as the democratic changes were not able to improve lives to live better, as each new coming Democratic Politicians to a power started to worry just about the power and money in own pokers righter for others, they forgot all their promises on the vote days straight, making to keep some problems unsolved again.
Personally, I think, this is a nice idea, as a Monarchy, as beautiful women in a beautiful clothes and shoes are a really nice picture to up a mood.
I pity for all what was in Russian Royalty family, as a really unhuman cruelty
of criminals to children, girls, women, men.
There was a tragedy.
And soon after this, others had been killed on all area of Russian Impair, too,
as a mark of a power and the attitude to kids, women, men, humans.
But this pityness had not put me to think to wish the return back of Romanov family, as this family had not been interested to solve problems in time, and ruined lives of each and their own by this.
If to put some sort of some people on the some all, - there will be the some end after, again as was in 1917, - the bloody mess of Revolution and ruins of all.
People of Novgorod or people of Ukraine or people of Russia voted to pick their King or Their Tsar as their Manager, and so, this is a really old fashion tradition to vote to pick to choose someone.
But any vote is a point of money. Some man could have more money to pay for his vote, to others to vote for him-her,
making the final result as not the best solution and choice, sometimes.
Russian Old Nobles clan people voted for Romanov as their King, from their point of you, - this had not worked, as they had been destroyed as a social clan group after and their power too.
The some Russian Old Nobles clan group voted and picked the official wife for Russian Tsar Peter The Great, not permitted to do his choices by his biological instincts and his mind his soul his personnel choice, - this choice of a wife for Peter The Great was not successful at all, as we see.
If he would picked by his choice, this would worked to make Russian Tsar as a happy married man, so good and for Russia,
and he moved to look for other women, foreign women, they came, plenty of them,-
from Holland, from England, from France, Europe, each had her hope,
plus some locals.
And this way works.
Russian Old Nobles picked a really cruel man, as their Tsar and for all.
He turned them down, to make more choice and more power.
The building of the bloody attitude to locals with no Merci, turned down faces and making Revolution 1917 with the end of the cruel power and the start of the another cruel power era.
Somethings similar to Peter The Great was in England.
English King Henry VIII was the Greatest King, he turned all way to the greatest country to British Impair way, he "had built" the country base, on a way, as Great Britain base now.
But 2nd point of the truth, that there had been 28,000 people killed by orders of The courts of orders of Henry VIII, and the destiny of his 6 wives was not a sugar or a honey love destiny, - killed, by orders.
28,000 people had been killed, from each social classes of England, from the Top Royalty as wives of English King Henry VIII, Top Range Nobles group, to simple ordinary people.
This loss as a war of the invasion with the mass deaths of local population after as locals in England.
This tone, this style is working still not as the cruelty style.
Our British Top Politicians are sure somethings working in 15-16 centuries?
so will work and in 21 century too!
The time changes just not for each and all, some still sit down in their beloved 16 century time.
We can not to be judges for the past, we live in the present, but we may to deal with situation and people by another way ? not as this was common in 16 century?
England, Russia, - someone in a top power is sure all the some as was in 16 century.
Oh, no!
there are somethings about a time measure units.
I will be as a Talking Parrot here again, as I will repeat what i read and saw, for you to find more yourself after if interesting.
The art items, drawings, pictures, documents in writings, some, have dates
- year or a full date or just the year in a handwriting or printing.
the official history at school is teaching as the measure years from The Jesus Christ Birth as
1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10, 11,..., 99, 100, 101, ..., 2018, ...
100 years = 1 century
1 century,
2nd century,
21 century (now)
as the time orientaion
and years Before The Jesus Christ, to
AD or AC - After (Jesus Christ) Birth Date
BD or BC - Before (Jesus Christ) Birth Date
(I did not checked this, i had been educated on Russian in Russia, this is not so common use for me to memorize to be sure I am right here)
But this new Calendar had not existed on the Birth Of Jesus Christ in year 1.
There was another calendar, with somethings as over 7 thousand years already here.
when the
New Calendar from Jesus Christ
came to be introduced to use this,
in Christian countries of
Europe, England, abroad, as a new time measure unit Calendar,
plenty people
used to put this
Latin letter
I or i or J or j
prior the year number,
to mark this year vizual
as from The New Calendar
from Jesus Christ birth.
Year 597 would be written as year
i597 or I597 or j597 or J597.
Year 697 would be written as year
i697 or I697 or j697 or J697.
Year 797 would be written as year
i797 or I797 or j797 or J797.
But, there are Rome Numbers,
I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X, XI, XII, ...
I = 1
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, ...
I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X, XI, XII, ...
I = 1
And, so, after some time,
all dates from the New Calendar from Jesus Christ Birth
had been re-written
by another way,
with the visualization
Latin letter
I or i or J or j
for "Year from Jesus Christ Birth" mark
as 1 as I = 1 for Roman Numbers.
This make the re-writing dates in new manner style:
Year 597 would be written as year
i597 or I597 or j597 or J597
Year 597, in writing as year
i597 or I597 or j597 or J597
had been re-written by new style
as Year 1597
Year 597 = Year 1597
Year 697,
1st had been written as year
i697 or I697 or j697 or J697,
2nd after had been re-written (as I=1)
Year 1697
Year 697 = Year 1697
Year 797 would be written as year
i797 or I797 or j797 or J797.
Year 797 = Year 1797
Year 897 = Year 1897
Year 997 = Year 1997
Year 1997 = Year 997
Year 1999 = Year 999
Year 2000 = Year 1000
Year 2018 (this year) = Year 1018
if to write in 1st old style manner: another style
Year 2000 = Year 1000 as Year i1000 = 11000 (i=1)
Year 2018 = Year 1018 as Year i1018 = 11018 (i=1)
there are a huge gap in 1,000 years
looking as disspared
Year i567 = 1567 after in a modern official history
We knew,
there were and was some events,
Great Flood, Gigantic Wave
in 15 century,
in 16 century, ...,
in 19 century, ...
as photos are open publicly to find this all.
Plenty people had been, so, killed,
in huge numbers of loss.
Buildings had a loss of first floors,
all had been filled by a soil river dust soil,
inside building and streets,
some areas stayed as underground Catacombs
deeply underground areas.
Some items of culture had been washed out,
some saved safe, if a water and soil dusts had not the access.
How investigators can imagine this,
someone new came to settle down,
as survivors whom left occationally
or some new resources, clones,
or deliveries from other planets another planet to here.
They finded and saw artefact's other civilization lives here
and they adapted buildings, items, another history as own,
saying "This is mine! I always lived here in this place! some my ancestors over 500-600-1,000 years! in some place! In same village! in some Castle! We are a true-locals!"
But some true-locals survivors had been killed, tortured, burned to cover this fact as strangers from somewhere came and took properties, goods, items as their own.
Physiological, if your home if your home and your property,
you never will shout loudly about this each time for all others,
whom had not asked you this.
Look, if people took the empty properties, some with left died people, some with survivors, whom they killed, they would prefer to cover themselves and this,
with the aggression to shout they are true-locals
and to push others to left to protect their secrets from others
not to recognize such secrets and the real truth.
Nobody danced near his car on the street around, shouting to others:
- This is mine car! Always was mine car! soon as I remember my birth as a newborn baby this was my car! and my parents said me this is my car! as theirs! from their birth! and you are not a true-locals! here! Go away from this my car away! Not stay here on this street, as my car is here!
But if someone a Thief, looking to still other people car without witness,
or a Murder, trieng to protect to be open as he just killed someone, putting a died body in the car to take away, - he had not needed any witnesses to see to know to find this, - he tried to rid away all witness, that they would left.
Somethings similar in areas of British small villages, some,
when locals tried to shout loudly here their true-born in UK place only
for other to leave this place.
Plenty houses, everyone had his own place,
other people had not go to your house,
so, what would be a point to worry for innocent person?
But if criminals covered some crimes,
they would yes, they would worry not be opened.
I never thought by such way before
I never thought about this all before
I never would started to think about this tooo,
The 28-29-35 (as was not changes, just in her age) Btitish woman and her mother started to humilate to bulled me.
They shouted me, loudly, while I had not answered them this at all,
but they shouted they are a true-born in UK British locals,
that their ancestors lived here in this particular place over 600 years and more.
Unfortunately for them, while I was not able to talk on English to prounance sounds looking as their local style of dialect, - i was able TO READ on English.
I did the technical translation from English to Russian.
(never back, so i was just able to read to understand, but not to say or write or pronounce).
I came to local library and the Internet, I read books about the local history,
- the geological history of the place in billions years back in time,
- the local history.
Someone wrote a brilliant book, collection lots facts.
I knew, there was not any village on particular that place and houses and properties, too, - all these came with mines work and houses for miners
as comining from a not long time ago back,
this house which she blamed as her family for 600 years,
had been built just in 1978 year, as a new building for miners,
starting to work in the local mines.
That in the middle age, in this places was a huge Black Death loss
So, each "locals" as
"a true-born British local in this village"
had came to settle down here
from some another place,
his her native true-Motherland places, so,
so, they came in, each all migrants as no locals,
here had been no alive locals, all died,
but they had finded other people properties, houses, items insite,
they started to live here as locals
and having habit to shout loudly to each including whom had not asked them this, too,
that their ancestors lived here always.
and no one word or a memory about the places from which their ancestors had came.
But can imagine?
Empties houses with died bodies or nobody at all?
if someone had survived, - they would be killed to take their properties
by new coming groups.
We know, after this,
plenty local women, kids, men, had been killed in a fire
as Witches
or to close mouthes about events in the past forever.
someone always picked left properties of killed people,
their houses, their personnel belongs, items.
And on another way, how to protect your life? when always this in a fire just the death and deaths? with a fully satisfied faces whom did this all? organizing and did this all?
To survive was to run, to run away to find the safety places.
Plenty survivors had run away, plenty run to Russian Impair land.
The land was without population after a huge Gigantic wages and "Harvesting locals".
Women and men from British Impiar, Irish, Scottish, English women run away from Great Britian to Russia to start their new life here as... as Russian, as Russian Ethnic.
Some huge bloody mess of blood and fire was in Europe, and plenty European women run away from Europe to Russia to Russian Impair, -
French, German, Italian, Romanian, Hungarian, Finnish, Swedish, Austrian, Jewish,
they were welcomed.
Tataria, Tatrs liked to have plenty women, so, plenty their kids, their dependents.
There were waves pf migration which never stopped.
Russia was a huge land, any may hide themselves, making own houses from a wood in a forest near a river or lake.
So, plenty true-locals from island England and Europe run away to protect their lives and as so, their decedents started to be Russian Ethnic, talking on Russian, living in Russia, in Russian Impair.
To find these ancient roots of Great Britain, some ancient family would be more easy in Russia, probably, righter in Great Britain with a huge genetic mix of all with migrants and a loss of locals via The Black Death and 300 of the fire of Inquisition.
Russian men in Russia were being more clever men, they liked each women for a sex or just.
As this, plenty women gave plenty kids, and a huge hole of the loss of population filled.
Plenty mixed genes or not mixed, some kept own way,
they had a good memory to the land of their ancestors.
and as a result,
plenty Russian people were soft to Great Britain and England,
--- there was no one war between British and Russian Impair never.
Russian helped to British to stop WWII and a bombing of British properties, so,
they came to Berlin in May 1945,stopping WWII and saved British lives,
but they never came to London or England or Great Britain,
- they had stayed on the Northen part of Germany for a while,
and they returned back to their Russia land after.
While British Politics continue their rubbish blame on Russia from May 1945 time,
that Russia WANTED to come to take all British land, each British Castle to them!
Look, if Russians would wanted this, they would came in!
But they have their OWN LAND and their own country which they like!
a huge area, with plenty empties spaces,
much nicely to live here on this land with a freedom to walk to swim to fish.
This funny to see as plenty British men sit down closely around a small pound, fishing looking to each another, near the dirty water surface.
Russian men like to fish that here would be no one around and a clear water surface to fish or to swim or to drink this as a clear water.
Russian men like to fish to relax and for a food supply, - they cook a fish soup on a fire near a river to eat this, or to fry.
If British people would travel to fish in Russia, they would understand why
nobody wants to go to take British land with dirty small ponds with no provacy and for money still.
If you look beautiful Russian girls and women, whom are calm, not shouting loudly always as British women, -you would understand why Russian men prefer their own land, their own women and wives,
English women never were being popular for Russian men and Russian Nobles men,
- each laughed on them as a jokes.
Just British men may like as their fun such.
Russian people like a kindness and no any loud sounds.
British women with their pipipi thinnest sounds tember as a barking of a smallest dogs noise, to have a headages.
Just British men like this as a habit and a fun.
British Lady and women are not whom will care a lot for her husband, her kids, - she is a self-fish.
By Russian men point of view, here nothing to see too, mostly.
no breats, as kiddish body of teenagers with some minds of kids.
You may not able to talk with them. just a sex and this all.
Plenty British men stopped to have a sex with British women, whom they named as the evil women and they prefer to live a man with a man as much comfortable choice and so better.
Plenty British women never were or will be married - they do not wanted as possible wives by British men, they unwanted women by British men.
Just poor Russian Spies Girls as Anna Chapman and Russian Spies men, obligated by their type of work to attract to have a control and the access of the information so they sold their sex touches for the information and money, money and the information, as a deal base relation.
See, Anna Chapman might disliked but she was ready as Russian Spy women to have a duty of sex for the information and money, money and the information, the information and the move.
Any Russian Spies , males and females, just, really, whom would obligated by duties of their work to a sexual contacts or chats and talks.
But I doubt all others as ordinary people would have them as their friends or knowns just,
as this is not a fun to burn own mood, own health, to listen English thinnest timber voices how some voices of smallest barking noisy dogs, - this is a headache.
and nothing nice in any communication process.
and the look and the optional look is not a joy to see.
So, forgot to dread Russian beautiful women and Russian beautiful men with attack England to catch your dirty land with dirty water lakes and such looking women whom as Russian roads in Russia for the protection of Russia, some your look of your people a good protection from any idea to visit to see this all.
Russian people like all beautiful things as They are Nordic, Arian Orian Race, and all is really beautiful in them, if they are not "British shpies, playing roles of Russians".
Russian people they are as alive living people.
British Society people as sleeping died, each as a zombi or a robot, each as all, no a life or the individuality.
As Zombies wearing dresses, really.
British people in UK did a huge mistake as just a fear of USSR was a stop for British rich and middle social classes to make social protection for people in UK, as they had a fear of USSR, Revolution, a loss of all.
British people acted as idiots whom had their things on this wave only.
British people voted for British Politicians with Cold War Ideas,
as a good idea to ruin the economy of own alias during WWII time which JUST ONE helped FREE and HELPED, had stopped war, coming to Berlin in May 1945.
British people had their experience as during 1939-1945, America had not stopped Hitler and Germany, America had not provided a free help too.
Just when Russian people came in Berlin in May 1945, they stopped Germany to bomb British properties.
And they had not took money from British budget for this help for Great Britian, had they? They had not go to look London too after? To whom we will help here, really?
There was a friend of Great Britain, a closed true friend, fighting together, a shoulder to a shoulder with British people, 1941-1945.
Hitler Attacked Russia in 22nd June 1941,
Great Britain attacked Russian taking this war instead Hitler in May 1945, declared a Cold War to ruin USSR-Russia.
Russia had not attacked Great Britain too, again, while USSR had resources and could manipulated a world prices, but they did not.
So,turst me, Russian saw to remember all everyrhing to lean a true-British National Character to kill someone whom they used just as their closed allies to stop a war to save lives.
We had not ideas to come to Great Britian, to mix themselves with cold self fishes egoists and idiots whom and not beautiful by their look, voices, manners but as friends tooo, - always see to make some evil thing and to kill, not pity a Country of Widows and Orphans without men, as 50 billions lives loss.
People see Ukraine to know this English-speakers Murders.
They do not wish to come, live on own, alone.
Look, you are English-speakers Monsters, your are British!
with your "British politics of brainwashed idiots".
They are normal people, alive people, they are Russians.
Their women much better more kind and beautiful.
Russian men laughed saying about British women as some type they put in the summer house to make birds and crowns to fly away in fears, - with voices as crowns, or small dogs, with bodies of kids, some mind of idiots.
Nobody dreams to communicate with idiots.
You always have dirty sexual fantasies
Your fantasies as women flied naked in the sky, so, your men and women tried to kill plenty local women and kids, to stop this.
300 years British men killed plenty locals women, liking to play The Great to fight with their women to kill them all!
What did women?
They gave a birth from so sort idiots men? as having a sexual attraction to the evil murders whom killed plenty women?
Oh, these true-born British women with their faces and years of hyenas on the joy of satisfaction if they saw tears, humiliations, - they always worry someone to kill, so type of your true-born in England British women.
Look - British Colonies run away from your true-born "British women and men", - they run away, saying WE DO NOT WANT YOU< YOU ARE UNWANTED HERE IN OUR COUNTRY<
with your dominant idiots activity of sadists, enjoying just a power and money and humiliation.
There was a British Impair&
So, these rich social class of British idiots, women and men, could be so attractive place or look or the experience of communication to others?
When you look these faces or listen what how they talk on their political battles in Parliaments, you always think they are idiots, do you?
as if you would not, you would always voted to some and some always, making you happy to live in UK.
I feel a tiredmess to see plenty idiots in a political power with their ideas of idiots.
Look, Tereza May tried to stop British people to go to look World Football Game in Russia 2018.
Was you this idiot whom listened did as she said?
If so, you run to buy air ticket to fly to Russia to see your England team by more and much high prices.
so, to see a difference in air ticket before , if you buy in a right time, making a deal,
and when you buy at last moment.
Someone did a huge profit on this.
Teresa May had filled a budget as taxes were more high from more high prices.
So, if you had listened speeches British PM Teresa May, - you had a loss of YOUR MONEY from YOUR POCKET paying more high top price for air tickets to Russia.
This loss of your money as you was the idiot whom listened British PM speeches.
But this the some always, just this more easy to see in money.
So, as the result,
air company had a profit of more highest proces
a UK gov had more taxes in their budget, - nice for them, not for you,
as they all took your money from your pocket to their pockets
as their profit
from you to be the idiot to listen Top Politicians PM Teresa May and others.
They had all, leaving you your money in your pocket less.
British newspaper wrote that it was some corruption financial deal tip to Teresa May pocket money for her to lie.
Sp, any may buy British Premier Minister of Great Britain to say anythings? just to pay and all?
and you will be this idiot whom will trust and believe&Shouting England! England! with your British flag,
and looking as the idiot for others, the idiot, whom had been on belief in a lie,
still really happy and patriotic idiot.
Great Britain Gov like idiots.
Some as in Simpson film:
- Dear! These kids believe in all what i lied and said them! Amazing!
Plenty British people whom so a lie, visiting Russia, they had been patriotic to be happy to shout:
- England! Great Britain! British!
To wave by British Flags?
But they all are idiots? not recognizing the lie of Their British PM to them?
I sure they all knew the truth of lieing and a lie, as plenty lied and lie too,
as rules of UK life.
So, to look as funny idiots for other to look to laugh
that their British PM lied, they ate easiliy,
as they are slaves with no speeches rights in UK
as just to look as a really patriotic idiots.
Look, this their life, their traditions, their life style,
let's leave them.
I hope, England will win.
England never had such result for 28 years, just losses in a football.
So hard to make 1 ball to jump by a right way and direction and speed!
But I sure, England will win this time! as already so near!
The Personnel Touch in Great Britain - 1
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