
Go thru the wild forest
There an old oak groun'
She's came alone after hard day work

She's found a man was as good as Lord
But he's laying below in his dirty clothes

Hello - she said - but he wasn't moved
And she's came closer and found him out
His face was smashed and his hands were in blood
And his blood was all over around
She's tooken him and drew alone
To her house that was at the end of the Old Oak road
She's washed his blood and covered him warm
And called all who's near around


Нe was at yard when he waked in bed
She was his nurse who look'd after


And when spring came

He's got back home

And at some days
He's returned

I'm a King
And you saved my life
Please merry me
And be my Bride


Thank you
My King

She said

But I'll never be your bride


And the King and Lord came back alone
And the birds was singing at his way home


Теорема Зеро


